13. The Sacrifice

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"You're sure it'll work?"

"If the instructions you gave me were correct, then this should do the trick."

"Then we need to get to Ozpins office. Now."

"What's in his office?"

"It's the highest point in Beacon, if we release the cure there then all the infected should be cured."

The trio took the elevator, moving cautiously in case of another infected attack.

The elevator was slow-moving and the team had time to think.

"Hey, Yatsuhashi."

"Yeah Y/n?"

Y/n took a few seconds to think about how he was going to say this.

"How are you holding up, with your infected team and all."

Yatsuhashi was usually a stone wall when it came to emotion, he had a poker face most gamblers would dream of.

"It's not fair," Yatsuhashi muttered in response to Y/n's question.

"What was that budd-"

"I said it's not fair!" Yatsuhashi punched the wall of the elevator, causing a slight tremble in the machine.

"They got infected, everyone did, and I'm stuck here without them, I cared about them Y/n, especially-" The large man started crying in unrestrained grief.

"Especially Velvet."

Yatsuhashi rubbed the tears away from his eyes and put his face back on neutral mode, devoid of emotion.

"Its okay Yatsuhashi," Said Ruby as she embraced him in a hug, her hands unable to find each other on the other side of the student due to his size.

"Th... Thanks, Ruby." The giant of a man said as he embraced the affection so rarely shown to him.

Ruby stopped hugging him and went back to her side of the elevator, still smiling at Yatsuhashi.

The elevator suddenly screeched to a halt. The doors open to reveal the engineering floor.

"Uhh... what happened?"

Yatsuhashi pried the control panel off the wall and inspected the mechanical workings of the elevator.

"It looks like the fuse burst, I think it was sabotaged."

The trio looked outside the elevator to find the culprit but came up empty-handed.

"It's convenient were on the engineering floor, I can find the parts to repair the elevator."

"Almost too convenient." Y/n muttered to himself.

Yatsuhashi repaired the elevator while Ruby and Y/n scoured the floor for materials and tools.

"It was nice."


"What you did back in the elevator with Yatsuhashi, it was nice."

"I was just being a caring friend."

Y/n sighed, how had such a nice and caring girl like Ruby fallen for him?

He didn't deserve her.

Ruby could almost sense what Y/n was thinking and gave him a quick smile of reassurance. This was the kind of smile that amplified innocence and goodness and everything right with the world, it was the kind of smile that could melt a man's heart, Y/n smiled back.


Y/n ears flinched, he turned around and looked into the shadows.

There was nothing.

The Infection (RWBY x Abused Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now