Return of the Jedi

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I walk beside R2, R3 and Threepio across a lonely, windswept road meanders through the desolate Tatooine terrain. Lando contacted us but hasn't returned so I along with the droids are going to start negotiations with Jabba to get Han back. If I fail, Leia will come next and if all else fails then Luke will come. Luke and I had placed our lightsabers in R2. The three droids are bickering back and forth and I'm slowly getting annoyed. We come upon the giant doors of Jabba's palace. In my years of living on this planet I hoped I would never have to enter his awful place but here I am. "R2, are you sure this is the right place? I better knock, I suppose." Threepio says as the large steel doors are now in front of us. He knocks on the metal and not even a moment later he steps back saying "There doesn't seem to be anyone there. Let's go back and tell Master Luke." I roll my eyes and point to the now opened small hatch in the middle of the door and a spidery mechanical arm, with a large electronic eyeball on the end, pops out and inspects the two droids and I. The mechanical arm speaks and Threepio translates explaining who we are. The eye looks from one robot to the other and then to R3 and I, there is a laugh then the eye zips back into the door. The hatch slams shut. Artoo beeps his concern at that. "I don't think they're going to let us in. We'd better go." The golden robot states "Threepio I swear if you don't stop trying to leave.. remember we're doing this for Han." The R unit droids beep their reluctance as Threepio turns to leave. Suddenly the massive door starts to rise with a horrific metallic screech. The robots turn back and face an endless black cavity. The droids look at one another, afraid to enter and I roll my eyes as I start forward into the gloom. Threepio rushes after his stubby companions and I as the door lowers noisily behind them. He continues to complain and I turn on him having enough of it. "Threepio shut it" I snap and turn continuing down the path. Two of jabba's thugs approach us and fall in behind us pushing us before bib fortuna, a humanlike alien with long tentacles protruding from his skull. "Die Wanna Wanga!" Says the servant of Jabba. I nod to Threepio and he speaks up "Oh, my! Die Wanna Wauaga. We -- we bring a message to your master, Jabba the Hutt." The alien looks at me and I nod adjusting my cloak. R2 lets out a series of quick beeps. "and a gift. Gift, what gift?" Threepio asks and Bib shakes his head negatively. "Nee Jabba no badda. Me chaade su goodie." Bib holds out his hand toward Artoo and Read, the tiny droids back up a bit, letting out a protesting array of squeaks. Threepio turns to the strange-looking alien. "He says that our instructions are to give it only to Jabba himself." He informs Bib who thinks about this for a moment. "I'm terribly sorry. I'm afraid he's ever so stubborn about these sort of things." Threepio finishes as I nod. Bib gestures for the droids and I to follow. "Nudd Chaa." He says as we follow the tall, tentacled alien into the darkness, trailed by the two guards. I sigh "I have a bad feeling about this." The throne room is filled with the vilest, most grotesque creatures ever conceived in the universe. Artoo, Read and Threepio seem very small as they pause in the doorway to the dimly lit chamber. Light shafts partially illuminate the drunken courtiers as Bib Fortuna crosses the room to the platform upon which rests the leader of this nauseating crowd, Jabba the Hutt. The monarch of the galactic underworld is a repulsive blob of bloated fat with a maniacal grin. Chained to the horrible creature is a beautiful alien female dancer. At the foot of the dais sits an obnoxious birdlike creature, salacious crumb. Bib whispers something in the slobbering degenerate's ear. Jabba laughs horribly, at the two terrified droids before him. Threepio and I bow politely. "Good morning." Threepio says to the disgusting blob in front of us. "Bo Shuda!" He replies and the robots jump forward to stand before the repulsive, loose-skinned villain. "Play the message R2" I say with a nod. R2 whistles, and a beam of light projects from his domed head, creating a hologram of Luke on the floor. The image grows to over ten feet tall, and the young Jedi towers over the space gangsters. "Greetings, Exalted One. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Luke Skywalker, Jedi Knight and friend to Captain Solo. I know that you are powerful, mighty Jabba, and that your anger with Solo must be equally powerful. Myself and my partner seek an audience with Your Greatness to bargain for Solo's life." Luke's hologram says as jabba's court laughs "With your wisdom, I'm sure that we can work out an arrangement which will be mutually beneficial and enable us to avoid any unpleasant confrontation. As a token of my goodwill, I present to you a gift: these two droids escorted by my partner and her droid." The hologram says and it's obvious Threepio is startled by this announcement. "What did he say?" Asks the droid and I put a hand up to silence him. "Both are hardworking and will serve you well." Luke's hologram finishes "This can't be! Artoo, you're playing the wrong message." I shake my head "that is his message." I state in huttese as Luke's hologram disappears. Jabba laughs while Bib speaks to him. Jabba's voice booms out in huttese "There will be no bargain." I open my mouth to protest but Threepio interrupts me. "We're doomed." I turn and glare at the golden droid. Jabba states that he won't give up his favorite decoration and laughs hideously, looking toward an alcove beside the throne. Hanging high, flat against the wall, exactly as we saw him last, is a carbonized Han Solo. "Artoo, Mistress look! Captain Solo. And he's still frozen in carbonite." One of Jabba's Gamorrean guards grabs the two droids and marches them away. "Mighty Jabba please reconsider. Heed this warning." I speak up after the droids are gone. Jabba's laughter rings out again and shakes his head pointing at the door. I nod and bid him farewell knowing if I stay any longer he will try to enslave me. My droid follows behind me quickly and obediently as we head back to meet with Luke.

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