4. The Infection

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Ruby sat there for a few seconds before running away and heading back to her dorm. Yang followed Ruby and found her lying in her bed, crying her eyes out.

"What is it, Rubes? If Y/n did something I swear to god I'll find him and shove my fist right up his a-"

"No Yang, it's not... well it kinda is but-"

"I knew it, where is the fucker? I'll punch him so hard-"

"Yang, just sit with me," Ruby said in an almost pleading voice as Yang was calmed down by the sadness in Ruby's tone.

"I'm here for you Ruby. Anything you need."

Ruby could barely speak through the tears as she was still grasping to understand what had happened. 

"It's Y/n... He's our adopted brother. He's alive."

Yang was almost as shocked as Ruby. She knew that Y/n didn't die but she never expected him to attend Beacon. She had figured he had become a farmhand on some far side of Remnant.

"Ruby... There's something I need to tell you."

Ruby looked at Yang with sorrowful and tearful eyes.

Yang almost couldn't bring herself to do it. But she had to.

"We... well we lied to you. We knew Y/n was alive but didn't tell you since we thought you'd chase after him."

Ruby stopped crying and just looked at Yang, her face blank.

"Get out."

"Ruby wai-"


Yang quickly rushed to the door as Rubys face turned red from anger. Yang had never seen Ruby this angry before. She was scared.

Yang left and walked back to dinner. Everyone asked what had happened and why they heard yelling. Yang chalked it up to a young lover's quarrel. The table simply nodded in understanding.

Ruby was all alone in her room, either consumed by her sadness for Y/n or for her anger at Yang.

She wondered what Y/n was doing and where he was.

"Another round," He told the old bartender.

"Young man, I think you've had enough for one night."

"I'm paying, aren't I?"

The bartender just shrugged his shoulders in defeat and slid the man another shot of whiskey.

Y/n quickly drained it and requested a beer. As the bartender went to get a beer, Y/n turned his stool around to inspect the bar's occupants. He didn't know any of them. Good. Just as Y/n received his beer he heard the bell connected to the door chime, He turned around to see a very attractive woman walk towards the stool next to him and sit down.

"Hey, hot stuff, whats someone as beautiful as you doing in a place like this?"

The girl just looked at Y/n and smiled. She hailed the bartender and asked him to give Y/n another shot.

"Oh, what's the occasion?"

The girl leaned over and placed her face centimetres in front of Y/n's. Y/n knew he was good looking but this was a whole nother level. She leaned forward and started making out with him. While she was doing this, her arm was outstretched and putting a white pill into the drink she had recently ordered Y/n. As soon as the pill started dissolving, Cinder removed herself from the kiss.

The Infection (RWBY x Abused Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now