Chapter 16: I wanna know

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Akai's POV

"So, cmon, tell me" Gab prepared her clipboard and pen.

I let out a sigh and opened my mouth "Well, I always think about him, I can't stop staring at him, and I feel really happy when I see his face" I buried myself in my hood due to embarrassment.

Gabriel thought for a moment, then put down her clipboard and faced me. She smiled. "You're in love"

My eyes widened "W-what?! No way"

"Well, you decide what you feel, I just based it of stereotypes" she glared at the clock on the wall "I gotta go, my next class is almost starting" she was about to leave, when she stopped and faced me again "Wait, did you just say 'him'?!"

Shoot, she caught me off guard! I should've said 'her'! Stupid Stupid Stupid!

"Akai, are you gay?!" She held a shocked expression

I couldn't respond, instead, I placed my arms on the table and fell on my face.

I soon felt someone place her hand on my head. I lifted my head to see Gab.

"You like Jack, don't you?" She asked

"Y-yes, I think"

Gabriel's POV

My ship sails!

I left Akai and went straight to the vending machine outside the library. I bought a small box of chocolates and was about to turn to leave, when I bumped into someone.

"Sorry!" He apologized

Park Jinyoung's POV

I bumped into this girl (who looks like a boy)

She looked up to see me (cuz I'm a bit taller), I saw her crescent pupils, I backed away.

This isn't normal

"Watch where you're going" she said coldly

"Hey! I said sorry!"

"Well you and your sorry ass can leave me alone"


"Jinyung! Don't fight again!" Mia came rushing towards us

Mia is my friend, I kinda like her, but I haven't told her yet

"Even here in Japan, you're still like that!" Mia scolded me

"Hey, it wasn't all my fault!"

Moon coughed a bit to make her presence known.

"Oh, sorry mister, Jinyung here has quite of a temper"

I laughed in my head

"Umm, I'm a girl" Moon said

Mia's eyes widened "S-sorry! I assumed you were male since..." she pointed to Moon's hair, which is like Kagamine Len's.

"It's okay, I get that a lot" she laughed a bit "My name's Gabriel" she introduced herself

"I'm Mia, this is Jinyoung. We're foreign exchanges from Korea"

I pulled Mia's arm "Cmon Mia, let's go"

She smiled at Gabriel "See ya later!"

I pulled her away

I admit it, I'm jealous

Gabriel may be a girl, but I'm not used to seeing Mia talk like that to someone else. Yuri is possible after all.

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