A reunion of sorts

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Meanwhile in the garbage. "Oh! The garbage chute was a really wonderful idea. What an incredible smell you've discovered! Let's get out of here! Get away from there..." Han says as he goes to fire his blaster at the door. He does and The laserbolt ricochets wildly around the small metal room. Everyone dives for cover in the garbage as the bolt explodes almost on top of them. Leia climbs out of the garbage with a rather grim look on her face. "Put that thing away! You're gonna get us killed" She says quickly. Han scoffs "Absolutely, Your Worship. Look, I had everything under control until you led us down here. You know, it's not going to take them long to figure out what happened to us" he says and looks around the small room of garbage. Luke was already looking around the room when he finally realized what was missing. Elizabeth. "She didn't come down the tube. She must've gotten captured" He voices to the others and Han looks around confirming. "Then she may already be dead" Leia said with a grim expression. "Vader would have no mercy on her." Luke looks down sadly. In that short amount of time he considered her a friend, maybe even a close one, someone who knew how he felt. "Damnit Kane" he mutters to himself. "It could be worse though" Leia spoke up. Han looks at her "you never say it can't get worse cause it always does" He yelled out. A loud, horrible, inhuman noise worked its way up from the murky water. Chewbacca lets out a terrified howl and begins to back away. Han and Luke stand fast with their laser pistols drawn. The Wookiee is cowering near one of the walls.
Back in the vents. I continue crawling through the vents only stopping a few times for a moment of rest. I could tell I was over a meeting room because I heard voices. I pause and try to listen in. "Master they escaped the troopers in the detention area, would you like me to interfere" Said a deep yet familiar voice. Curious I peeked through the grate on the vent to try and see who it was. All I hear next is Vader himself speaking to the person before the line goes dead again. The man turns around and I'm shocked. I try not to make a sound. It's him. It's really him, after all these years, since he left me alone and hurt. The same dark hair and tan skin, with eyes that were a reddish tint. Dressed in all black with hints of red. I shook my head of my feelings, it seems as though he doesn't feel my presence, so I slowly begin to move on. Continuing through the vent I reach the hangar that contained the falcon. I climbed out of the vent and hid behind crates of Imperial supplies. A little ways away I spot R2 and 3PO, seeing that the crates made it possible for me to move and stay hidden I make my way over to them. "They aren't here! Something must have happened to them. See if they've been captured." I hear 3PO say and point to the computer socket that R2 could plug into. I move to crouch next to R2 who turns his head to beep to me and 3PO. "Oh my Elizabeth Kane! Where are the others?" Asks 3PO. I simply shrug "I lost them down a shaft, but don't you have a comlink that connects to Luke? Just try and contact him or hand it to me and I will". If 3POs eyes could widen they probably would have. "Right away miss" he nods and pulls out his com. "Are you there sir?" He asks into the com hesitantly. I turn away and try to focus on the storm troopers who are still patrolling around the Falcon.

