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A/N: Pic above is concept art made by me

There's nothin' I can do about it, kid. I'm in full power. I'm going to have to shut down. But they're not going to get me without a fight!"
Ben puts a hand on Luke's shoulder "You can't win. But there are alternatives to fighting." He says with a reassuring nod. Han looks to us and gets up quickly running to a spot in the hallway in the falcon, he lifts up 2 plates on the floor and helps Ben, chewie, c3po and himself into it and closes it over the top of him. Luke jumps into the next one and helps me lower R2 in as I jump down and close the plate over us. We hear and see the stormtroopers walking above us searching the ship. It takes but 5 minutes for them to declare it all clear. In the tight space I'm forced to be pressed against Skywalker and I'm glad he couldn't see my blush as it was dark in the little cubby hole. We push the tiles up and check to make sure it's clear before climbing out. "Boy, it's lucky you had these compartments Han." Luke said as he smooths out his clothing. Han scoffed "I use them for smuggling. I never thought I'd be smuggling myself in them. This is ridiculous. Even if I could take off, I'd never get past the tractor beam." Ben looks between Luke and I "leave that to me!" He says and starts off leaving the ship quickly. Suddenly we heard stormtroopers again. I smirked and pulled out a mini blaster I had from my pocket. Luke, Han and I ambushed the stormtroopers, the guys had no problem taking their uniforms off of them and putting it on themselves. We all sneak into a control Center filled with a few imperial officers which Han quickly shoots as Chewbacca yells in surprise. "You know, between his howling and your blasting everything in sight, it's a wonder the whole station doesn't know we're here." I say with a little sarcasm from behind luke. "Bring them on! I prefer a straight fight to all this sneaking around." I roll my eyes at Han's statement and turn my attention to 3PO who found the computer outlet. R2 punches his claw arm into the computer socket and the vast Imperial brain network comes to life, feeding information to the little robot. After a few moments, he beeps. 3PO turns to us "He says he's found the main computer to power the tractor beam that's holding the ship here. He'll try to make the precise location appear on the monitor. The tractor beam is coupled to the main reactor in seven locations. A power loss at one of the terminals will allow the ship to leave." I relay the information to Ben through a small communicator. "Ben I'm coming to help you"  I say quickly as I go to head for the door. I can almost feel Ben shaking his head "I must go alone. Be patient and stay with the droids". That's the last I hear of Ben before he turns his communicator off. Suddenly R2 begins to whistle and beep. Luke goes over to him as 3PO translates what R2 is saying "He says "I found her", and keeps repeating, "She's here." I look over at Luke and the droids "who's here?" I ask frowning. 3PO turns to me and simply says  "Princess Leia". Luke's face lights up in excitement "The princess? She's here?" He asks 3PO. "Princess? What's going on?" Han asks me with a confused look. I scoff "don't look at me ask Luke, I don't know any princesses." 3PO uses the moment of silence that followed my statement to speak up "Level five. Detention block A A-twenty three. I'm afraid she's scheduled to be terminated." He informs us. Luke's eyes widen at this "Oh no! We've got to do something" he says and looks to me for support. "What are you talking about" Han and I say together. "The droid belongs to her. She's the one in the message... We've got to help her." He says excitedly. I sigh and shake my head "Ben wants us to wait here though." Luke looks at me like I've grown two heads "But he didn't know she was here. Look CPO, will you just find a way into the detention block?" Han sits in one of the chairs and puts his feet up saying he's not going anywhere. At this point I just zone out and pay attention to the empires screens trying to figure out where Ben is on his mission to shut down the power so we can escape. Luke and Han wave their hands in front of my face a moment later trying to get my attention. "Yes." I ask coming back to reality. Luke goes to speak but 3PO cuts him off. "Master Luke, sir! Pardon me for asking...but, ah...what should R2 and I do if we're discovered here?" "Lock the door" I offer with a shrug "hope they don't have blasters" Han speaks up from behind me. Both Luke and Han put on their helmets after