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Aboard Lord Vader's star destroyer Marcus screams in pain. He failed his master and was being punished. He knew this wasn't right, that's why deep down he knew he had to let Elizabeth go. "You insolent fool, letting her get away" Vader says as he puts a hand on his saber, he catches himself. "You need a reminder. To never fail again" Vader turns away briefly. He thrusts his arm out and with the force grips on to the apprentices shoulder. Marcus calls out in pain "Master, forgive me". Vader doesn't listen however and begins pulling causing it to pop out of place. Marcus screams again as he pulls until there is definite damage done to the arm. Vader puts his hand down after releasing Marcus from the hold. Marcus almost falls to the floor in pain but catches himself. Vader walks away with a swish of his cape. Marcus slowly walks to an infirmary as soon as his master is gone and out of sight. Walking into the infirmary and having the doctors checking his arm for functionality. Marcus decided that it would be better to simply cut it off. He pulls out his saber and slices it off quickly, yelling again in the process leaving his shoulder cauterised. The doctors set to work placing a robotic arm attachment.


Luke and I have been training together to further our skills. While we wait on Tatooine for Lando's signal we are staying in Ben's old hut in the desert. There Obi-wan had old lightsaber parts and crystals as well as jedi texts in holocrons. Luke built a new saber of those parts and I modified mine slightly as I originally built it years ago and it was a bit outdated. We duel and meditate together and Luke has come a long way from where he was. I'm proud of him. Leia is due to join us in a few weeks so we can plan how we are going to get Han out. I sat outside on a rock watching the twin suns set after meditating and I feel Luke come up beside me and place a hand on my shoulder. I turn and smile at him but wince when I hear a scream echo through the force. Luke raises an eyebrow worried. I sigh "I heard a scream, in the force, and felt immense pain, but it was only one." I tell him and he looks at me concerned. "We can figure it out later El. Come eat" Luke says and helps me off the rock. I nod and follow him inside. We eat in silence but after as we sit alone in the small bedroom of the hut I decide I need to explain some things to Luke. "Luke, I should tell you of my past with Vader's apprentice. You already know that I was there when the order and the republic fell and that I escaped, but I wasn't alone." I say and Luke nods encouraging me to continue. "I escaped with another youngling. Marcus. Don't even ask me how because I don't know but we managed to hide from the clone troopers who attacked. Obi-wan found us and took us to Lothal, where we stayed until Marcus went to the dark side." I pause for a moment preparing myself to tell him about what Marcus did to me. Luke grabs my hand in his and gives it a reassuring squeeze. I smile sadly at him. "You've seen this scar on my shoulder" I say and move my shirt slightly so my scar is more visible.

We were 10 and 11. The woman who looked after us had left for a few days. It was the 5th day of Marcus acting cold and rude to me and I'd had enough of it. "Marcus!" I called out to him as I walked through the door. I didn't get a reply. I went into his portion of the hut to find him holding a red triangle shaped object. Looking at it closely I realized it was a sith holocron. "Marc?" I say moving closer to him. He turned to look at me but his eyes had a yellow ring. I stepped back quickly, my saber was in the other room. "What have you done?" I ask him and he simply smiles and says "I have the power to ensure that we never have to be hurt again."  I step back even further from him. "That's exactly what master Anakin was trying to do before he turned against us and hurt us by killing our friends." I say and he shakes his head no. "If you are not with me you are my enemy" he says and ignites his green blade. "Marcus NO." I say moving back until I'm against a wall. Realizing I am about to be trapped I run to the left and down the hallway. Marcus swings wildly and just barely catches my shoulder. I cry out in pain from the burning of the wound. I make it outside and it catches the attention of storm troopers. They only see the green blade that my friend possessed and start firing. Using this as a distraction I slip away, leaving a small trail of blood. I hid in an alley for almost a full day, my shoulder was covered in dry blood and I knew I needed to reach medical supplies and fast so I slowly made my way out into the open and back to our small hut. I sigh in relief that Marcus was gone, most likely taken by the troopers, and grab a small satchel to fill with my few belongings. My lightsaber and a few changes of clothes, the few credits I had saved up and some of Marcus's belongings to sell. He had a few rare parts for communicators that were small and I knew those would be useful to sell. I go into the bathroom grabbing a washcloth to clean my wound and bandages to wrap it up once it is clean. It took me a little bit longer than an hour to have everything ready before I left.

Luke stares at me with his mouth open for a moment. "From there I gained passage to Tatooine and the rest is history" I say and Luke finally snaps out of it. "You really delt all that? All I had to do was work on a moisture farm." At this I laugh "it's alright Luke it made me who I am. And now you know how I know Vader's apprentice." I say and pat him on the cheek lightly. He smiles and pulls me in for a hug which I happily accept. I'm falling for him more than I'd like to admit. But I know he feels something for Leia.


The next night after another day of training we receive a transmission that Leia is going to arrive in the morning, so Luke and I set about cleaning up. After we cleaned we ate supper that consisted of standard rations like what we had on Dagobah. We move into the bedroom and sit on the bed for a moment relaxing. Luke looks at me and I can tell he's hesitating, wanting to say something. I move next to him and lay my head on his shoulder. "Luke what's troubling you?" I ask and he sighs. "In cloud city when we're separated I found something out. Vader said that he is my father." My eyes widen slightly and I lift my head. "My father was a jedi Knight, a General in the clone wars. He can't be Darth Vader." Luke says and I simply look down. "Master Skywalker was from what I remember an amazing jedi.." I say trailing off not willing to tell him. Luke's eyes light up. "You knew him!?" He asks and I glance around nervously. "Can you tell me more?" I shake my head "it's not my place to say anything more. I'm sorry Luke." I say and turn away getting up to lay on the couch. "Goodnight Luke, it's your turn for the bed" I say pulling the blanket up from the foot of the couch. He tries to protest but I shush him and he finally gives up going over to the bed after turning the lamp off.

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