11. The Betrayal

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The airship slowly descended into Beacons courtyard, the team hopped out and looked around.

"Where is everyone?" Asked Blake as she sniffed the air looking for a familiar scent.

"I don't know..." Y/n said as he stooped down and picked up Coco's scarf.

"Something feels off." Muttered Ruby as the team walked into the entrance hall of Beacon. The students should have been in class but all the rooms were empty.

The team split up to check the school grounds. Y/n was searching the back of the campus and the school's pool. He saw that the grounds were empty and turned away when he heard a strange gurgling sound from the pool.

He walked back and opened the small gate leading into the pool area. He peeked over the edge of the pool and immediately recoiled in shock. The pool was full of a strange substance, it looked slimy and black as ink. Y/n found the source of the gurgle as Jaune arc submerged himself in the pool.

"Hey Jaune, what the hell are you doing?"

Jaune re-emerged and gave Y/n a blank stare. He started twitching and convulsing while making strange noises with his mouth, the noise seemed to attract the attention of the other infected who emerged from the inky depths.

A sea of faces looked at Y/n, the whole school had been infected. Then, simultaneously, all the infected started screeching and clawed their way out of the pool, unsteadily wobbling toward Y/n

"Shittttttttt." Y/n said to himself as he sprinted to find the others.

One by one, he found the rest of his team as there were investigating the grounds and told them of the situation.

They all gave him the same shocked look. All their friends were practically zombies.

They all agreed that their next step was to get to Ozpin and tell him about the cure.

The only problem was the horde of infected following them, and they were getting faster.

They all sprinted toward the elevator that would take them to Ozpins office. Once they reached the elevator they were stopped by a girl in a red dress.

"I'm sorry, I can't let you pass."

"I assume your the one responsible for this outbreak."

"You're a fine guesser, I think you'll make a fine slave to."

"I already tried dating once, didn't work out."

"Interesting last words."

The girl summoned a sword made of glass and ran at the group, her attack was blocked by Yang.

"Go find Ozpin, I'll hold her off."

"No Yang yo-"

"That wasn't a suggestion."

Yang's hair turned a fiery red and Y/n pulled Blake towards the elevator as she tried to push him off her.

"We have to leave her."

Y/n dragged Blake to the elevator where Ruby was waiting.

As soon as they hopped in, Ruby slammed down the close door button and they all watched the doors close slowly as Yang battled Cinder while the infected raced towards her.

"She made a choice, we can't let her sacrifice be in vain."

Ruby and Blake both had tears in their eyes as they watched Yang be swallowed by a horde of infected.

The Infection (RWBY x Abused Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now