It starts somewhere

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We were there when everything happened. When the republic turned into the empire. We were young, only 7 and 8 when An- no Darth Vader attacked the temple and killed the Jedi and the other younglings, we were among the few to survive watching many of our friends die. Master obi-wan sent out a message to any remaining Jedi to remain hidden and he took us to a planet and left us with a small ship and some money before he left to force knows where. We were in hiding for 3 years together on a planet called luthal, all we had was each other and a few locals who we traded goods with. By then we had made our lightsabers, mine a dark blue and at the time his was green. Marcus was acting strange and when I confronted him finally after weeks of him not being responsive and being an asshole he snapped. I shouldn't have said anything. I won't get into the details but he turned to the dark side and almost left me for dead, I guess he couldn't kill me after all we had been through. He left and I never saw him again.
Because of him I have a large reminder of what happened and I've been on my own since.

It took me 2 years but found a pilot who I paid after selling everything we had other than the essentials, and went to tattooine, a desert planet on the outer rim. I used what was left of the money I had and got a small hut on the edge of a village. An old man and woman took me in as I was still quite young and I worked in their little shop mechanical shop to earn my keep. 5 years passed before I met Ben, a kind old man who happened to be force sensitive as well. I asked him time and time again if he was a Jedi and he always said no. He helped me learn to control my connection to the force and improve my lightsaber skills which he was very knowledgeable about. 8 years later I was in the market getting the supplies I needed for the week and I decided to go to the local bar to get a drink. By this time I was 26 and well over the legal drinking age of the empire. I kept my head low until I saw Old Ben walk in with a young man, I finished my drink and walked over to greet him. "Hello there, Ben" I said and looked to the man next to him, he looked to be slightly younger than I. "Elizabeth! I haven't seen you for years" I nodded as ben's companion looked at me confused. I nodded as ben's companion looked at me confused. "How do you know old Ben?" He asked. "Oh excuse me, I didn't properly introduce myself, Elizabeth Kane at your service" I said and did a small playful curtsey. He just nodded and looked back to Ben "Luke, his name is Luke" Ben said. "Can I help you boys with anything?" The bartender behind us asked. "We are looking for a pilot-" Luke stated or tried to say before I cut him off with a follow me jester. Strange creatures play exotic big band music on odd-looking instruments as Luke downs a fresh drink and follows Chewbacca, Ben and I to a booth where Han Solo is sitting.

Han is a tough, roguish starpilot, a mercenary on a starship. I nod my greetings to Han as Chewie goes to stand next to him. "Han Solo. I'm the captain of the Millennium Falcon. Chewie here me you're looking for passage to the Alderaan system" Ben nods "Yes, indeed. If it's a fast ship." I turn to Ben with a shocked expression "you've never heard of the Millennium Falcon? It's the ship that made the Kessel run in less than twelve parsecs!" Han turned to me with an impressed look before turning his attention to Ben. I looked down sheepishly, embarrassed by my actions. "I've outrun Imperial starships, not the local bulk-cruisers, mind you. I'm talking about the big Corellian ships now. She's fast enough for you, old man. What's the cargo?" "Only passengers, myself, the boy and the 2 droids" Ben said calmly. "What some kind of local trouble?" Han asked as I took out my small flask of water to take a drink. "Let's just say we'd like to avoid   any Imperial entanglements." Ben stated as Han laughed "Well, that's the trick, isn't it? And it's going to cost you something extra. Ten thousand in advance." Luke's eyes widen "Ten thousand? We could almost buy our own ship for that!" I glance over at him and shake my head "who's gonna fly it, you?" I scoff quietly. "You bet I could. I'm not such a bad pilot myself! We don't have to sit here and listen-""We haven't that much with us. But we could pay you two thousand now, plus fifteen when we reach Alderaan" Ben cut him off. I whisper my goodbyes to Ben and get up to leave but I'm stopped at the door of the cantina by stormtroopers, I keep my head down and they dismiss me with no problems, I start to walk towards the little hut that I now live in but before I can reach it Han comes up to me. "Yes, Solo?" I ask. "Don't think I didn't notice the way you got excited when talking about the Falcon, where did you learn so much about it?" He asks me curiously. "Oh, um I work in a mechanics shop nearby and I overheard a few pilots talking about it." I whisper my goodbyes to Ben and get up to leave but I'm stopped at the door of the cantina by stormtroopers, I keep my head down and they dismiss me with no problems, I start to walk towards the little hut that I now live in but before I can reach it Han comes up to me. "Yes, Solo?" I ask. "Don't think I didn't notice the way you got excited when talking about the Falcon, where did you learn so much about it?" He asks me curiously. "Oh, um I work in a mechanics shop nearby and I overheard a few pilots talking about it" I replied sheepishly. "Mechanics? Interesting. I have a proposition for you" he said with a smile. I look at his face closely trying to figure out what it could possibly be. "Come with us, you're a mechanic and I could use someone to help with repairs on the ship." I take a step back shocked "really? I'd be honored!" I say excitedly. Han nods before saying "alright kid meet at docking bay 94 in 20 minutes". I nod after grumbling that I'm not a kid I'm 26.

