5. The First

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"AHHH!" Y/n yells as the tentacles dislocate then rejoin his thumb.

He had spent a day in this unending agony and his throat was sore from screaming. He had cried so much his eyes were drying out. His lungs were almost empty.

Y/n needed to concentrate on finding a way out. He tried to close off his mind from the agony tearing at his soul. Y/n took a deep breath intensely concentrated on a singular memory. The day he had escaped the house. Y/n heard Cinder and Salem open the door and start walking towards him. He only had one chance. The effort might kill him. But then again, Salem could do the same.

Y/n centred himself and took another deep breath, he looked over at the end of the table and gave Cinder a wink. Y/n teleported away. 


Salem yelled and broke all of the windows in her throne room.

She looked over at Cinder with hate-filled eyes.

"The plan has been moved up. Head to Beacon and begin spreading the infection."

"At once, Master."

Y/n fell to his knee's and looked up at Goodwitchs stunned face. He had teleported into the middle of one of her classes.

"Y/n!" Yelled Ruby as everyone rose from their seats to try and get a better look. 

"Ruby, go get a nurse."

Ruby just nodded at Glynda's order and used her semblance to rush to the infirmary. 

"Just stay calm Y/n, help is coming."

Y/n just looked at her with sunken eyes.


His head rolled to the side, he was unconscious

Cinder looked up at Beacon academy. Ozpins base of operations. She had expected it to be bigger. ;)

She made her way inside and headed to the cafeteria. She saw a boy sitting alone in the corner. She approached him.

"Excuse me, sir, Do you know where this dorm is?" She said while gesturing to the scroll in her hands.

"Of course, follow me.

Ren escorted Cinder to her new dorm, it was empty.

"Hey, where's the rest of your tea-"

Cinder punched Ren in the back of the skull, knocking him out.

"I could ask you the same question."

She dragged Ren onto one of the spare beds. Salem had enrolled her as a solo foreign exchange student, presumably with help from Roman, but Salem would never admit that.

She pushed a Grimm worm out of her palm and it landed on Ren's chest before slowly sliding into his mouth. Ren violently convulsed for a few seconds before sitting up and looking directly at Cinder.

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