Chapter 13 - Liar

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Merry Christmas! (Bit late at night but) I was orginally planning 3 chapters however 3rd one is nearly done but not the middle...however their should be 2 more chapters of this tomorrow! Maybe later if i dont fall asleep! Hope you all had a great day and got what you asked for! xxx

Jess POV

I sighed as i rolled over for the millionth time. I couldn't sleep at all, I'm suppose to go shopping with the girls today for the dresses and couldn't really miss it. I sighed as I sat up in bed and looked at Barclay who was asleep with soft snores coming from him. I sighed as I got out of bed..I was going to get ready to go shopping with the girls. I felt a wave of nausa, my hand flew over my mouth rushing into the bathroom to throw up for must of been the past few days. I"Jess?" I hear a knock on the door "I'm fine, Just stomach bug i be out in a minute" I groaned into the toilet. "We can re-schedule the dress shop if you want?" I gathered it was Steph "No, I be fine" I say as I managed to get off the floor and wash my face and cleaned my teeth.

I managed to walk out of the bathroom to find Steph and James stood there. "Morning" I say running my hand through my hair "Jess you look like you need to be in bed" Steph sighed "No, No we need to go dress shopping, give me a few ill get dressed" I say shaking my head walking back to Barclay's room.

Steph POV

Jess did'nt look well at all, she was white as a ghost. Shes been ill for the past couple of weeks and we've put it down to Charlie's stomach bug which he had but hes only for a few days. I sighed as I looked at James who shrugged before I walked back to the bedroom to get changed for the day ahead. I walked downstairs to find Faye, Jade and Jersey was just some sort of awake "Morning ladies" I say as i walked down. They all mumbled morning back "We're just waiting for Jess, We're meeting Sinead in town" I say as i sat down on the breakfast stool.

"is she any better?" Faye asked drinking her coffee. I shook my head "Not really, she was sick earlier said she was okay but looks awful" I say shaking my head, Jade made a o shape before sipping her coffee as Jess walked dowstairs "Morning!" She says chirpier than she was earlier. "Morning" I replied back as she grabbed her coat and scarf "Ready when you guys are" I smiled and nodded and looked at the girls who moved and started to get ready. We took Casey's car as Jersey wanted to Drive so we all piled into there.

The drive was short, Listening to the Stereo Kicks X Factor songs "Cannot believe Casey listens to himself in the car" Jade laughs "They all do its cute, They can't wait until they go on tour on their own and make an Album" Jersey laughed in the drivers seat. I smiled "this is why we're getting married in April after the tour because the boys are going to be busy and James didn't want to wait another year" I chuckled from the passanger "How romantic Faye laughed" I turned to see the other girls and Jess staring out at the window, I bit my lip before looking out the windscreen.

Faye's POV

We arrived at town and their was a big department store full of wedding dresses and for other ocassions "God this place is huge" I say looking around. Getting nods from the other girls as we walked further into the shop. "Okay, So i have this dress in mind, anything with lace not too much of a train and not too much over the top elegant" Steph told us. We nodded and walked around the shop seperately picking a few dresses for Steph to try on. Sinead walked in "Hey sorry guys! I couldn't get off work quick enough and absolutely shattered" She yawned. Sinead was working night shifts for a few days so this is why we didn't see her as much as we normally do and Jake being like a lost puppy.

Stephs POV

Me and Jess walked along one isle of dresses admiring them "Oh my god Jess! This will definately suit you" I say pulling out a white dress which was really cute and totally Jess. Jess looked at me and gave me a small chuckle and nodded "yeah its nice" she says before looking back at the dresses. I found a few when Faye and Jade walked over and Jersey and Faye. "i'll go and try these on" I say taking the 4 dresses into the changing room with me.I tried on the first dress and looking in the mirror and was unsure "What about this?" I asked the girls who shook their head. I nodded and agreed before going back to change the dress again "This one?" I stepped out, it felt really baggy on me. Jess shook her head and the others looked at it as if it was green. "No, Okay" I say heading back into the changing room changing into the next dress.

Looking into the mirror i smile and nodded it looked very elegant and simple and i adored lace. "I think this is the one!" I smiled as I walk out. "Oh my god Steph you look amazing" Sinead screeched "I Know i love it" I smile looking down at the dress "This is the one" I say "James is going to love you in that" Jess says. I nodded "I'll go and change and then you guys can try the bridesmaid dresses" I smiled walking back into the changing room.

The girls tried on dresses which some of the liked, one of the dresses just managed to cover their bottoms I have never seen Faye or Jess so scared to wear something like that. I laughed as they went back to change to come out in a coral colour dress "Oh my god, thats the one guys!" I grinned "What do you think?" I Asked and they nodded.

*image, bottom two pictures are the dresses*

Jess POV

We finished dress shopping and managed to get them in the car safely "Right is that it?" Jersey asked before slamming the boot down. "Oh guys! Can we pop into a boots or something that does um...yeah monthly things" Steph said. I stood there in shock and in realisation "Oh my god" I muttered to myself as i took my diary out of my bag. I flicked through the pages and looked at the reminder was 3 weeks late "Oh god, No this cannot be happening!" I groaned shoving it back into my bag "whats wrong?" Steph asked all eyes was on me "Oh uh nothing" I say smiling, "Liar" Sinead folds her arms "Sorry?" I ask(a/n basically she looking at her like the barclay reaction).

"You have been acting weird all day, whats wrong? have you had an arguement with Barclay? or still not feeling well" Steph asked. I bit my lip and shook my head "I've messed up" I croak out "What do you mean?" Jersey asked "I'm late" I whispered. "Late for Wh-Oh" Steph said. I nodded "I just realised, Oh god I've messed up big time" I say shaking my head "No, Come on you could just be stressed and it hasn't arrived but we get a test to make sure" Faye says giving me a small smile.


Oh dear, What do you think? is Jess pregnant or false alarm? New chapter will be up Soon! Hope you like it xx

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