3. The Revelation

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Y/n woke up to the sound of knocking on his door. It couldn't be Neo again, could it?

He went to the door and opened it to see Ruby Rose standing there.

"What do you want?"

"I just wanted to say congratulations for being the first solo team and thanks for killing the Grimm back in the forest."

"No problem, Congrats on making team leader."


Y/n stared into Ruby's innocent eyes. He was reminded off all the times she had helped him when he was trapped with Tai, Yang and Raven. They had all treated him like shit, Ruby, however, had shown kindness and basic human decency. She had brought him food and bandages after he was beaten by Tai, kicked by Raven or used as a sparring partner by Yang. 

"My team and JNPR are having dinner together tonight if you'd like to join us?"

Y/n thought for a second, it would be impolite for him to refuse but Yang would be there. Y/n decided he could control himself for one night.

"Sounds great."

Ruby told him of the time and location then walked back to her dorm.

Y/n waited until he heard Ruby walk far enough down the hall. He looked at either side of the hallway to see if anyone was coming. The space was empty.

Y/n reminded himself that he had to do this. He'd had enough and didn't need him anymore.

Y/n teleported to a discreet alleyway in the rough part of Vale. He walked inside a barely visible door into a rundown bar. He drew looks from the bar's occupants, mainly wanted men or people with nowhere else to go. He walked into the backroom and descended down a spiral staircase. Another door led him into a small but very expensively furnished study. There was a desk in the middle of the room. Seated at the desk was Roman Torchwick.

"Good to see you, my friend."

"Don't play games with me, Roman. Why did you send her?"

Roman seemed momentarily shocked that Y/n had come for this reason alone. But he quickly recovered.

"I simply wanted to see how you were doing. Make sure you were safe and whatnot."

"I don't need to be babysat."

"Of course not. You're a powerful huntsman after all. I was simply concerned for your wellbeing."

"You mean you were concerned for your investment."

"That's not... I didn't-"

"I'm done, Roman. I quit"

Roman's pleasant demeanour quickly turned to one of anger and frustration.

"You can't just leave. I trained you. I fucking fed you when no one else would take you. I made you who you are."

Y/n walked out of the study and looked back at his almost father figure.

"Goodbye, Roman"

Y/n teleported back to his dorm, completely spent. Two large teleports had taken a lot out of him.

Roman just sat in his study. Infuriated that the boy he had put so much time and resources into had run away. 

Neo walked in and unsheathed her umbrella sword, a clear indication of what she wanted to do.

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