Dagobah system

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I almost nodded off when I was alerted by a beep from my controls that we had arrived. Coming out of hyperspace we were immediately plunged into fog and cloud cover. R2 came over the com a few times "No, I'm not going to change my mind about this." Luke responds. "I'm not picking up any cities or technology. Massive life-form readings, though. There's something alive down there..." I point out looking at my scans "let's find somewhere to land" I say finally. Luke agreed and went down to land first but he ended up crashing through some trees into a swamp lake. The mist-shrouded X-wing fighter is almost invisible in the thick fog. Luke climbs out onto the long nose of the spacecraft as Artoo pops out of his cubbyhole on the back.  He surveys the fog, which is barely pierced by the ship's landing lights, all he can make out are some giant, twisted trees nearby. R2 whistles anxiously. "There's a clearing a little ways away El, should be clear for landing" he says into his wrist com. Following his instruction I am able to land safely, unlike himself whose x-wing was stuck in the mud. I climb out of my cockpit after hearing R2 squeal and Luke yell in time to see Luke retrieve R2 from the woods where he was spit out of the water. Very dirty Luke then cleans off what he could from R2 who then beeps a few more times. "If you're saying coming here was a bad idea, I'm beginning to agree with you. Oh, R2, what are we doing here? It's like... something out of a dream, or, I don't know.  Maybe I'm just going crazy" Luke muttered out loud. I walk over to him and wrap him in a hug "I can feel it now, we were supposed to come here" I say as I release him from the hug. The mist has dispersed a bit, but it is still a very gloomy-looking swamp. Luke pulls an equipment box from the shore to the clearing as I pull a few crates from my own x-wing. He ignites a little fusion furnace and warms his hands before it. Taking a power cable, he plugs it into Artoo's noselike socket and talks to him for a moment. The droid whistles his appreciation. I walk over to Luke who then opens a container of processed food and we sit before the thermal heater. He sighs softly "Now all I have to do is find this Yoda... if he even exists" I turn to look at him "master Yoda? That's who we've come to see?" I ask him. Nervously, he looks around at the foreboding jungle "that's what Ben said". I nod in understanding glad that there was a possibility that Yoda was still alive. "Still... there's something familiar about this place.  I feel like... I don't know..." he continues after a moment of thought. "Feel like what?" Says a voice from behind us. Luke jumps out of his skin as I calmly turn, recognizing the voice from when I was a youngling. Artoo screeches in terror as Luke grabs for his lightsaber as he spins around, looking for the speaker. Mysteriously standing right in front of Luke is a strange, greenish creature, not more than two feet tall, that I know as master Yoda. The wizened little thing is dressed in rags and motions toward Luke's sword. "Away with your weapon!  I mean you no harm" he says quickly. I smile at him from behind Luke, I go to speak but he gives me a look telling me not to speak. After some hesitation, Luke puts away his weapon, although he really doesn't understand why.  Artoo watches with interest. "I am wondering, why are you here?" He asks Luke who then responds with "I'm looking for someone." Yoda laughs "Looking?  Found someone, you have, I would say, hmmm?" Luke smiles slightly "right". "Help you I can. Yes, mmmm." He then says pointing his walking stick. Luke shakes his head "I don't think so. We are looking for a great warrior." It's then Yoda's turn to shake his head and laugh once again. "Ahhh!  A great warrior. Wars do not make someone great." With the aid of a walking stick, the tiny man moves over to one of the cases of supplies. He begins to rummage around. R2 squeaks his disapproval as he does so. Our tiny visitor picks up the container of food Luke was eating from and takes a bite. "Put that down.  Hey! That's our dinner!" Luke says quickly moving to take it from him. He spit out the bite he took with a look of disgust. He flips the container in Luke's direction and reaches into one of Luke's supply cases "Listen, friend, we didn't mean to land in that puddle, and if we could get our ship out, we would, but we can't, so why don't you just..." Luke says getting a little irritated. Yoda then takes a teasing tone "Aww, cannot get your ship out?" He asks with a slight laugh. Yoda spots something of interest in Luke's case.  