14. The End

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"Focus up Ruby, this is it."

Y/n said this to try and reassure Ruby who was shaking, clearly shocked by Yatsuhashi's sacrifice.

Y/n took her hands in his and looked her in her tear-streaked eyes.

"Hey, look at me, if we do this then Yatsuhashi will be fine. Yang, Blake and Weiss will be fine, but for that to happen we need to focus and finish the mission. Can you do that?"

Ruby nodded meekly.

"Good, besides, if we lose how are we going to go on that date?"

Ruby squared her shoulders and nodded at Y/n as the elevator dinged, marking their arrival at the top of Beacon.

Ruby and Y/n quicky left the elevator and fanned out, scanning for threats.

All they saw was a woman in a red dress standing in the middle of the tower, presumably waiting for them.

"How good to see you again."

"The feeling isn't mutual."

"No? oh well, it will be when you're under my thrall."

"I doubt it."

"I suppose we'll just have to wait and se-"

 Cinder sprinted at the pair and formed two glass swords which she engaged Y/n and Ruby with, Y/n drew his sword and started parrying off Cinders precise strikes while Ruby tried to maneuver her scythe in the limited space. Cinder easily fended off Ruby with one hand while concentrating on Y/n with the other.

Cinder was put on the defence as Y/n started to aim stabs at her chest and shoulders, causing Cinder to go into a low stance and wait for her chance to pounce at either target.

Her chance came when Ruby tried to maneuver her large scythe but ended up jamming it one of the pillars, Cinder used the momentary distraction to lunge at Ruby and hit her hand with her sword, cutting it and causing the reaper to lose hold off her scythe. Cinder dropped one of her swords and punched Ruby, sending Ruby flying back.

"NOOOO!" Y/n yelled as he desperately swung at Cinder and tried to prevent her attacking Ruby, it was too late.

Cinder stepped away from Y/n and made one longsword out of glass.

"Now it's just the two of us."

"I'll kill you for that."

"Is that a threat?"

"It's a promise."

Y/n drew his Paladin pistol and started firing at Cinder who easily dodged the shots, she ran at Y/n and re-engaged him in melee combat. She moved with the grace of a ballerina but with the ferocity of a bear, Y/n had to use all his training under Roman to just stand on equal footing with the ferocious woman. Y/n was living up to his team name, looking for optimal strikes and taking advantages of any lapse of concentration like a wolf looking for vulnerable prey.

"You're good." Cinder said as she drew away from the panting Y/n.

"But not that good." She leapt at him once more, only grasping her longsword with one hand. Y/n parried and deflected her first few strikes before she smiled and made a dagger of glass which she stabbed into Y/n's chest. Y/n looked in shock and backed away a few steps, holstering his pistol and dropping his sword. He looked down at his chest and tried to grasp the protruding object but was too weak to do anything but fall to his knee's.

Cinder walked over and knelt down next to him, caressing his chin with her now blood-covered hands.

"Oh you poor boy, you really thought you stood a chance. I'm the chosen champion of the dark goddess, I was just using this fight as practice."

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