Chapter 15 - "why didnt you tell me?"

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Here's the next chapter! Hope you all like it!

Steph POV

I woke up in my own bed which felt amazing, I've been with James most of the time, I look at the otherside to me to see Jess was still asleep. Jess hated mornings like most she hated them with a passion. I sighed grabbing my phone reading it wsa 09:00, I shot up we was up half an hour later "Shit" I muttered climbing out of bed which made Jess stir in her sleep. "Guys! We're running 30 minutes late come on time to get up!" I called as I banged on the door. I walked into Aimees room to see Jade just woke up "Where's Aimee?" I asked, She shrugged. I sighed about to walk out "I'm here, dont worry I just went for a shower" She said. My heart stopped beating so fast. "Good I thought you stopped out with Charlie" I say before heading back to my room "Jess come on get up!" I say throwing a pillow which all she did was grumble.

Everyone managed to get showered in reasonable time. Hair and Make up was now done, we had a hour before we could get in the dresses. We cracked open the Champagne and had a drink "Not for you Aimee you can have orange" I take the champagne from Aimee who looked at me "Your 18" She rolled her eyes and took a sip of her orange.

The girls was ready they looked amazing in their dresses "Steph you really should put yours on now" Faye says as she drinks more of her Champagne. I nodded and headed upstairs to get changed. I managed to change and Jess knocked on the door "Need zipping?" she asks. I nodded "Thank you" I say as she zippped me up. "You look amazing Steph" She smiled at me and I nodded "Really?" I ask she nodded. "Jersey's already crying downstairs that you getting married she be even worse when she sees you" Jess chuckled. We had some photos together after Jersey managed to compose herself before we had to get going to the church.

Barclay POV

I could hardly sleep and normAlly when I had alcohol I fall asleep but this time was different i had James words going over and over in my head. Jess pregnant? Surely she would of told me?. I thought I looked at the photo of me and her sat on the beside. Something wasn't right with her for the past few days but surely if she was pregnant she would of said something. I shook my head and went straight to the bathroom and had a shower.

James POV

The fact I was getting married was scary but exciting. Suffering from a hangover I still remember everything including what I told barclay. That would be the first thing Steph will do when we're married. Kill me. Barclay came downstairs. "Hey mate how did you sleep?" I asked. He shrugged "I was thinking more than anything" he says "I'm sorry you had to find out like that, I'm sure Jess was going to tell you" I try to make it better "yeah I don't think she was I knew something was up the other day!" He shook his head taking a deep breath. "Never mind, it's your wedding. I need to get Jake up" he replies as Casey and Tom walks downstairs.

*Skip the wedding cause i be there forever and a day and im rubbish at weddings*

Jess POV

The first dance was now over and everuone was mingling and having fun. I finally found Barclay since the photos, he wasn't really talkative. "Hey" I say smiling. He didn't answer me, hes been really off with me today. He looked at me with a hurt and angry expression on his face. "Barclay, whats going on?" I asked following him grabbing his arm. "Whats going on" He snapped at me and turned around snapping his arm away "Shouldn't i be asking you that question?" He asked. I looked at him and seeing all eyes turn onto me. "What?" I ask "Nothing is going on" I say shaking my head.

Barclay chuckled and shook his head "When was you going to tell me your pregnant? With my baby? Today? Tomorrow? in 9 months time? or when you had the baby Oh by the way Barclay we have a baby. Why Jess? Why Couldn't you tell me? I had to find out from my best friend!" He shouts. I hear gasps from the guests. I don't think I've ever seen him this angry . I wanted to burst into tears then and there but I shook my head "I-I'm sorry" I say before I headed out from the crowd of guests.

Steph POV

I smiled as James let go of me, we was talking to some distant relatives that came to the wedding until I heard the commotion between Jess and Barclay. I walked closer to see they were arguing. It was about the whole baby situation. I looked at James "You told him?" I asked disappointed "I had to, he deserves to know" James says in his defence. I shake my head as Barclay shouted at Jess I have never seen him so angry before. Jess looked heartbroken I looked at her as she went out of the crowd. "Barclay! She isn't pregnant!" I say to him. Barclay turned to me "what? But" he says softening his face "I was wrong mate" James confessed. "I'll go and look for her" Tom says leaving to find her.

Barclay POV

I did feel guily for embaressing her in front of these people but it needed to be said, I was so anrgy with her and upset for not talking to me. I watched her as she walked off. I closed my eyes and was about to go after her when I heard Steph announce that Jess wasn't pregnant, I looked at her "What? but" I asked confused looking at James who shooked his head. "I was wrong mate" he says. To right, now I've just humiliated my girlfriend and made her cry. Tom said he would go after her. I looked at everyone who seemed to be back to their own business, looking at Steph and James before heading out of the hall.

Toms POV

I walked out into the fresh air, through the French doors the direction Jess went in. I looked around to see a blonde hair girl sat on the swing bench that had fairy lights on. I start to walk over to her "aren't you cold?" I ask as I look at her, she shrugged. I took my jacket and placed it around her shoulders "I've messed up Tom" She says trying to hold back her tears. I sit beside her "Jess, Barclay is just...upset you never told him" I say placing an arm around her shoulder "it came back negative, I didn't want to scare him" she tells me. I nodded "now he hates me" she wipes a tear "No he doesn't far from it Jess" I say. "It's starting to turn chilly here why don't we go in hm" I asked standing up I ordering my hand. She nodded and took my hand as we walked up back to the reception.

Jess POV

Steph came out "Jess!" She says smiling softly "hey, I'm sorry that happened" I say it is her wedding day after all "please don't, the band was playing soft music we needed something to wake the guests up" she winked. I laughed a little and looked at Tom "thanks Tom" I smiled thanking for him for talking to me. "Barclay wants to speak to you" Steph grins, I hate it when she grins. "Suppose I'll have to speak to him" I say walking into the hall passing Tom his jacket back looking for Barclay to find him on the stage. *youtube video*.

Tears was pretty much just rolling off my cheeks as Barclay comes over. Wiping away as Barclay pulls me into a hug "I'm so sorry Jess" he says kissing my head as I look up to him "I'm sorry I should of told you" I say to which he shook his head "I would of been there for you either way" he says kissing the top of my head again. I felt so much better and that barclay was okay and wasn't mad anymore.

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