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Our x-wings cut through the clouds surrounding cloud city to reveal landing pads. Landing we encountered no city guards. Luke scans the display panel with concern. "I have a bad feeling about this" I tell Luke and he nods in agreement. As Luke R2 and I move carefully down a deserted corridor, they hear a group of people coming down a side hallway. R2 lets out an excited series of beeps and whistles. Luke glares at the tiny droid, who stops in his tracks with a feeble squeak. Boba Fett enters from a side hallway followed by two guards pushing the floating, encased body of Han Solo. Two stormtroopers, who follow, immediately spot Luke and open fire on him. The jedi in training draws his weapon and blasts the two troopers before they can get off a second shot. The two guards whisk Han into another hallway as Fett lowers his arm and fires a deadly laser at Luke, which explodes to one side and tears up a huge chunk of wall. Luke and I rush to a side hallway, but by the time we reach it, Fett, Han, and the guards are gone. A thin metal door blocks the passage. Luke and I turn to see Leia, Chewie, Threepio, and Lando being herded down a second hallway by several other stormtroopers. Leia turns just in time to see Luke and I. "Luke! Elizabeth! Luke, don't - it's a trap! It's a trap!" Before she can finish, she is pulled through a doorway and disappears from sight. We race after the group, leaving the little R2 unit trailing behind us. We run into an anteroom and stop to get our bearings. Leia and the others are nowhere to be seen. Behind Luke and I, R2 scoots down the corridor toward the anteroom when suddenly a giant metal door comes slamming down, cutting off Luke's exit and separating us. Several more doors clang shut, echoing through the chamber. "Kriff, Luke!" I yell out and all I hear is a muffled response. I grab my saber to have it ready for whatever. "Kane" I hear causing me to turn quickly. It's him. "Alvarez" I say in response. He moves towards me from the shadows. "Still a puppet of the sith I see" he raises an eyebrow in response "surrender yourself to the dark side and we never have to worry about being hurt again." He says and I shake my head. "Never gonna happen Marc" I say, using his old nickname and watching him closely ready to defend myself if necessary. He smirks "I guess if you won't join us you will have to perish." I rolled my eyes and prepared my saber, moving the activation button to my thumb so I was prepared. He ignites his deep red saber and launches himself at me. As he reached me I ignited my vibrant blue blade to block him. I try to remain calm and let my anger and fear go as I had been instructed but it's hard when someone is constantly trying to kill you. "Isn't it bad enough that you left me for dead on lothal all those years ago, maybe you should have just killed me then." I shout out as I block another swing. He was using form 5. He scoffs continuing to push me back into another hallway. "I showed you mercy" he yells back and at this I roll my eyes. "You showed me mercy? If I hadn't received aid I would have died slowly. You left me to join the empire. The people who killed our friends, who forced us to grow up at 7 years old." I say and he pauses, hesitating slightly and this gives me a chance to push him back. Soon enough I have the high ground, standing above him on a staircase. Marcus yells and runs at me. He shuts off his saber which confused me deeply. Next thing I know he's knocking into me, grabbing my legs and causing me to fall hard on my back knocking the breath out of me. My lightsaber flew out of my grip landing in the corner of the room. Marcus stands quickly pointing his saber to me. I catch my breath after a moment of him staring down on me. "Are you going to kill me or what?" I ask him but he shakes his head. He backs away shutting off his saber. "I already hurt you once, I can't do it again, not right now" he says avoiding my gaze. I call my saber to me and I stand up. He opens the doors. "There must still be good in you Marcus." I say but he shakes his head. "Next time we meet it will be the end" he says darkly and walks away. This leaves me dumbstruck for a moment before I remember the task at hand, finding Luke and the others. I rush out of the hallway in time to hear Lando make an announcement. "Attention! This is Lando Calrissian. The Empire has taken control of the city. I advise everyone to leave before more Imperial troops arrive." In a panic, Cloud City residents are trying to get out of the city. Some carry boxes, others packages. They run, then change direction. Some are shooting at stormtroopers, others simply try to hide. I run into stormtroopers pursuing Lando, Leia, and Chewie who are firing back at them. Artoo works on another door to the landing platform while Threepio berates him for his seeming ineptitude. I join them almost scaring Leia to death by making her jump as I tapped her shoulder. "Have you seen Luke?" I ask her and she shakes her head. We retreat along the corridor. A triumphant beep from Artoo sounds and the door snaps open. We race for the Millennium Falcon as a battalion of stormtroopers reaches the main door. Lando and Leia hold off the troops as the droids get on board with Chewie and I. As Chewie bounds to the ship with Threepio on his back, Threepio hits his head on the top of the ramp "Ouch! Oh! Ah! That hurt. Bend down, you thoughtless... Ow!" Chewie and I work to start up the ship. The giant engines begin to whine as Lando and Leia race up the ramp under a hail of laser fire. Chewie works the controls as Leia sits in Han's seat and Lando watches over their shoulders. As Chewie pulls back on the throttle, the ship begins to move. The Millennium Falcon lifts gracefully into the twilight sky and roars away from the city. Troops fire after it and TIE fighters take off in pursuit. Leia seems to be lost in a fog, her expression troubled. Chewie is busy operating the ship. Lando stands next to the Wookiee, watching a readout on the control panel. I sit in the navigation seat behind Hans' normal pilot spot. Suddenly I hear my name ring out through the force. It's Luke. Leia turns to us "Luke... We've got to go back." She says and I nod in agreement. Chewie growls in surprise. "What?" Lando asks. "We know where Luke is." I say as Lando protests "But what about those fighters?" Chewie barks in agreement with Lando. "Chewie, just do it." Leia and I both order. "But what about Vader?" Lando says as he is still trying to protest. Chewie turns on Lando, the newcomer, with an ominous growl. "All right, all right, all right." Lando says as the Falcon makes a graceful banking turn back toward Cloud City.

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