10. The Discovery

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"Have you guys noticed some people acting... weird" Questioned Y/n as he looked around and saw several students with blank unassuming eyes going about their daily tasks as if they were puppets with their strings being pulled. It just seemed... unnatural.

"Yeah, I thought I was going crazy, people just seem so strange recently." Yang looked around and noticed a student walking around in circles. Definitely weird. 

*chh* could team RWBY and WOLF report to the headmaster's office immediately *chh*

"Have anyone seen Weiss recently?" Ruby asked with a hint of concern in her voice.

"Not since her late-night training session with Winter." Y/n replied, he too sounding slightly concerned.

"I suppose we'll have to go Ozpins without her then."

The team of three humans and a Faunus walked to Ozpins office and knocked on the door.


The team entered to see Ozpin with three cups of coffee on his desk and hollow, sunken eyes with black markings beneath them. This man was tired.

"It has come to my attention that something at Beacon has gone amiss, what it is I am unable to say, but I'm sure you have noticed some... peculiarities."

"Like how some students are acting strangely and are doing things at odd hours in the night?" Said Blake, her heightened Faunus senses had smelled something unfamiliar in the air around Beacon, something sinister.

"Precisely miss Belladonna. I have summoned you here today as I believe none of you have been affected by the strange phenomena."

"Thank you, sir, but what about Weiss?"

"I believe she has been endangered by her sister. I sent Glynda to investigate the oddities but when she returned she acted differently, I fear she was inflicted with the... infection."

The group couldn't imagine their friend being changed by the virus, much less they're feared teacher.

"I assume you have a proposition Ozpin?" Y/n said, eager to find the solution to the problem.

"Of course, I believe more can be discovered about the infection, travel to the emerald forest and retrieve an ancient text that is said to contain the details of every disease on this planet."

"At once, Sir."

"Considering the situation I believe it would be fruitful to place you all in team WOLF with Y/n as the leader."

Y/n was momentarily startled by Ozpins suggestion. He hadn't expected to actually lead anyone in his team. It was a great burden to be responsible for the wellbeing of his teammates. Y/n was unsure if he was up to the task.

Ozpin sensed his hesitancy.

"I can assure you I wouldn't have made this decision if I was unsure of your skill, Y/n."

This seemed to reassure Y/n who nodded at his newly formed team. He was ready.

"We shall leave immediately Sir."


The Infection (RWBY x Abused Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now