Back with the group. They left the garbage room and the two men remove their now sopping trooper armor but keep the utility belt and blaster holder. "If we can just avoid any more female advice, we ought to be able to get out of here" Said Han as Luke just scratches his head and takes a blaster from Han. Luke, Han, Chewbacca, and Leia run down an empty hallway and stop before a bay window overlooking the ship. Troopers are milling about the ship. Luke takes out his pocket comlink. "C3PO do you copy?" "For the moment sir." "Oh give me that, we're in the main hangar across from the ship." A familiar voice says with a rushed tone. Luke looks at the others with a small smile "it's her, she's ok!" He says excitedly to Han and Leia. "Of course I'm ok idiot I'm not going down easily". Luke smirks "we're right above you. Stand by." Han is watching the dozen or so troops moving in and out of the ship. They start off down the hallway and round a corner only to run right into twenty Imperial stormtroopers heading toward them. Both groups are taken by surprise and stop in their tracks. Before even thinking, Han draws his laser pistol and charges the troops, firing. His blaster knocks one of the stormtroopers into the air. Chewie follows his captain down the corridor, stepping over the fallen trooper on the floor. "Get back to the ship" Han yells to Luke and Leia then goes down a different hallway to probably cause a distraction. "He certainly has courage" Leia said trying to get on the bright side of things. "What good will it do us if he gets himself killed? Come on!" He says and pulls her along to the hangar.
Back To the girl with the two droids. "3PO, R2 get to the ship I'll cover you" I say and pull out my blaster and start firing at troopers. Once they get to the ship I move as well, slowly trying to make my way to the ship when I hear lightsabers ignite. I freeze. "Turn around Eli" I hear and in that moment I wished the ground would swallow me whole. I slowly turn to face the man I once knew. Behind him I see Darth Vader down the hallway with Be- Obi wan also with lightsabers ignited. I placed a hand on my lightsaber hilt ready to ignite it if I needed to, I keep my eyes on the ground. "You're just as small as I remember Eli." He states with a smirk. "Oh really you're just as dumb as I remember" I say back looking up with a glare. " Now now Eli no need to get sassy, join me, Vader will ignore any past grievances you have committed against the empire." He says with a smirk. "As if I would ever join you, if I didn't join you then I won't join you now. I'm done being afraid of you." I ignite my saber and wait for him to attack. He doesn't get the chance to however as behind him is Han and chewie. They raise their blasters and fire two shots each, hitting him on his lightsaber shoulder. He drops his saber and holds it with his other arm. "Goodbye Marcus" I say and turn walking away, I deactivate my lightsaber and but it back on my belt, Han and chewie following. "Get to the ship and get it ready, I'll wait for Luke and Leia" I say to them once we get closer to the Falcon. I walk closer to the area in which Vader and obi wan we're fighting but still a distance away so I couldn't get hit by their sabers. The angry red and light blue lights bounced off each other. I see Luke and Leia on the hallway connecting to the entrance where I'm standing. They come over to me watching the battle as I am. Troopers run into the hallway behind Ben. Obi wan's eyes make contact with mine and then Luke's before Vader brings his weapon down on him. He's gone. Disappeared with nothing but his robes and saber there. Leia yells to Luke and I to run. I push Luke forward and I reach out with the force and bring his Obi's lightsaber to me. We take off and run to the ship. We board the ship as Han pulls back on the controls and the ship begins to move. The dull thud of laser bolts bouncing off the outside of the ship as Chewie adjusts his controls. "I hope the old man got that beam out if commission, or this is going to be a real short trip. Okay, hit it!" Says Han as we zoom out of the hangar. The Millennium Falcon powers away from the Death Star docking bay, makes a spectacular turn and disappears into the vastness of space. Luke, saddened by the loss of Obi-Wan Kenobi, stares off blankly as the robots look on. Leia puts a blanket around him protectively, and Luke turns and looks up at her. She sits down beside him. Standing against the wall I decide to walk into another room, another cargo area. Alone I sat down and finally let the tears fall. I contemplated going back to the other room to be with Luke for some form of comfort but decided against it. I could have saved them. Obi wan and Marcus. If I had just been stronger. I pull my knees into my chest and lay by head on them letting my tears fall until they can't anymore. I wipe them away and stare blankly at the wall for a moment. They may need me we certainly aren't out of danger yet, that I can feel. I walk back out of the other cargo area and into the cockpit. Taking Hans normal spot I begin watching through the window looking out at space to see if anyone had followed us. Chewie barks something quickly. "Here they come" I say to the boys in the gunners. The Imperial TIE fighters move towards the Millennium Falcon, one each veering off to the left and right of the pirate ship. The TIE fighter races past the Falcon, firing laser beams as it passes. Two TIE fighters dive down toward the pirate ship. "They're coming in too fast" we hear Luke yell over the com system. The two TIE fighters fire a barrage of laser beams at the pirate ship. Leia watches the computer readout as Chewbacca and I manipulate the ship's controls. An enemy laserbolt hits the pirate ship's control panel, causing it to blow out in a shower of sparks. R2 advances toward the smoking sparking control panel, dousing the inferno by spraying it with fire retardant beeping all the while. We watch as the fighters fly around us as we try to maintain the ships controls. Luke finally was able to shoot a few. And finally Han took out the last of them. "We did it!" Yells Luke and Han at the same time. The princess jumps up and gives Chewie and I a congratulatory hug. I move out of Han's pilot chair and he takes over, chewie leaves to assess the damage done and Leia takes his place. I decide to leave them and go out to the cargo hold. I sit at the small table and lay my head down. Luke walks in from the gunners position and sees me. "You ok Elizabeth?" He asks quietly while coming over and sitting next to me. I Lift my head up for a second "yeah totally" I set my head back down ".....does it look like I'm ok?" I say now muffled. "I miss him already" he says sadly. I lift my head again and nod "me too luke, me too." He turns to me and opens his arms asking me for a hug without saying anything. I nod and he moves closer wrapping his arms around my shoulders as I do the same pressing my face against his chest trying not to cry again. Leia storms into the cargo area clearly mad at Han for something and pauses when she sees us. I pull away quickly but reluctantly. "Your friend is quite a mercenary. I wonder if he really cares about anything... or anyone" She says and continues out. "I care.." Luke calls after her then gets up and goes into the cockpit to talk to Han. I shake my head and go to talk with Leia. Meanwhile in the cockpit "So... what do you think of her, Han? Leia I mean." Luke asks him after sitting next to him. He scoffs "I'm trying not to, kid!" Luke smiles and mutters good under his breath. "Still, she's got a lot of spirit. I don't know, what do you think? Do you think a princess and a guy like me...or maybe a certain mysterious woman?" Luke's eyes widen "No!" Luke says it with finality and looks away. Han smiles at Luke's jealousy. Leia is pacing back and forth muttering small curses. I walk over to her and put a hand on her shoulder to make her stop. "Hey..." Leia turns to me and smiles "Hello. I just don't understand how he can be so selfish and only care about money." She says frustratedly. "Princess if I may, he didn't sign up for any of this, fighting a war, freeing you, if I had the choice I wouldn't want to be involved either. I've seen a lot of things, I was just a child when the war started. All I'm saying is just try to understand where he's coming from." I pat her shoulder and walk back to the little booth seat and try to relax. I lay my head back down and try and get a little rest but not much came.

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