12. The Chemist

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"Snap out of it!" Yelled Yatsuhashi as he tried to fend off all three of his teammates at once.

They weren't using their weapons but were clawing and trying to bite Yatsuhashi.

"Damn you." He yelled as Velvet tried to bite his leg. He kicked her away before seeing the remaining members of Team WOLF.

"I could use some help." He pushed Fox away using the flat side of his mighty sword.

Coco jumped on Yatsuhashi's back and tried clawing his eyes out, he grabbed her and threw her off, trying not to injure his former teammate

The trio rushed over to help their friend, Y/n engaged Fox who kept trying to bite the hand that was holding the sword, the infection had rendered them savages.

"Don't hurt them," Yatsuhashi said while prying velvets teeth off his thick gauntlets. 

"That's a bit difficult when they keep trying to kill us." Y/n yelled at Yatsuhashi as he tried to fend off Fox's attacks. 

"I think they're just trying to infect us." Said Blake as she and Ruby fought off Coco.

Fox dodged under one of Y/n's blocks and tried clawing at the team leaders leg, Y/n pistol-whipped Fox which sent him crumbling to the ground, unconscious.

Yatsuhashi saw what Y/n had done and tried to duplicate it by using the hilt of his sword to hit Velvet in the head, the attack didn't work and Velvet only seemed madder. Yatsuhashi was forced to fight off his best friend without physically injuring her, the task was extremely difficult.

Ruby and Blake were being pummeled by Coco's relentless attacks as she used her teeth and newly grown Grimm claws to swipe and tear at any piece of flesh she could see. 

"You're better than this Coco," Ruby yelled at her former friend as she saw a savage gleam in her eye, she was prepared to kill.

"Less talking, more fighting," Blake yelled at Ruby who was still trying to reason with the infected.

"But she's our friend, we have to help her." 

"We will, but we have to be alive to do that, which means incapacitating Coco."

Ruby nodded and put on a stern look but she was internally struggling at the thought of having to fight her friend.

Y/n looked across from his recently won fight and saw the conflict in Ruby's eyes, this would end now.

He teleported behind Coco and hit her with the pommel of his sword, knocking her out.

He looked over to Yatsuhashi who was on the ground, grappling with Velvet who was ferociously trying to bite any part of Yatsuhashi she could see.

Y/n teleported behind Velvet and dragged her off of Yatsuhashi, the Faunus turned on Y/n and began tearing at his arms and legs, trying to scratch anything.

The Faunus' hand was millimetres away from scraping Y/n's neck when Ruby used her scythe to pry Velvet off and Blake walked behind her and whacked her in the head.

"Thanks for the save Ruby."

"No problem Y/n."

Y/n looked up to give Ruby a reassuring smile but he noticed she was madly blushing.

Is that a sign or-

"Hey guys, thanks for the help, you know why everyone has turned mad?"

Y/n was knocked out his train of thought by Yatsuhashi's comment, he would have to ponder Ruby's reaction tomorrow. If he lived that long.

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