6. The Second

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Nora could almost smell the pancakes from the hallway. She had just come back from the nurse's office where she had been waiting for Y/n to wake up. Jaune and Pyrrha had gone to the roof to train and Nora had intended on berating Ren for not staying with Y/n but could barely concentrate with the delicious smell of pancakes wafting through her nostrils.

"What ya cooking, good looking." Nora already knew it was pancakes but didn't want to be rude.

"Pancakes. With a special surprise."

"Ooh. I wonder what it could be?"

Nora sat down at the dorms table and Ren placed a very large stack of pancakes in front of her.

"Dig in."

"Thanks, Ren!" Nora said hurriedly as she tried to shove as many pancakes as she could into her mouth.

Ren just stood there smiling as Nora hungrily devoured the pancakes.

"Don't you want some Ren?"

"They're all yours."

Nora just gave him a nod and a smile as she continued filling her mouth with pancakes.

Nora finally finished all of the pancakes and lay back in her seat, content.

"So what was the surpri-"

Nora had a sudden dizzy spell and fell off her chair, hitting the ground, hard.

"Ren, help me," Nora said almost drunkenly as Ren continued to just stand there and smile.

"I'm sorry Nora, my master needs more servants."

Nora was getting extremely close to unconsciousness. The pancakes must have been laced with something.

"Ren, please."

Nora looked up at him with big, pleading and tearful eyes. Ren just stared back at her with what some would consider a look of contempt.

Nora's vision started to blacken and the last thing she saw was Ren with a face that told her she was worth nothing. A face she had seen many times during her childhood.

"...No" She choked out as she was finally knocked unconsciousness. 

Ren picked her up and carried her to her bed. He layed her down and pulled a small, black worm out of his pocket.

"It will be better soon. You will thank me for this blessing later." Ren whispered as he placed the worm on Nora's chest and watched it crawl up through her nose and into her brain.

Ren took a step back and looked at Nora as she started violently convulsing. She spasmed for a few more seconds before sitting up in her bed and smiling at Ren.

"Thank you for this gift."

Ren smiled to himself. The infection was spreading.

Y/n was leaning against the wall of a random building in downtown vale, enjoying a smoothie while Weiss and Blake argued about the white fang. Quality entertainment. The argument was getting dangerously close to a screaming match when the group heard yelling from the docks.

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