9. The Dreamer

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A/N: You know, it would be nice if someone, anyone, actually joined the discord server.

*Cough* I'm lonely *Cough*


The tentacles were preparing to strike again, the tips of them covered in blood. They hovered over Y/n's body, trying to find the most painful points. They dug underneath his skin and started cutting up the muscles then cracking his bones, Y/n could feel every millimetre of Grimm slowly slicing him open, every tiny firework of pain flaring to the front of his mind.

"no no no, NO!"

Y/n woke up in a cold sweat, thinking he was still in Salem's castle. He was panting heavily and was drenched in his own bodily fluids. Y/n walked to the dorm's bathroom and splashed water onto his face, he looked into the mirror above the tap, he thought he saw a Grimm behind him and swiftly turned around, it was only his shadow. Y/n shakily sighed. He needed help.

He left his dorm and walked to team RWBY's. He jumped at every shadow he passed, paranoid it could be a Grimm. He finally arrived at the door to team RWBY's dorm and knocked. Ruby answered while wiping the sleep out of her eyes.

"Oh hey Y/n, what do you wan-"

Y/n broke down crying, falling to his knees.

"The nightmares, there not going away, I still feel myself back in that place and relive the pain every night. I can't live like this."

"Shh, it's okay, do you want to sleep in my bed tonight?"

"I... I would like that."

Ruby let Y/n in and gestured to her bed.

"Are you sure?"

"Oh come on, I don't bite."


Y/n hopped into Ruby's bed while she grabbed him a glass of water, she placed the glass on the floor next to Y/n then snuggled up in the bed next to him.

"Y/n, I'm always here for you, anything you need."

"Thanks, Ruby, I'm glad to hear that."

They both wished each other goodnight and went to sleep.

"Wake up you lazy bastard," Tai said as he shook the young Y/n awake.

"You have chores to do, clean my room and train with Yang."

"But I still feel the bruises from training with Raven."

"Does it look like I give a flying fuck?"

Tai kicked Y/n off his mouldy bed and left the room, Y/n stood up while clutching his side.

Y/n walked into Tai's room and started wiping the windows and scrubbing the floors. An hour later he was done and walked outside onto the grassy plain that surrounded the house.

"Took you long enough, fuckface."

"Just get this over with."

"I'll have to beat that rebellion out of you."

Yang walked up to Y/n, who was covered in protective pads and started whacking him, wherever she pleased. Y/n wouldn't break any bones or get permanently injured, but it still hurt like hell.

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