1. The Runaway

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"What the hell is this!" Tai yelled at Y/n as he picked up a blood-covered tissue. 

"My nose was bleeding. I had to stop the flo-"

"Don't you dare talk back to me you little shit. I told you to clean your room and look what I find."

Tai then pushes the weak and underfed Y/n to the floor. 

"Christ, I don't even know why we still keep you around. You're just taking up space. As a punishment for this blatant disrespect you get no food for 2 days."

Y/n just sat there and accepted the consequence as he knew fighting back would be useless and only inflict more punishment on himself. Tai left the room and Y/n just sat on his old, small and run down bed. He sat there for a few hours switching between crying, anger, desperation, depression and hopelessness. He went to sleep hungry and with tears in his eyes.

Y/n awoke to the smell of well-cooked bacon and fluffy pancakes. He knew he wasn't allowed to eat them but that didn't stop him from imagining filling his mouth with all of the delicacies he could smell. Speaking of the smell, for some reason it was getting closer. Ruby Rose opened the door with a plate of bacon and pancakes slathered in maple syrup. 

"Ruby, No" Y/n said in his croaky voice, courtesy of a lack of water. Y/n knew that if Ruby was caught she'd be punished.

"You're gonna starve"

"I'll be fine. I've dealt with way worse." Y/n says while thinking about the sleepless nights in the orphanage before Tai had adopted him only to start treating him like shit. 

"I can't just let you sit up here going hungry," Ruby said in a pleading voice. She didn't agree with the way her parents and Yang treated Y/n.

"Trust me, Ruby, I'm good. Now go before someone notices your missing."

Ruby took one last look at Y/n before leaving the room. She gave him a look of pity and sadness. A look Y/n was used to seeing. 

A few hours later Y/n heard Raven call his name so he walked downstairs to find her standing in the bathroom gesturing at the toilet.

"Took you long enough. Clean this. Now" 

Y/n was the go-to guy when people needed menial tasks done around the house. It wasn't like he had a choice or anything.

Raven left the room and Y/n began scrubbing the toilet until he could see his reflection. Considering how underfed he was and the lack of hygiene products available, It wasn't a very pretty reflection. 

After Y/n finished his task he walked back to his sparsely decorated room and tried to take a nap. An hour into his haunted sleep, Y/n awoke to the sound of yelling.


Y/n quickly rushed down the stairs, wondering what he had done to wrong to draw the wrath of Raven. He hurried into the bathroom to find Raven furious and red-faced.


Raven gestured at the recently cleaned toilet. Well, it was recently cleaned until someone decided to take a massive dump and leave it in the toilet. Raven flushed the toilet then looked at Y/n.

"Did you do this?"

"No of course no-"


Raven grabbed Y/n and put his head right over the toilet bowl.

"I'll give you one more chance. Did. You. Do. This."

The Infection (RWBY x Abused Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now