8. The Knight

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A/N: I got bored and made a discord server if you guys wanna chill and talk about this fic or RWBY in general. Just a casual and chill place. I'll be on a lot.


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Warning for this chapter: NSFW

Ozpin sat at his desk, contemplating recent events. He had thought about what Jaune had said, how his team was acting "strange". He had also heard Ironwood comment on Winter Schnee's odd behaviour. His rubbed his tired eyes, as weak as the setting sun. He leaned back in his chair and called Glynda to his office, she arrived within ten minutes. 

"You summoned me Ozpin?"

"Yes, I need you to investigate claims of strange behaviour among students, the number of those displaying the behaviour is ever-increasing."

"Sir, could it not just be a coincidence?"

Ozpin looked out his window and down at all the students going to classes or clubs.

"I fear something much worse is at play here. Be cautious Glynda."

"As you wish, Sir."

Glynda left Ozpin to his musings, the old man was probably delusional.

Glynda would soon learn just how inaccurate that statement was.

She walked to team JNPR's dorm, the supposed epicentre of the outbreak. She looked inside but couldn't find anyone, she decided to investigate. Glynda picked her way through draws, closets and cupboards, she found nothing. She checked the final draw, next to Ren's bed and found that an old shirt covered what appeared to be a tray of black eggs. Beacon didn't have any science projects like this, Ren must have made these on his own, that didn't explain what they were though.

Before Glynda could finish her investigation, she heard footsteps coming down the hallway and hid in a closet, it would be extremely improper for a student to find her poking around in their dorm. 

Ren, Nora and Pyrrha all walked inside. They acted normal until the door closed, then they all looked at eachother and nodded. They each went off to their separate beds and began violently convulsing. 

Glynda's teacher instincts wanted her to go and help them but she knew something suspicious was happening. The students finally stopped convulsing and stood up. Their skin had turned bone white and their veins were black. Glynda almost let out a gasp of surprise before getting a grip. 

The team made their way into the bathroom, Glynda followed. She peeked through the door and saw the three of them taking off their clothes. Now, this was inappropriate behaviour. They all stepped inside a large bathtub and fully submerged.

Glynda opened the door a tad more and looked at the liquid in the bathtub, it was a pure black substance that looked extremely thick.

Glynda decided she had enough to report and silently closed the door. She tiptoed her way to the door of the dorm and put her hand on the doorknob but before she could twist the knob, Cinder and Winter opened the door and everyone gave each other shocked looks before Cinder smiled like a devil about to dance in the pale moonlight. 

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