15. New

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Satisfaction was weakness, if you could sit one place and think all your troubles behind you, think that life wouldn't bat everything you loved aside, grinding you into the only birthright you to which you can lay claim.

The dirt.

Her original scheme had been practical and efficient, infect Beacon and its supply of huntsman in training, have them turn on Ozma and seize the school. Personal army on demand.

That had been the original plan, now, well, now Salem wanted revenge. She would tear away everything Y/n loved until there were nothing but ashes and memories.

And she knew just how to do it. Infecting Beacon hadn't worked, too many prying eyes and students too smart for their own good. But what if Beacon just... stayed. It would take years, but eventually, she could get Y/n in the exact place she wanted at the exact right time.

She crafted a new room just for the endeavour, placing various charts and tables laden with books throughout it. Her vengeance just might work, and when it did.

It would break him.

3 Years after The Incident

He smirked, it was funny after all, they were celebrating a kids 14th birthday, which had been the most horrid year in Y/n's years of life. No one remembered that of course, for them it was just a normal year back then, the only interesting thing was the unexplained property damage and a strange few hours, or in some cases days, that people seemed to have forgotten. They had found themselves in random places wondering how they got there.

So chaperoning a 14-year-olds birthday seemed ironic. But that wasn't the most pressing issue, that spot would go to a wailing toddler, the birthday boys younger brother, who had just burst out into tears. Y/n quickly used his semblance, teleportation, to get to the young boy and get him to show him his injury. The boy sniffled and showed the huntsman in training a small gash in his heel, courtesy of a sharp pin that had found its way into the yard.

Y/n checked the pin for rust and teleported into the house to get a band-aid before coming back out and patching the boy up.

"Thanks, Mr Huntsman." The boy said, suddenly cheery after wailing a mere few seconds before.


Y/n was only here because of a community outreach program, help the people of Atlas with there tasks, no matter how mundane, to encourage positivity from the citizneship. It was an... interesting endeavour to be sure. Y/n didn't mind the kids at all and even enjoyed watching them running around and having fun, something he hadn't been able to do at their age.

He only resented the fact that every second spent with them was another second spent away from ruby. Most people thought high school relationships would last three months. Y/n's had lasted 3 years and was still going strong. He knew that he was a lovestruck teenager but he really didn't care what others thought about his affection for Ruby. 

He was hers, and she was his. They had left Beacon soon after the incident had occurred, both too choked with trauma to stay there after what had happened, travelling the world for a few years before ending up in Altas and enrolling in the academy.

He hadn't envisioned being a glorified babysitter when signing up, but it was better than fighting off zombies in a running battle with an extraordinarily low chance of survival.

Eh, mondays.

With the party winding to a close, Y/n bade the family goodbye and teleported to the mess hall of Atlas Academy, his powers having greatly improved after the few years he was on the road. His eyes surveyed the room, finding no one else. With a shrug he picked up and threw a small bread roll into his mouth and teleported back to his dorm, where Ruby was waiting for him.

"How was it?"

"It was a kids birthday party..."

"And? Was it fun? Where their cookies? Did you get me any?" Ruby grabbed Y/n by the front of his shirt.


Y/n smiled and slowly pushed Ruby off of him.

"There weren't any cookies there Rubes." He smirked.

"Oh" Ruby said, lightly brushing dandruff that wasn't there off of Y/n's shirt.

Y/n grabbed her hands and kissed her forehead.

"I can buy you cookies if you want."

Ruby blushed and hugged him.

"Your the best."

Y/n returned the hug, wrapping his arms around the much smaller Ruby.

"I know."

A/n: And so it begins again....

The Infection (RWBY x Abused Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now