Luke loses patience and grabs the case away. The creature retains his prize - a tiny power lamp - and examines it with delight. At this I let out a small laugh knowing that Yoda was just messing with him. "Hey, you could have broken this. Don't do that. Ohhh... you're making a mess. Hey, give me that! A little help El,  would be great" Luke calls out. Yoda backs away "Mine! Or I will help you not" he says. As Luke and Yoda argue, one of R2's little arms slowly moves out toward the power lamp, completely unnoticed by the creature. "I don't want your help. We don't need it. I want my lamp back.  I'll need it to get out of this slimy mudhole" Luke says hoping this finally gets his point across. Yoda gets upset and R2 tried to grab the lamp ending up with him getting hit by Yoda's stick. "R2 let him have it" I say finally speaking up. R2 lets go and Yoda offers to help us find well him. "Oohhh.  Jedi Master. Yoda. You seek Yoda." He says with a knowing smile as I chuckle quietly. Luke looks at me confused "you know him?" He asks. "Mmm. Take you to him, I will." He turns and scurries out of the clearing, laughing merrily. Luke stares after him. All he sees is the faint light from the small power lamp moving through the fog.  Luke makes his decision and starts after the creature following after me. "Stay here and watch after the camp, R2" Luke calls out behind him after he tried to follow. A heavy downpour of rain pounds through the gnarled trees.  A strange baroque mud house sits on a moss-covered knoll on the edge of a small lagoon. The small, gnomish structure radiates a warm glow from its thick glass windows. The only thing out of place in the miniature room is Luke and I, whose height makes the four-foot ceiling seem even lower.  We sit cross-legged on the floor of the living room. Luke begins to get impatient again "Look, I'm sure it's delicious. I just don't understand why we can't see Yoda now." He says "Patience!  For the Jedi it is time to eat as well. Eat, eat. Hot.  Good food, hm? Good, hmm?" Yoda responds. I nod and take a bowl from him eating slowly. "How far away is Yoda?  Will it take us long to get there?" Luke asks innocently. "It's delicious.." I say but whisper the next part so Luke doesn't hear yet "master". "Not far.  Yoda not far. Patience. Soon you will be with him" Yoda replies then asks "Why wish you become Jedi? Hm?". Luke looks to me then back to Yoda "mostly because of my father I guess" he says. Yoda then turns to me,smiling at the lightsaber on my waist. "Hello young one, built lightsaber you have. Hmm?" I smiled and nodded before he turned his attention back to Luke "Ah, your father.  Powerful Jedi was he, powerful Jedi, mmm." Luke starts to get mad "Oh, come on. How could you know my father? You don't even know who I am. Oh, I don't know what we're doing here. We're wasting our time." I shake my head and grab onto Luke's hand to stop him from leaving the hut and to try and calm him down, he calms and relaxes back on to the ground in which we were sitting. Yoda gives me a disappointed look then looks behind me "I cannot teach him.  The boy has no patience." Luke's head spins in the direction the creature faces. But there is no one there. He is bewildered, but it gradually dawns on him that the little creature is Yoda, the Jedi Master, and that he is speaking with Ben. "He will learn patience" I hear his voice say with an almost echo. "Hmmm. Much anger in him, like his father" Yoda responds as I look out the window at the now raining window. Luke looks down disappointed but Ben laughs "Was I any different when you taught me?" He said and at this I turn to him once again "or what about me master, I was a handful" I say remembering all the mischief Marcus and I got into. "Hah.  He is not ready." Yoda replies as Luke is outraged he tried to see where Ben's voice is coming from but he hit his head on the roof. "Ready, are you? What know you of ready? For eight hundred years have I trained Jedi. My own counsel will I keep on who is to be trained! A Jedi must have the deepest commitment, the most serious mind. This one a long time have I watched. All his life has he looked away...to the future, to the horizon. Never his mind on where he was. Hmm?  What he was doing.  Hmph. Adventure. Heh!  Excitement. Heh! A Jedi craves not these things. You are reckless!" Yoda finishes his rant and Luke looks down dejectedly knowing it to be true as I rub his hand to try and comfort him. I stop listening to Ben try to convince Yoda to train Luke but I hear him say that Luke was too old to train. At this I lower my head realizing that would mean I definitely could not be fully trained. Luke whispers that he's learned so much as I continue staring at the floor. Yoda turns his piercing gaze on Luke, as though the Jedi Master's huge eyes could somehow determine how much the boy had learned.  After a long moment, the little Jedi turns toward where he alone sees Ben. "Will he finished what he begins?" Yoda asks him with a sigh. Luke looks up excited "I won't fail you -I'm not afraid" He says quickly. "You will be" I reply knowing the beginning steps to becoming a Jedi.

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