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Luke goes back to our camp to finish setting it up for the night while I stay behind with Yoda. "Master, what about me? Can I still be trained even though I am older than him?" I ask softly not looking at him. "Good to see you well youngling, glad survived you have." I smile softly at him. "It hasn't been easy master, Ben taught me little but I'm no Jedi" I respond and Yoda looks at me with interest. "trained you will be Padawan" he smiles "rest you will need." He said and I nodded, getting up and making my way out of his little hut. "Goodnight master" I say before heading to Luke and I's camp. Seeing me Luke smiles "did he say yes to training you as well?" He asks and I nod and his smile grew. "Oh I hope you don't mind that I set up a tent for the two of us to sleep in" he added. I blush slightly but nod nevertheless, I knew it would probably be cold at night. We both went around the camp turning off the lamps we had and crawled into the tent. It didn't take long for sleep to take me but it didn't mean it was peaceful.

Screaming and yelling. Blood. Fire. The temple. Marcus.... the others dead. No chance. Survival is all that mattered....the scene shifted....Luke. Han. Leia. Pain. Marcus. No. A void. Emptiness. I'm jolted away from those feelings as I wake up breathing hard and shaking. Luke is next to me, clearly I woke him up in the process. He rubs his eyes of sleep and takes in my appearance. I lift my hand to my face feeling the tears still on my cheeks and I wipe them away as I try to calm my shaking hands. Luke grabs my hands forcing it to stop shaking and pulls me into his lap to comfort me by wrapping his around me and whispering soothing things in my ear as I slowly relax. "I'm sorry..I..woke.. you.. up" I say quietly. He just shushes me "it's need to're ok" he says calmly. For a moment I wonder if he had ever had to calm someone else from a nightmare before or if it was just instinct. "Do you want to talk about it? You kept muttering things" He asked me after I had calmed completely and moved off his lap so that I was just sitting next to him. I brushed the hair out of my eyes and ran my fingers through it briefly. "It was of the temple, when I was a youngling, the destruction. I don't know how I survived, I was so young. I-I should have died that night..." I trail off. Luke looks at me sadly "No. Never say that. I would be alone" he says looking at my face closely. I scoff slightly "yeah right, you'd have Han and most importantly Leia. Don't think I didn't notice the way you reacted after she kissed you" I finished turning to lay back down and so that I was facing away from him. He sighs "that doesn't mean that I don't care about you" He tries to argue back but again I scoff "why do you care anyways, just go back to sleep, sorry for disturbing you" I say closing my eyes and burying myself into my sleeping mat and blanket. "For the final time you didn't disturb me" he says "I can't explain it but I feel the need to be around you..." he ends with a whisper and I barely hear it as I'm drifting back to sleep. The next morning I woke up in his arms with my head on his chest. I must have moved in my sleep, kriff. I just lay there for a moment unmoving, taking in the moment unaware that Luke had been awake for at least a half an hour already and refused to move so he wouldn't disturb me. I finally shift my weight and he notices and says good morning as I sit up and move away from him. "I'm sorry" I say quickly and get up wrapping a robe around me to stay warm and walk out of the tent. Luke calls out after me but I ignore him grabbing a quick breakfast bar ration thing and heading out to find a nice rock or stump to sit on. Finally I found an old rock to sit on and crossed my legs trying to get into a meditation position. I close my eyes and breathe in and out trying to slow my breathing and clear my mind. Out of nowhere Yoda pops up behind me, scaring me half to death with a "good morning is it young one". Opening my eyes I blink and raise my eyebrow at him "was it necessary to startle me like that master?" I ask, shaking my head lightly as he laughs at me. "Practice meditation you are doing today" he said after he finished his small laughing fit, I nod and close my eyes trying to once again calm myself. "Good.." Yoda muses once I have started my meditation "stay here and meditate all day you will" he finishes and walks away presumably to begin Luke's training. I reached out through the force and I can feel Luke tapping into it for strength and guidance as I send waves of warmth and comfort into the force. I feel as though I am floating but remain calm with my eyes closed and focused. When I open my eyes next it's night time and I lower myself down from my slight levitation. I head back to camp and eat another small ration bar before heading into the tent to see Luke already asleep from his exhausting training. I move lightly so as to not disturb him as I climb into bed and attempt to sleep. But same as almost always I have more nightmares although this time I don't appear to have woken him up in the process. I attempted to go back to sleep and finally did after a few more hours of being awake and staring at the ceiling of the tent, only to wake up once again with Luke's arms around me. This time I actually moved quickly and got a head start on my training.

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