Chapter 3 - Clues

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Hello, Thanks for those who are reading!! Really appreciate this, Thanks to Steph she knows why :) Also I'm sorry its long winded so its split into 2 chapters! xx


Barclay's POV

I walked through double doors with the rest of the lads and security from the car park after the brief commotion in the car park. We didn't hear the argument that happened with the security and Jess but judging how she reacted when I asked her if she wanted help she wasn't too pleased. She hadn't changed much since I saw her briefly last year, apart from her hair has got longer and it was curly this time round. I stared at my phone for a while as we walked down the corridor, the boys were talking and I was just in my world of my own I stared at Jess' number which I saved in my phone after her sister gave me it.

Snapped out of my thoughts when Tom spoke to me "Why you so quiet" He jumped on my shoulder "You got Jess' number?" He asked me as he climbed down off my shoulder "Yeah, Her sister gave me it...Don't know if i should delete it?" I say as we walked into a room "I would text her! She's such a cool person Barcs" With that Tom patted me on my back and joined the other boys.

We did an interview with a magazine in this room, when it was finished I bit my lip and looked at the other boys and Casey's and James Girlfriend joined us they were mostly with us. I wanted to see Jess' again and they might be able to help me meet up with Jess' thats if she's not left yet. I walked over to them "Hello ladies...I need a favour" I give a small smile to them and Steph raised an eyebrow "What do you want?" She asked looking at me suspiciously "Nothing bad but i need you to help me meet this girl...the only or maybe the only way for her to meet me is through you guys" I say hoping they will help, In which they agreeded too.

"Hey:)" I sent to her just like that, unsure if she would answer the text or ignore if she doesnt know the number wouldn't blame her if she did, She didn't look to please earlier today.

Jess POV

I walked through the not-so crowded shopping centre I was surprised we didn't bum into the band I didn't know their name. Carla was quiet as we walked through to the main shops with a smug look on her face since she came back from talking to the boys "So where do you want to go?" I asked as I pushed the pram towards River Island. "Looks like to River Island" She rolls her eyes. I sighed, She was so tough to get along with recently. But I wanted to take my mind off the boys.

Walking around the shop looking around the clothes my phone buzzed in my pocket taking it out it read a number that I didnt have in my phone book, frowning I opened the message to read "Hey:)" I frowned and looked at Carla who disappeared in the shop "Hello...Who is this?" I replied back wondering who it was, as i carried on in the shop. My phone pinged "That would be telling know me...Kind of" I looked and frowned as Carla walked towards me "Who did you give my number too?" I asked as I typed back to this number "who is this?" I sent. Carla shook her head "Not at all why?" She asked.

"Just someone texting me, I don't know who it is" I say as I walked out of the shop as my phone pinged "BB...I saw you a few minutes me in starbucks? Please?" I read and frowned and looked around as people walked by "BB who is BB?" I asked. Carla grinned, what does she know? I thought "Dunno, what did he say?" She asked me "To meet him in Starbucks...thats if he is a male" I say looking down the centre to starbucks sign "Go" Carla said "What...No" I shook my head as i placed my phone in my pocket and thought for a moment "No, besides I have Lily" I say. "I'll be okay with her" Carla says. I bit my lip, Mum told me not to leave them together "I can't" I say.

Carla sighs and shakes her head "I'll be fine with her, she is my daughter afterall" She says, still unsure I nodded "Okay...Call me if you need me" I say biting my lip as i handed the pram over to her "I will don't worry now go and meet your admirer" She smirked and I looked at her disapproving as i walked in the direction of Starbucks.

Steph POV

I actually couldn't believe I agreed to do this for Barclay, I'm stood in Starbucks with the workers wondering why I haven't ordered yet. Barclay owes me big time. I thought as I looked for the discription Barclay gave me 'Blonde hair down to her waist, Curled, In cute jeans and jumper' Sums it up really because most people walked by was Blonde or with Blonde in their hair and all owned cute Jeans in which i would have to look for later on. I sighed and waited another 5 minutes to see if she would come, if not I have wasted the past 15 minutes of my life doing nothing.

I saw a Blonde figure standing by the window of Starbucks looking into the shop as if to be looking for someone. Walking out the shop door "excuse me are you Jess?" I asked the young girl around my age who turned around and nodded "Yeah.." She says a bit confused "Oh good, Look someone is meeting you but you have to go to John Lewis outside" I pointed at the shop across the way "Trust me" I say to her as she looked at me unsure and a little bit pissed off "Okay.." She nods and smiled "Thanks" She walked away. I text Barclay saying my part was finished and now to find James.

Jersey POV

I waited outside John Lewis, I was watching the staff changing the display in the window, as i recieved a text from Steph saying Jess was on her way over. It was very hard to try and point out one girl. I bit my lip as I waited, Casey was shopping in a Top Man and said I would meet him in there once finished.

A blonde girl walked over she was about the same height as me, She can be my new bestfriend if so, cause I already feel short as it is "Hey! Your Jess right?" I asked making myself look like a fool if not "yeah i am? I'm suppose to meet someone here?" She says sweetly and I nodded "yeah but he's at the fountain you go through there" I point to a small corridor, she sighed and nodded "thanks" she smiles and I nodded before I went to fix my boyfriend.

Barclay POV

Jersey text me to say that Jess was on her way, I was really nervous, tapping my foot nervously as i sat down on the bench under the fountain, No one was around the fountain for some unknown reason because it was so peaceful, I saw a figure walk into the area where i was I could tell it was Jess cause of the jumper, I stood up and waited for her reaction.

Jess POV

I hope whoever this is i'm meeting is going to be there because I was not in the mood to be set up, two girls who I didn't know from adam even gave me clues to get me here. Walking down a quiet area of the mall I frowned as i see the fountain. I walked towards the fountain looking around to see who i was actually meeting walking around, My eyes fixated on the boy i snapped at earlier. The one who I quite like his audition last year "Its-Its you?" I say not quite believing it. Wow that came across mean.


I orginally wanted to post it before X Factor but it didn't go to plan BUT THE BOYS ARE THROUGH OMG

Remember to Vote and Comment - Also what do you think will/want to happen?

The other girlfriends will be introduced soonish

If you guys want to follow me on twitter too your more than welcome to its @Jessiebabes95

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