Chapter 11 - Engagement Rings?

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I am going to skip about 2 months nearer to Christmas as otherwise i be writing and writing forever if i base it on the x factor weeks so its like about 7 weeks after the boys babysitted. The girlfriends are not in it much in this Chapter I am sorry but you all should have a bit more part in the next chapter! :) I Hope you enjoy it.


James POV

I walked downstairs in the house I was sharing with Barc, Casey, Tom, Chris and Jake the other two boys were around a lot but for obvious reasons they couldn't really live in the house and besides it was crowded witht he six of us. especially if the girls are over...Then it isn't too bad as they usually clear up for us. I walked into the kitchen i was just in my boxers and shirt, The house was empty Casey and Jersey are spending their 2nd Christmas with Jersey's family this year, Chris has gone back to Ireland with Faye who was excited to go to Ireland. Barclay and Jess was down Devon visiting Barclay's family as Barclay wanted to spend Christmas with Jess' family. I sighed this year was 4 years since me and Steph became a couple. We met at School and had been the longest relationship out of the boys, Casey and Jersey had been together just under 3 years and Faye and Chris started dating before the x factor kicked off and Sinead and Jake have been together two months. I sat looking through a brochure that i had fore a while, This year I have a surprise for Steph but no-one else knew and I had no one to really ask as the boys would just tease.

I looked through the brochure as i hear the door go as I fling the book somewhere in the room to hide away from whoever just walked in "We're back!" I heard a small voice, looking around the doorway to see that it was Jess and Barclay. I didnt realise that they was due home this early. "Hey!" I called out as I went back to making the cup of tea i never made. As i turned around to see the two of them coming through from the hall "Enjoy your trip?" I asked, to which they nodded.

Jess POV

I smiled as I walked into the Kitchen with Barclay to find James in the kitchen asking how the trip was I nodded "Yeah it was good, Barclay's family are really cool" I smile as I sit on the bar stool "I'm going to take the bags up" Barclay says kissing my cheek as I nodded "Okay" I say as I looked around the Kitchen surprising which was clean. Steph must have been around at some point to clear it up. I smiled as i noticed a brochure by the draining board I lean to pick it up. James turned around and looked at me "Nothing interesting in there" He says scratching the back of his head. He always does that when he's nervous like Barclay. I looked at him and then to the brochure.

Before looking back at him "Engagement rings?" I asked looking back at the brochure "I-You cant tell anyone Jess!" He says to me. I smiled and nodded "i'll help you look if you like" I offered. "Please, I need a womens opinion the others are away, Sinead and Jake well i dont know where they went" He says. I nodded "Sure, we can go now..I need to get Barclay's Christmas present anyway" I say as I put the brochure in the bag. As Barclay came down "I'm going out to get your Christmas present with James. I be back in a bit" I say as i grab my car keys and jacket kissing my boyfriend on the lips, who smiled and nodded "I'll shall wake Tom and play fifa" He says before heading back upstairs.

I drove to the town centre, it was a small town just outside London as we didn;t want to go somewhere where we could be spotted and it get out that James is looking for a ring or even worse that we'd both be in the papers. I sighed as we walked along the high street towards Tiffany and Co. "Well here is one of Steph's favorite shop so you probably will find a perfect ring" I say.Finally getting Barclays present and the perfect ring for Steph we arrived home. I explained to Barclay about the whole ring situation and he promised not to tell anyone.

Steph POV

I walked into the Kitchen to see Jess, Barclay, Tom and James sat around the table "Hello, Beautiful people!" I smiled before kissing James softly looking at the table to see a brochure "Jewellery hey whos this for?" I asked looking at the four of them " Barclay was looking for my Christmas present" Jess says. Barclay looked at her "But I already got you your present" Barclay said to her. before yelping and Jess glaring at him "No you haven't!" She growled. I looked at them and laughed before sitting down. "We are going for a walk later" James informed me "Really?" I asked and he nodded. We all just spoke about Jess and Barclay's trip down to Devon and Tom losing to Fifa earlier.

*That afternoon/Late Evening*

James POV

I met Steph by the end of her street as she went to get ready as what she had on wasn't suitable and warm enough for the walk. Jess had gone with Steph, Hopefully not revealed any of my plans, I saw Steph who was wrapped up in her scarf, hat and gloves. "Hey!" I say looking at her smiling kissing her cheeks which was red and she hadn't left her house two minutes ago "You and Jess had a good afternoon?" I asked as i take her hand in mine. She nodded "Yeah she was telling me what she got Barclay for Christmas" She says. I nodded. She never said anything thank god. It was a clear day, just very cold and probably not the best day to do it on, but it was a perfect clear and wintery day and no one was really around. I smiled as I looked at her she was cold she was snuggled into her scarf as we walked towards the tower bridge which is where her favorite place is on the Embankment. I had to check my pockets a few times to make sure that my ring was still there. slight panic when i couldnt feel it but after several pats i felt it breathing a sigh of relief.

Steph's POV

I sighed as we walked along the embankment, it felt like we was walking miles. James wasn't revealing anything until we stopped near the Tower Bridge. I looked out to the river and smiled "I love this spot" I say softly. It was my favorite spot ever, James and I had our first walk as a couple along here, at this time of evening I look over at James who was looking out to the river "You alright?" I asked looking at him. He turned to me and nodded. "Yeah, Its just cold thats all" He says "Oh, Lets go back" I suggest "No!" He shook his head. I looked at him and frowned "I mean, I want to talk to you- Well ask you something?" James says stuttering. He stutters when he's nervous. I nodded "Yes?" I say as I lead him to the nearby bench. "Well. We've been together since School, When we used to sit in Maths together and just use to talk and since then when i finally asked you out. Since then you've been with me through the whole X Factor expierence, putting up with the other lads and been my rock throughout the whole 4 years" James started.

I smiled at James, He's never really been a man of many words "So, This year's Christmas gift to you is me because I am simply amazing and you wouldn;t have it any otherway" He laughed. Now i knew he was nervous what was he planning? I thought to myself. "Being serious now. I want to spend another 4 years with you, and 4 years after that and more after that, So many years that we old and grey together and that we are telling our Grandkids who would probably will cringe when we repeat this story" He says.

My hand flys over my mouth, I knew what was coming next, My eyes started to go blurry from the tears that was about to fall and that was before. I could only just make out that James was infront of me down on one knee "Steph I fell in love with you that day in Maths, You complete me in everyway, I wouldn't know where i would be now if we wasnt together. I promise you that I will never leave you, I promise to be with you for the rest of your life....Thats if you can put up with me for that amount of time" He makes the joke at the end which then I must of choked on a few tears. He brought a small box out of his pocket "Stephanie Imogen Anderson will you Marry Me?. I looked at him and wiped my tears and nodded "Yes, Yes of course i will!" I say as he stood up smiling before I jumped up to hug him "I Love you" I say into his neck before he slipped the ring on my finger. I looked at it on my finger "Its perfect thank you" I say kissing him softly before I noticed a few white flakes on James black coat. I looked up to the sky to see that snow was falling. Snow just topped the evening off as being the perfect day ever.

Hope you enjoyed that, there was 3 different versions for this chapter so it was hard to write in some parts. Please let me know what you think of the story so far! I will be revealing a new character in the next chapter:) let me know what you guys think to the story so far!

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