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An Imperial shuttle floats down from the Death Star and lands gracefully on the huge platform. Now, an Imperial walker approaches the platform from the darkness of the forest. The whole outpost - platform, walkers, military - looks particularly offensive in the midst of this verdant beauty. Darth Vader walks down the ramp of the shuttle onto the platform with his apprentice not far behind him, into an elevator, and appears on a ramp on a lower level. He walks toward another ramp exit and is met by two troopers and a commander with Luke and I, in binders, at their center. The young Jedi's gaze at Vader with complete calm. "These are Rebels that surrendered to us. Although he denies it, I believe there may be more of them, and I request permission to conduct a further search of the area." The commander extends his hand, revealing Luke's and I lightsabers. They were armed only with this. Vader looks at Luke, turns away and faces the commander, taking the lightsabers from the commander's hand handing mine to Marcus "Good work, Commander. Leave us. Conduct your search and bring his companions to me." The commander nods "Yes, my Lord." The officer and troops withdraw. Vader, his apprentice, Luke and I are left standing alone in the oddly tranquil beauty of the place. The sounds of the forest filter in upon them. "The Emperor has been expecting you." I glare at Marcus before turning my gaze to Vader. "I know, father." Vader nods "So, you have accepted the truth." Luke smirks "I've accepted the truth that you were once Anakin Skywalker, my father and Elizabeth's friend Marcus." Vader turns to face us "That name no longer has any meaning for me." I shake my head "It is the name of your true self." I say as Luke continues "You've only forgotten. I know there is good in you. The Emperor hasn't driven it from you fully. That is why you couldn't destroy me. That's why you won't bring us to your Emperor now." Vader looks down from Luke to the lightsaber in his own black- gloved hand. He seems to ponder Luke's words. "I see you have constructed a new lightsaber" Vader ignites the lightsaber and holds it to examine its humming, brilliant blade. "Your skills are complete. Indeed, you are powerful, as the Emperor has foreseen." We stand for a moment, Vader extinguishes the lightsaber. "Come with me." Luke tries. "Obi-Wan once thought as you do." Luke steps close to Vader, then stops. Vader is still. "You don't know the power of the dark side. I must obey my master." Luke is determined now more than ever "I will not turn...and you'll be forced to kill me." Marcus glances at me. "If that is your destiny." Vader says darkly "Search your feelings, father. You can't do this. We feel the conflict within you both. Let go of your hate." Vader shakes his helmeted head "It is too late for me, son. The Emperor will show you the true nature of the Force. He is your master now." Vader signals to some distant stormtroopers. He and Luke stand staring at one another for a long moment. "Then my father is truly dead." Luke tells him as I watch Marcus's eyes soften and I know he is on my side once again.


Han, Leia, Chewie, the droids, and their two Ewok guides, Wicket and Paploo, have reunited with the Rebel strike squad. The entire group is spread through the thick undergrowth. Below them is the bunker that leads into the generator. Four Imperial scouts, their speeder bikes parked nearby, keep watch over the bunker entrance. Chewie growls an observation, and Paploo chats away to Han in Ewok language.

"Back door, huh? Good idea." Wicket and Paploo continue their Ewok conversation. "It's only a few guards. This shouldn't be too much trouble." Leia sighs "Well, it only takes one to sound the alarm." Han is confident "Then we'll do it real quiet-like." Threepio explains what is going on to Wicket and Paploo. The Ewoks chatter a moment between themselves. Then Paploo jumps up and scampers into the underbrush. Threepio asks Wicket where Paploo went and is given a short reply. "Oh! Oh, my. Uh, Princess Leia!" Leia shushes him "I'm afraid our furry companion has gone and done something rather rash." Leia glances at them "Oh, no." Paploo has slipped out of the undergrowth near where the Imperial scouts are lounging. He silently swings his furry ball of a body onto one of the scout's speeder bikes and begins flipping switches at random. Suddenly, the bike's engine fires up with a tremendous roar. Paploo grins and continues flipping switches. The scouts leap up in surprise.

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