The mission

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After Bens statement had been made he dissolved back into the force to wait once again. Luke and I quickly packed up the little supplies we had out and climbed in our x-wings. We take off and set course to meet with the rest of the rebellion. We arrive fairly quick and land in one of the open hangars. After I am down my ladder Luke grabs my hand and pulls me down the hallways. "We're with you, too!" Luke calls out as we reach the entrance to the main bridge still holding my hand.

They turn in our direction and peer into the crowd as there are more cheers. The commanders part, and there at the back stands Luke and I. Han and Leia are surprised and delighted. Leia moves to Luke and embraces him warmly. Han gives me a hug as well as Leia looks into Luke's eyes questioningly. "What is it?" She asks him as she gives me a quick embrace. Luke hesitates "Ask me again sometime." Han, Chewie, and Lando move to crowd around Luke and I as the assembly breaks up. "Luke." Han states like he was in trouble. "Hi, Han... Chewie." Luke and I say at the same time. Artoo and Read beep a singsong observation to a worried Threepio. "Exciting" is hardly the word I would use" says the golden droid.


The Millennium Falcon rests beyond the stolen imperial shuttle, which looks anomalous among all the Rebel ships in the vast docking bay. Chewie barks a final farewell to Lando and leads Artoo and Threepio up the shuttle, crowded now with the Rebel strike team loading weapons and supplies. Everyone said their goodbyes except Han and Lando and are waiting on board the ship. I decided to leave Read on the main cruiser in the small room I was given. Luke is working on a back control panel as Han comes in and takes the pilot's seat. Chewie, in the seat next to him, is trying to figure out all the Imperial controls. "You got her warmed?" Han asks as I walk into the cockpit to stand behind Han's spot. "Yeah, she's comin' up." Luke tells him as Chewie growls a complaint. "No. I don't think the Empire had Wookiees in mind when they designed her, Chewie." I tell the Wookiee. Leia comes in from the hold and takes her seat near Luke. Chewie barks and hits some switches. Han's glance has stuck on something out the window: the Millennium Falcon. Leia nudges him gently "Hey, are you awake?" Han glances at her "Yeah, I just got a funny feeling. Like I'm not gonna see her again." Chewie, hearing this, stops his activity and looks longingly out at the Falcon, too. Leia puts a hand on Han's shoulder. "Come on, General, let's move." She says gently and Han snaps back to life. "Right. Chewie, let's see what this piece of junk can do. Ready, everybody?" I nod as Luke says "All set." Threepio sighs "Here we go again." Han smirks "All right, hang on." The stolen Imperial shuttle leaves the main docking bay of the Headquarters Frigate, lowers its wings into flight position, and zooms off into space.


The converted control room is dimly lit, except for a pool of light at the far end. There the Emperor sits in an elaborate control chair before a large window which looks out across the half completed Death Star to the giant green moon of Endor. Darth Vader, standing with other members of the Imperial council and his apprentice, cautiously approaches his master. The ruler's back is to Vader. After several tense moments, the Emperor's chair rotates around to face him. "What is thy bidding, my Master?" The dark lord asks. "Send the fleet to the far side of Endor. There it will stay until called for." The emperor says as Vader's apprentice steps forward "What of the reports of the Rebel fleet massing near Sullust?" The emperor smirks "It is of no concern. Soon the Rebellion will be crushed and young Skywalker will be one of us! Your work here is finished, my friends. Go out to the command ship and await my orders." He orders. "Yes, my Master." Vader bows, then turns gesturing to his apprentice to follow and exits the throne room as the Emperor walks toward the waiting council members.


Han looks back at Luke, Leia and I as Chewie flips several switches. Through the viewscreen, the Death Star and the huge Super Star Destroyer can be seen. "If they don't go for this, we're gonna have to get outta here pretty quick, Chewie." Chewie growls his agreement. A voice comes over the radio "We have you on our screen now. Please identify." Han uses his captain voice as he says "Shuttle Tydirium requesting deactivation of the deflector shield."

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