Chapter 9 -

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Jess POV

I was running around the house trying to get ready. I was meeting Barclay for Lunch which wasn't going to go to plan due to the fact I was rushing around because I was late up. I was curling my hair before mum called "Jess! Can you look after Lily?" I sighed as I looked at myself "I'm meeting Barclay in a hour!" I shout back "I be half an hour tops" she replies back. "Fine." I reply back as I switch my curlers off.

I grabbed everything so I wasn't rushing around. Lily was laid in her Moses basket i looked in she was sleeping peacefully. I sorted out some things out in the kitchen when the doorbell rang. I sighed as I walked through to the hallway to answer the door. It was Steph. I offered her a small smile, and invited her in. "I'm meeting Barc in about 20 minutes" I say as placed essentials in my bag. "Are you taking Lily?" Steph asked as she sat on the breakfast stool "Mum should be home soon" I sighed.

Steph POV

Jess let me in, she looked slightly annoyed, I nodded as I see Lily sleeping. Jess seems to be looking after Lily a lot and I know she loves her but at the same time she didn't know what she wants, she didn't know what Barclay wanted "I would take her so you can meet her but I'm seeing James" I offer.

Jess smiled and shook her head "I'm sure Barc won't mind if I bring Lily" she says as she sorts the nappy bag "I don't understand why you still conscious, If Barclay loves you which he does he will accept Lily" I say. I know we had this conversation previously but Jess doesn't see how head over heels Barclay is with her. I waited until Jess was ready to go out. "Mum isn't obviously not going to be on time so ill have to take her with me" Jess says as she grabs Lily's coat. "It'll be fine Jess, Barclay will love her" I say reassuring, grabbing my phone, texting James to say i was on the way to meet him. Jess nodded as I bidded her a goodbye leaving her.

Jess POV

I placed Lily in the pram wrapping her up. I was meeting Barclay at a nearby cafe as it was more quiet here than in central london where more fans will notice him. I really didn't want to be in the limelight with Lily either. I left mum a note, I knew she would do this on purpose before I left the house "Hey, On the way to the Cafe now x" I sent to Barclay before i placed my phone back into the bag before I set off.

Barclay POV

I arrived into the small cafe, it was home like sort of cafe. Only a few people was in the Cafe. I sat down on my phone as I recieved a text from Jess saying she was on her way, It would be nice seeing her on her own cause mostly its after the show and we can't really spend time together. I sat looking out the window waiting to see Jess appear down the street.

I see her walk by, she gave me a short wave and smile. Noticing she had the pram with her, I stand up to help her through the door "Hey" I say as I kiss her on her cheek. "Hey, Sorry mum went out said she be home but she wasn't and so i had to bring Lily" She says as she pulls the pram to the corner where we was sitting. I nodded as i pulled out a chair for her to sit down before I sat down myself. "How have you been?" She asks smiling. I nodded and smiled "Yeah, I've been good, tired but good" I chuckled at the last bit "Have you done with rehearsals today?" Jess asked. Shaking my head "We have vocals tonight" I say.

We had Lunch and talked about X Factor and life in the house, How its different now I'm with the boys. We even talked about when we first met. "So, are you go-" I was cut off by Lily crying next to us. I looked over at the small infant wailing in the pram. I looked at Jess who gave me a apologetic look before she took Lily out of the pram. I've only seen glimpses of her but she was tiny "carry on?" Jess says as she tried to calm her down "it doesn't matter, is she okay?" I asked indicating to Lily who was now screaming the cafe down.

Jess bounced her up and down to try and stop her crying "She'll need feeding, it's past her dinner time, I should see if I can warm her milk up" Jess replies. "Can you hold her for me?" She asks as she was about to hand her over. I looked at her frozen. I don't know how to react around babies. I looked at her and nodded "Yeah sure" I say as she handed her to me. I looked down at the baby who was wailing in my arms "Sh, don't cry...I'm not that scary am I?" I say softly as I watch Jess walk away. I looked at Lily, who has seemed to have stopped crying as loud as she was. She was the cutest baby I have seen. She started to calm as I longer held her.

Jess POV

I Went to warm Lily's milk up I couldn't help wondering if Barclay was okay with her, as I was walking back to the table. I smiled and looked at the two together, Barclay actually managed to stop her crying. "You look a natural there" I say as I walk over and sit back across from him "here" I hand him the bottle. He gives me a small smile and nods. I just watched them two together, she was so content with him, made me realise that I was worrying over nothing.

Barclay POV

I had just got back from lunch from Jess before I was bombarded by Steph, Jersey, Jade and Sinead "you know you love us, and that we're friends" Jade asked sweetly, what did they want "yes" I say walking into the kitchen where Faye and Chris was "baby sit Lily for Jess?" Jersey fluttered her eyes "I've just spoken to her, she never mentioned" I say "Please Barclay, the other boys will help" Steph smiled "hey! Don't sign me up for this, I looked after your twin cousins...still not over the ordeal!" James said across the kitchen. I chuckled and looked at the girls "Fine sure, but I only met Lily today properly so" I shrugged "you'll be fine, think of it practice" Sinead says before sitting on Jakes knee. I shook my head, tomorrow is going to be a long day

First and foremost sorry for delay, this chapter has been written twice then changed it to fit. So it's not the best update but I needed to get it out! But yeah hopefully you like it let me know what you think by commenting and voting

Jess xx

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