Chapter 5 - Don't you want to change your shoes?

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Steph POV

James was staying at mine while my parents was away, so I agreed to have the boys over and obviously the girls over to reveal if they got through or not, james isn't revealing anything. He had agreed to stay out of the way while we got Jess ready.

Jersey was picking Jade up on her way over here. Jess should be here anytime soon too. I already had the outfit planned, Jess will moan but thank me later. I hear the doorbell ring as I was trying to sort things out around my bedroom "James get the door!" I yell downstairs hearing muffled sounds as Jersey and Jade walked upstairs. "Hey!" I grinned as I stepped out of my bathroom.

Jess POV

I was driving to Stephs house which I got lost, I hate driving in London, sighing as I turned into the street Steph lived on I found the address she text me the night before. I got out the car as I walked unto the porch as knock on the door waiting for an answer when James answered "Hey James" I give a warm smile as he let me in. I gave a wave to the Reece and Casey and I think Jake before James telling me where the girls was.

I walked up the spiral case as I get there the girls was stood there as if they were waiting for me "Hey, Sorry I was late, Got lost?" I sigh as i walked in placing my bag down on the floor near the door. "We have a hour and half before Barclay arrives" Steph checked her watch. I looked at the time on my phone, I didn't realise the time went so quick. I just agreed with everything they said, I guess I can trust them

Jersey POV

I smile and Jess as I grabbed the make up case placing it on the dressing table "Come on Jess I'm going to do you hair and Jade said she was going to do your make up" I smiled, Jess nodded and sat down in the chair I pulled out. I decided to give Jess a simple hair do, She had long hair which was a bonus, I gripped it to the side and put curls in which made her look a different person but simple as it was only a dinner. I admired her in the mirror "I think you are done" I smiled as i placed the last bobby pin in her hair. Jess smiled as she looked in the mirror "I love it thank you" She smiles at me and nodded. 

Jade POV

I didn't put too much make up on Jess, as she said it was only just dinner, it wasn't a date. So it was just a bob standard everyday make up, Just a bit more effort on the eyes. She had a pale pink lipgloss, and Shadow eye shadow which made her eyes stand out a bit more, I finished putting a bit of bronzer before I was finished, "There we go Jess" I say as i placed the brush down on the dresser. She looked perfect.

Jess POV

I got ready in the bathroom, The outfit was perfect, It wasn't to over the top it was just casual, I dont think its even a date is it? I thought as I looked at myself again in the mirror before walking out the to the bedroom to where the girls was sat on the bed "Barclay is here" Jade smiled. I nodded and gave a small smile, as i put my heels on, Praying i wont fall down the stairs in them. I sighed as i picked my bag up as i walked down the stairs. I didn't manage to fall down the stairs. I sighed before smiling walking into the lounge to see Barclay watching the boys play fifa "Hey" I give a small smile, Barclay turned around and looked at me, Couldn't quite work out the way he looked at me but he smiled "Are you ready?" He asked me. I nodded and smiled and turned to the girls "I'll see you later" I say to them. As we was going to watch bootcamp togehter.

I was about to open the door "Jess, Dont you want to change your shoes?" Barclay asked. I Frowned and looked at my heels "Why?" I asked "We are walking as its only a few streets away" He says. I give a small smile "No, I be fine" I say as i step out of the house. Probably need new feet by the end of the night. 

We walked to town where we went for a meal at TGIF i quited liked the place, a few people noticed Barclay which was awkward while we was having dinner. "So Jess, Tell me about yourself?" Barclay asked me, While i was taking my heels off while i was sat down, swear i had blood in them from walking "What's there to know, i care for the elderly, Look after my neice...Just a normal girl i guess" I shrugged. My life was pretty boring really and especially for a 19 year old. Barclay nodded. (A/N: I dont really want to bore you with the whole date stuff so we move on)

We left the resturant and decided to take a slow walk back to the house, my feet were killiig me, and talking to me every step i took. Wearing heels not a good thing, Barclay was about 3 feet in front of me as i waddled behind "Do you need help?" he asked, I shook my head "No...No i be fine" I say smiling why gritting my teeth. Ow, ow, ow I thought "How far have we got?" I groaned. Barclay chuckled "We haven't even left town yet" He says "Okay, well I need my feet so im gonna walk barefooted" I say taking my heels off looking at Barclay. Jesus Christ i was short. "What if there's glass Jess?" He asked as i started to walk my feet still throbbing "I'll live" I say walking. I could hear Barclay chuckle as i walked i turned around he had a smirk on his face "Hop on my back, I can't watch you suffer" He said. I smiled and nodded as I hopped onto Barclay's back.

We finally arrived back at Steph's place, seemed forever, Barclay settled me on the floor "You sure your back is okay?" I asked "Yeah, But if i cant get out of bed in the morning, you be the first person i will blame" He says as we walked in. I chuckled.

Barclay POV

Dinner was nice, Jess was such a chilled out girl, we had lots of things in common, I quite enjoyed the date...well dinner not a date, Jess made that clear. I could tell her she was in pain walking in the heels, I feel for girls who do walk in them, I couldnt make her suffer so I gave her a piggy back ride back to Stephs, I lowered her to floor gently as she thanked me we walked into house, everyone looked at us. "Hey" I said as i took my coat off walking into the room. Steph and the rest of the girls walked by me as i went to sit with the boys

Jade POV

us girls made it into the Kitchen where Jess was rubbing her feet "How was it?" I asked egar to know all the details "It was great you know just chilled out." she replies back "But you like him right?" Steph asked smirking. Jess chuckled "We just went out for Dinner...doesn't mean i like him" She replied. I smirked "So do Jess" I say. "Yeah we can tell...We saw you two together, whats with the piggyback ride" Jersey asked "My feet were killing so he offered" She replied "The Barcs likes you too" Faye speaks up. "Oh yeah Jess, this is Chris's Girlfriend Faye!" I introduce them.

Barclay POV

I sat on the Sofa, The boys was setting the TV ready for X Factor to start "So how was the date?" Casey winked over at me "It wasnt a date...Just dinner" I told him "Oh please...we are already thinking of shipping names for you guys" Charlie tells me. I laugh, We wasn't dating, Will we ever date? I thought to myself as James shouted "X Factor is on!" through the house as the girls piled in with snacks as we got comfortable, Jess sat over the other sofa with Steph and Charlie, I looked over for a while probably was noticable but who cares.


Sorry this was rushed but i got so excited! Anyway in happy news Chris accepted me on Snapchat how cool is that! Woop!

Next chapter is going to be amazing and hopefully fun 

Hope you guys Like this 

Jess xxxx

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