I run to my little hut and start packing a bag with my essentials which wasn't much, my lightsaber, a few changes of clothes and the one photo I had of Marcus and I before he disappeared. Next I headed off to the trader to sell the speeder I had as I wouldn't be needing it anymore and got 1000 credits for it which I put in my bag and then It was about the time Han told me to meet at the docking bay so I started my walk there. As I get there Chewbacca is leading the others into the giant dirt pit that is Docking Bay 94. In the middle of the huge hole is a large, round, beat-up, starship. The Millennium Falcon. I look at in awe as I walk up to Han as he's talking to Luke and Ben "She'll make point five beyond the speed of light. She may not look like much, but she's got it where counts, kid. I've added some special modifications myself. Now We're a little rushed, so if you'll hurry aboard we'll get out of here." I nod and walk aboard the ship and make my way to the cockpit as Chewie gets into the pilots seat and starts up the engines.

The other join us a moment later standing behind Chewie. I look out the window and I notice stormtroopers running into the docking bay "Han, Stormtroopers!" I yell down the hall hoping he could hear me from the loading ramp. The ship rises up and I hear blaster shots before finally Han comes into the cockpit and takes his place in the other pilots chair. We are soon out of tattooines atmosphere and into space, I have left the place I have called home for 14 years now. I look over to Han when he frantically starts typing on the ship's computer "It looks like an Imperial cruiser. Our passengers must be hotter than I thought. Try and hold them off, angle the deflector shield while I make the calculations for the jump to lightspeed." Chewie listens and starts the preparations. "Han 2 more cruisers are in  coming. They're gonna try and cut us off." I inform him taking the seat behind him. Luke makes a snarky comment which causes Han to give him attitude. Soon the ship is rattled after a blast from one of the cruisers hit. "We're losing our deflector shield. Go strap yourselves in, I'm going to make the jump to lightspeed." Han stated as Luke and Ben sit down in the other available seats to strap in. The ship goes into lightspeed and we escaped the cruisers. Han gave us the all clear to move about the ship so luke and Ben go to the central holding area and I decided to go with them a few moments later. When I walked through the door, the first thing I see is the glow of a blue lightsaber. I check the side of my belt covered by my coat that holds my lightsaber to be sure it's still there and sigh in relief that it is where I left it. Realising that Luke is the one with the saber I'm shocked, another Jedi? He is practicing on a little robot. "I wasn't aware Luke was force sensitive" I say as I walk fully into the room. Luke looks at me surprised and gets shot by the little robot. Realizing I caused that I quickly apologised. Ben nods as I walk over to him "yes, and you can tell him you are as well, you can trust him" he says to me in a whisper so he couldn't hear. I nod but look at him a little skeptical, unsure I should say anything about it. Suddenly I felt something so strong that I have to sit down from the pain.

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