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A strange little furry face with huge black eyes comes slowly into my view. The creature is an Ewok. He seems somewhat puzzled, and prods Leia with a spear. The princess groans; this
frightens the stubby ball of fuzz and he prods her again. Leia sits up and stares at the three-foot-high Ewok. She tries to figure out where she is and what has happened. Her clothes are torn; she's bruised and disheveled. I move beside her and the Ewok jumps up and grabs a four-foot-long spear, which he holds in a defensive position. Leia watches him as he circles warily and begins poking us with the sharp point of the spear. "Cut it out!" I say as we stand up, and the Ewok quickly backs away. "I'm not gonna hurt you." Leia says and looks around at the dense forest, and at the charred remains of her speeder bike, then sits down, with a sigh, on a fallen log. "Well, looks like we're stuck here. Trouble is, I don't know where here is." She puts her head in her hands to rub away some of the soreness from her fall. She looks over at the watchful little Ewok and pats the log beside her. "Well, maybe you can help me. Come on, sit down." Leia tells the Ewok who tells her his name is Wicket. Leia pats the log again. "I promise we won't hurt you. Now come here." More growls and squeaks from the little bear creature. Leia pauses "All right. You want something to eat?" She takes a scrap of food out of her pocket and offers it to him.

Wicket takes a step backward, then cocks his head and moves cautiously toward Leia, chattering in his squeaky Ewok language. Leia nods "That's right. Come on. Hmmm?" Sniffing the food curiously, the Ewok comes toward Leia and sits on the log beside her. She takes off her helmet as I follow her example, and the little creature jumps back, startled again. He runs along the log, pointing his spear at her
and chattering a blue streak. Leia holds out the helmet to him. "Look, it's a hat. It's not gonna hurt you. Look. You're a jittery little thing, aren't you?" Reassured, Wicket lowers his spear and climbs back on the log, coming to investigate the helmet. Suddenly his ears perk up and he begins to sniff the air. He looks around warily, whispering some Ewokese warning to Leia. "What is it?" Suddenly a laser bolt comes out of the foliage and explodes on the log next to Leia. Leia, Wicket and I all roll backwards off the log, hiding behind it. Leia holds her own laser gun ready, and I take out my saber while Wicket disappears underneath the log. Another shot, and still no sight of anyone in the forest. Then Leia and I sense something and turn to find a large imperial scout standing over her with his weapon pointed at her head. He reaches out his hand for her weapon. "Freeze! Come on, get up!" She hands the weapon over as I slide my saber into the sleeve of my poncho, as a second scout emerges from the foliage in front of the log.
"Go get your ride and take her back to base."
The scout nods "Yes, sir." The second scout starts toward his bike, as Wicket, crouched under the log, extends his spear and hits the first scout on the leg. The scout jumps and lets out an exclamation, and looks down at Wicket, puzzled.

Leia grabs a branch and knocks him out. She dives for his laser pistol, and the second scout, now on his bike, takes off. Leia fires away and
hits the escaping bike, causing it to crash into the first scout's bike, which flies end over end and explodes. The forest is quiet once more. Wicket pokes his fuzzy head up from behind the log and regards Leia with a new respect. He mumbles his awe. Leia hurries over, looking around all the time, and motions the chubby little creature into the dense foliage and I follow her lead. "Come on, let's get outta here." As we move into the foliage, Wicket takes the lead. He shrieks and tugs at Leia to follow him.


Darth Vader and his apprentice walk down the corridor to the Emperor's Tower and private elevator. The Emperor's private guard steps in Vader's path. "Halt! The Emperor does not wish to be disturbed at the moment." Vader raised his gloved hand to the two guards and choked them with the Force. "The Emperor will see me, now!" The guard nods "The Emperor will see you, now." Two red Imperial Guards stand watch at the elevator as the door opens to reveal Vader and Marcus. Vader enters the eerie, foreboding throne room. It appears to be empty. Their footsteps echo as he approaches the throne. He waits, absolutely still. The Emperor sits with his back to the Dark Lord. "I told you to remain on the command ship." The emperor tells Vader sternly. "A small Rebel force has penetrated the shield and landed on Endor." Marcus says stepping beside Vader. "Yes, I know." Vader pauses "My son is with them." The emperor narrows his yellow eyes "Are you sure?" Vader nods "I have felt him and the girl, my Master." The emperor looks out at space "Strange, that I have not. I wonder if your feelings on this matter are clear, Lord Vader." Vader knows what is being asked. "They are clear, my Master." The emperor nods "Then you must go to the Sanctuary Moon and wait for them." Vader is skeptical. "He will come to me?" Marcus shifts slightly "I have foreseen it. His compassion for you will be his undoing. They will come to you and then you will bring them before me." Vader bows "As you wish." The Dark Lord strides out of the throne room with his apprentice following him.

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