7. The Reunion

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"Ahhh," Y/n sighed contently as he took another sip of the coffee laying before him.

"So, Blake. Why did you invite me here?"

"I remember you, working with Torchwick."

"Oh, that."

"If anyone knew you could get expelled."

"Trust me, I have that covered."

Y/n was too tired to go into detail about his admittance into Beacon academy, the tiredness was on account that he had too many nightmares last night to sleep.

"How did you end up with Torchwick?"

"It's a long story..."

Y/n spent the next hour detailing his early childhood abuse. Blakes face either became disgusted or infuriated as Y/n went into vivid detail. 

"I'll never look at Yang the same again."

"Friends close, enemies closer I suppose. How did you end up with Adam?"

Now it was Blakes turn to talk about her abusive ex. She described how he would mentally and emotionally abuse her so much so that she felt guilty about leaving. 

Y/n was sympathetic to her plight as at least his abusers had been upfront about it. Adam had dug his claws so deep into her that she had struggled to even recognise that she was being manipulated. Once Blake was done she composed herself for a second and asked Y/n another question.

"What did you do all those years while working for Torchwick?"

Y/n had to think for a second, he had done so much after all. 

"In the early days, I was mainly a helper in the heists while Roman trained me. Later on, he had me kidnapping and extorting with a sprinkle of bribery. I hadn't felt guilty as it wasn't really hurting anyone too badly. The guilt came when he asked me to commit murder. I had been thinking he'd ask me to do it eventually but it was still a shock."

"Did you do it?"

"I... the target was a rival of Roman's, his name was Oliver Winchester."

"Cardin's father."

"The one and only. He had been killing some of Roman's goons and trying to invade his territory. Roman thought enough was enough and sent me to kill him. I had him dead to rights, he was unarmed and asleep, it would have been quick and painless."

"Did... did you pull the trigger."

"Blake... you gotta understand that people with weak stomachs tend to starve. And I was sick of going hungry."

Blake just sat there, stunned that Y/n had committed cold-blooded murder.

"Blake please don't look at me any different. You know what I had been through and that I would starve if I didn't."

"Now you know how Yang feels."

Blake stood up and left as Y/n sat, contemplating Blakes retort

She was right.


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