The Ceremony

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~In Leia's room before the ceremony~
"Are you sure I have to wear a dress Leia?" I ask unsure of my look. I was wearing a pale yellow high low dress with my brown boots and a brown leather jacket. She sighed and set to work on my hair which I would have perfected in its usual half up half down style but she insisted on doing it her way. She braided to parts of my hair and tied them together at the back of my head, leaving a few strands out to frame my face. She then proceeded to curl my left over hair. She placed a small silver circlet on my head as well. When she was finished I looked in the mirror with shock. I hardly recognized myself. Leia went around the room getting herself together and doing her own hair. When she was finished she led me to a hallway that the boys were in and pushed me lightly in that direction with a smile. She continued to who knows where as I walked down the hall and there they were. Han, chewie and Luke. Han was facing me while Luke was the other way. "Well kid you clean up well." He says with a smirk. "You can thank Leia for this I would have just come in jeans and a shirt" I say with an eye roll. Luke turns around and his jaw almost drops. "Oh woah you-" he could barely get his words out. Han nudges him "you look great" he finally says. I smile and blush a little "you don't look so bad yourself Skywalker" I respond reaching up to fix his hair that had fallen out of place. Han is just standing there smirking at us when we hear music start. "I guess that's our cue to go" he says and steps towards the door with Luke and I next to him and chewie behind us. The doors open and we walk down the aisle with other rebellion members lining the walkway saluting us. Smiling when we reach the steps with Leia and other commanders she opens a box with 3 medals in it. First she goes to Han who winks at her when she is done. Next is me and I smile and bow my head for her to place the medal around. Finally it's Luke's turn and smiling she places it around his neck. Together we turn around to the crowd and raise our arms with a cheer and celebrations begin. We walk down the steps to see R2 waddling out good as new. Luke laughs and greets the droid. We all walk out of the main temple doors and out into the world. Celebrations are everywhere and I walk out of the room for some fresh air. Luke follows me out. "That was some adventure, are you ready for the next?" He asks me which made me jump slightly. "With you and the others, always." I respond looking up at the stars. He turns to me and grabs my hand. "We are going to train and get better and we will bring the empire down. They won't be able to hurt us as long as we have hope." I look into his crystal clear eyes and smile "yes. Hope. We are the new hope." I turn back to the night sky. "You look beautiful by the way El. In case I didn't say it earlier." I smile and blush glad it was dark out so he couldn't see. He turns back to the night sky as well. Still holding my hand, we stood shoulder to shoulder and watched the stars.

A/N: This is the end of new hope. Next up is empire strikes back, it will be continued in this book so no need to try and find its sequel on my page. I hope you enjoy and let me know if I can do anything better.

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