explaining that chewie and I were to be posing as prisoners. Han and Luke try to look inconspicuous in their armored suits as they wait for a vacuum elevator to arrive. Troops, and robots bustle about, ignoring the 4 completely. Only a few give the giant Wookiee and I a curious glance. Luke and Han step forward to exit the elevator, but the door slides open behind them. The giant Wookiee and I with the two 'guards' enter the old grey security station. Guards and laser gates are everywhere. Han whispers to Luke under his breath "this isn't going to work". I scoff and walk forward with chewie only to be stopped by an officer "Where are you taking these things" he says and chewie grumbles something under his breath while I glare daggers into the man's head but Han nudges is with his elbow subtly. "Prisoner transfer from block 1138" Luke says quickly. The officer looks shocked "I wasn't notified" he said and walked over to his controls. There are only three other troopers in the area. Luke and Han survey the situation, checking all of the alarms, laser gates, and camera eyes. Han unfastens one of
Chewbacca's electronic cuffs and shrugs to Luke as he undos one of mine. Chewie throws up his hands and lets out with one of his ear-piercing howls. He grabs Han's laser rifle and I grab an extra one from Luke quickly and start firing it at the cameras. The startled guards are momentarily shocked. Luke and Han join us in firing. The barrage of firing hits gate controls, and the Imperial guards. The officer is the last of the guards to fall under the laserfire just as he is about to push the alarm system. Han rushes to the comlink system, which is screeching questions about what is going on. He quickly checks the computer readout and yells out the princess's cell. Luke and I run to it as Han yells that we're gonna have company. We stop in front of one of the cells and blasts the door away with a laser pistol. When the smoke clears, Luke sees the dazzling young princess. Luke is stunned by her incredible beauty and stands staring at her with his mouth hanging open. I push past him walking into the cell and he follows after. "Aren't you a little short to be a stormtrooper" she asks him not even paying any attention to me. Luke takes the helmet off and puts it down. "Oh. I'm Luke Skywalker, I'm here to rescue you." I nudged Luke to remind him I was still there. "And this is Elizabeth Kane" I nod at the princess and wave slightly. "He has your R2 unit. We're here with Ben Kenobi" I add on. "Ben Kenobi is here?" She says with her eyes widening as she jumps up and runs out of the cell and Luke runs out after her, which left me standing there before I too followed. A series of explosions knock a hole in the elevator door through which several Imperial troops begin to emerge. Han and Chewie fire laser pistols at them through the smoke and flame. They turn and run down the cell hallway, meeting up with Luke, Leia and I. "Managed to cut off our only escape root Han, great job" I say holding up a blaster. Luke tries to contact 3PO with a communicator but it didn't seem to work so we kept running. Luke and Leia crouch together in an alcove for protection as they continue to exchange fire with troops and I do the same behind another pillar. Han and Chewbacca are barely able to keep the stormtroopers at bay at the far end of the hallway. The laserfire is very intense, and smoke fills the narrow cell corridor. "This is some rescue. When you came in here, didn't you have a plan for getting out?" Leia asked no one in particular but I held back a snarky response as I pointed to Luke. Luke manages a sheepish grin and shrugs his shoulders. "I didn't" he says embarrassed. The princess grabs Luke's gun and fires at a small grate in the wall next to Han, almost frying him. "What the hell are you doing?" He asks pointedly. She just smiles "Somebody has to save our skins. Into the garbage chute, wise guy." She jumps through the narrow opening as Han and Chewbacca look on in amazement. Chewbacca sniffs the garbage chute and says something and I could barely hear Han's response. Han gives him a kick and the Wookiee disappears into the tiny opening. Luke and Han continue firing as they work their way toward the opening. Luke ducks laserfire as he jumps into the darkness. Han fires off a couple of quick blasts creating a smokey cover, then slides into the chute himself and is gone. I however stay where I am and under the cover of the smoke I undo a vent right next to where I was, I quickly climbed in and shut it behind me.

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