We need to leave

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When Han arrived he noticed the figure of a girl with someone in her lap, it must have been Luke and Elizabeth. She had no jacket on as it was wrapped around Luke's front side, she smiled at me before she fainted. "Damn it, Elizabeth, you shouldve kept your damn jacket on." He said quietly. Luke muttered some names, still slightly conscious. "Ben....." he says one last time before losing consciousness. "Not much time" Han said and set about trying to set up a makeshift camp. Finally done he settles in for the night with 2 very cold and unconscious people. In the morning Han was standing in the sun on a hill, when he woke the kids were still asleep, he spots a speeder in the distance and begins frantically waving his arms. It lands and the pilot helps him move them both onto the speeder and they then make their way back to base.

I struggle to open my eyes, it's bright. When I finally do I see Leia in a chair next to what I assume is my hospital bed. I groan slightly and her eyes dart over to me. "You idiot" she laughs "you should have waited for Han to come with you instead of going by yourself, and you shouldn't have taken off your jacket" she says nudging me. "Luke!" I gasp and try to sit up but It hurts a little. Leia stands and helps me adjust to sitting up. "Where is Luke?" I ask wanting to know if he was ok. A medical droid then chose that moment to come check on me and pushed Leia out before she could tell me. Huffing I cross my arms as the droid checks me over as it asks me questions about how I feel. It finished and prescribed me some painkillers for the soreness and told me to take it easy and to not stress my body out. I nod in understanding and hop off the bed. Leia is outside the door to my room and smiles seeing me up and walking. "You do realize it's been 3 days since you've returned from being out in that cold right" she says as she leads me into another room. "Oh, that long, how is Luke, where is he?" I ask and she points to the next room. "He just got moved into a regular room from the bacta tanks" she says in turn. I walk into his room and there he is with Han. "How are you feeling, kid?  You don't look so bad to me. In fact, you look strong enough to pull the ears off a Gundark. That's two you owe me, junior" Han says and Luke smiles when Leia and I walk in. "Luke" I say softly and walk over to him and ruffle his hair slightly. He holds his arms out for a hug and I oblige gladly. "I'm glad you're alright" I add and he looks down at his lap as I pull away from the hug. "You shouldn't have taken your jacket off you almost froze to death" he says sternly and I scoff "you would have done the same in my position". Han finally notices Leia had entered the room with me and smiles a devilish grin. "Well your Worship, looks like you managed to keep me around for a little while longer" He tells her. She looked happy for a split second but she masked it quickly with her words "I had nothing to do with it. General Rieekan thinks it's dangerous for any ships to leave the system until we've activated the energy shield" she says pointedly. "That's a good story. I think you just can't bear to let a gorgeous guy like me out of your sight" he responds with a smirk. Leia simply rolls her eyes "I don't know where you get your delusions, laser brain" she says and turns to Luke. Chewie laughs at that and Han turns to him "Laugh it up, fuzzball. But you didn't see us alone in the south passage". When he says this it catches Lukes and leias attention as it was my turn to roll my eyes at his antics. "She expressed her true feelings for me" Han says, oozing pride as Leia's face turned red. "My...!  Why, you stuck up,... half-witted... scruffy-looking ...nerf-herder!" She yells out to him angrily. "Who's scruffy-looking?" Han asks her then turns to me. "I must have hit pretty close to the mark to get her all riled up like that, huh, kid?" I just shake my head "leave well enough alone Han" I say and nudge him in the ribs. Leia looks vulnerable for a moment, then the mask falls again, and she focuses on Luke. She then scoffs "Why, I guess you don't know everything about women yet?" With that she leans over and kisses Luke on the lips. Then she turns on her heel and walks out, leaving everyone in the room slightly dumbstruck. With smugness, Luke puts his hands behind his head and grins happily.

My eyes widen drastically at the shock. I calmly walk out of the room before tears start to well up in my eyes but not before I see Luke's smile fall and him move his hands off his head as he calls out to me but I'm walking down the hallway, my long white coat flowing out behind me as I try not to show my emotions to passing rebellion members. I make my way into the hangar when alarms blaring. I wipe the stray tear away and rush to the command room. As I enter I see Leia with the general. "We better start evacuations" he says and moves to another console. Hearing this I turn around and walk to the hangar to prep ships for take off. I help the mechanics with last minute fix ups on x-wings as everyone is rushing around packing and defending the base as the imperials start firing at our base. Finishing up what I was doing with some of the x-wings I walked over to the Falcon to assist Chewie. Pilots, gunners, and R2 units scurry about.  Luke, pulling on his heavy-weather jacket, is headed toward a row of armored speeders. He stops at the rear of the Falcon, where Han and Chewie are trying to repair the right lifter with even more haste than before. I'm up on the roof doing last minute checks making sure everything is in working order on top. Luke smiles, then waves at Han and Chewie after speaking to Han and walks on. After a few steps, he stops and looks back taking notice of me on top of the Falcon. Him and I exchange a silent communication, each wishing the other safety, happiness - many things, all difficult to verbalize at the moment.

Finishing up with the falcon Han goes to the command center for clearance and to say goodbye to Leia while I go to my X-wing and get it fired up to leave with him and the others in the rebellion. We successfully get all ships off the ground and most of them enter hyperspace including the falcon. I hovered out of reach from ion cannons waiting for Luke's ship to appear on my radar. He finally appears and I turn on my com system. "Blue 4 to red 5 do you copy?" I ask hoping he will respond. "...Copy that El" I hear after a moment when I finally see his ship, but it's going the other direction than our coordinates. "Where are you going Luke?" I ask and I hear little beeps from R2 in the background. "We're going to the Dagobah system." Moving my own x-wing to fly beside him I put in those same coordinates. "Why" I ask curiously glancing over at him. "Ben spoke to me when we almost froze to death" He states simply "there is a Jedi master somewhere there" My eyes widen "I thought Obi-Wan was the last, but if there's another we can be trained" I say almost whispering the last part to myself. "Do you think Ben would be mad if I came?" I ask Luke, if he says yes I suppose I would just meet up with the rebellion after all. I wouldn't want to interrupt his training if I was not accepted to be fully trained. "I don't care what he would say, come with, we started this together and we will end our training together" Luke said and smiled still looking forward at the space in front of us. "Ok making jump to hyperspace in 3..2...1" I said and we both punched it, us jolting in the process. Knowing my ship was on track and autopilot and it would take a few hours for us to get there I relax and look at the blue streaks of stars going by.

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