Chapter 8

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Steph POV

I woke up to singing and yodelling...I lifted my head off the pillow to look at the time was 8:15. I was not amused to say the least. I turned to see Jess was still sound asleep, then again she can sleep through anything. I felt my head spinning from the amount of alcohol that I must of consumed how I managed to get up stairs was a mystery.

I walked along the corridor Jade and Faye came out of the rooms. I looked at them and shrugged "I'm going to murder Barclay" I say as I walk down the stairs with Faye and Jade. I wasn't a morning person at all.

Reece, Chris, Jake and James was sat at the table half asleep and Barclay was cooking breakfast "Barclay!" I growled. I ran my hand through my bed hair yawning. Barclay turned around with the biggest smile on his face and came over "Good Morning ladies!" He chirped "why are you yodelling at this time of the morning!" I ask.

Sitting on James knee considering I was awake. "I am just in a good mood, why?" He asked. I shook my head and let him get on with it. When Jersey and Casey walked down the stairs hand in hand. "Oh good morning love birds" I smirked as I get up off James lap to make a coffee, dodging Barclay while doing so. "Jess still in bed?"I hear Faye asking. I nodded, "yeah did she sleep alright..I heard her walk by in the night" Casey asked. Jersey frowned. I looked around Barclay was still smiling a Cheshire Cat "what about you Barclay? You sleep well?" I asked he just nodded

Jess came bounding down the stairs "good morning!" She smiled around everyone. I frowned and smirked "Morning Jess!" I smile before walking back to James. I watched as Jess walked by Barclay while he was making breakfast.

Jersey POV

I couldn't believe it at the end of the day Casey and the lads are going to Bermuda, literally feels I've know the lads ages. Breakfast was great, it was just going to be a chilled out day. Mostly making sure the boys had everything. We were going different ways as the boys went to see their families. We are taking the boys to meet their families. We met Jakes girlfriend who couldn't make it last night, Sinead. She seems like a nice girl, thought I think the high heels was too much...I don't know if it's cause I feel short but why?. Sinead looks at me and I smiled "Hey! I'm Jersey" I smiled as she introduced her to the girls.

*skip judges houses & they got through woop woop*

Jess POV

I finished work for a week I was taking off. I was going to pick the girls up as we was going to see the boys who landed a few hours ago. I pulled outside Stephs house as I get out and take the car seat out so everyone could get in. "Hey!" Steph chirped as I placed the baby seat in the back "hey" I replied "where's the others?" I asked "already at Casey's house" she replies. I nodded "oh right" I say as I climb back in the car.

Steph got in the passenger seat, I haven't seen her since we said bye to the boys. I had the radio on low as we hit traffic. "Have you heard from the boys?" Steph asked. I've spoke to Barclay and Tom, I nodded "yeah I spoke to Tom briefly" I say as I move in the traffic "Barclay?" She asked. I turned and looked at her "yeah briefly" I say looking at the window.

"I knew it! you guys are seeing eachother aren't you?...that's why Barclay was in a good mood the other day" Steph grinned. I chuckled slightly. "So when's the wedding?" She asked smiling "Not anytime soon, We're just going slow" I say as I pulled up on the street that Casey lives on "I totally take credit on you two" Steph says proudly. I roll my eyes "You already have a ship name for us already havent you?" I asked, I knew she would of had cause this was Steph we was talking of "Please us girls had Jarclay sorted when you guys went on that date" She beamed. I shook my head "we are taking it slow, I'm still just.." I sighed "the whole Lily thing?" She finished off. I nodded "I just don't want to get any hate...or ruin any chances for Barclay" I say parking the car behind what looked like Faye's car.

Faye POV

I Was sat in the dining room with the rest of the boys and Casey brother Chet, he was such a laugh. We heard a car pull up "it's Jess and Steph" I say. James stood up to go and meet Steph. The other boys followed. "Jess and Barclay are an item" Steph said happily across the driveway like a little kid. Knew it, but Barclay wasn't telling me everything nor was Chris "Did you know about this?" I asked he shook his head "It wasn't mentioned" He replies with his deep Irish accent. Barclay and Jess blushed as they gave a quick hug. They were going to make a cute couple and Jess is so nice.

Jade POV

The boys was moving into the House today so we were all saying goodbye even though we would see them at the weekend. It would be different not going to peoples houses for parties, or just to hang out. Saying goodbye was the most hardest part. Saying goodbye to Reece was hard, I think i was the same mess as Lyndsey. I didn't want to say goodbye, But it was great i could talk to the other girls as they were in the same boat

*Skip to 1st live show results after party* (a/n otherwise we be here till 2015)

Barclay POV

We had just came from xtra factor studios. Jess was going to meet my family today. I walked into the Canteen area where I could see my family. I saw Jess having a conversation with Jake, Sinead and Theresa. I smiled as I was about to walk to talk to Jess I was nearly knocked down by my sister "I'm so proud of you!" Taylor says into my chest. I smiled and kissed the top of her head "thanks" I chuckled. As i spoke to my family catching up with them. "Guys, I want you too meet Jess! We met last year but we met again" I say proudly.

A few snide remarks from Connor...always teasing type. I waved Jess over who was still having a conversation with Jake and Theresa. She said goodbye and i could see her walking over to me "Hey! Well Done for getting through" She says kissing my cheek "This is Jess!" I smile at my family "Jess this is: My Dad, My brother Connor and Sister Taylor" I say introducing Jess to everyone. Everyone seemed to like her. Jess was going to go back to the Hotel with the girls while I spent time with family. I kissed Jess a goodbye and that i would see her soon. 


Hope you like it! The ending was probably not the best but i needed to end it aha, There should be another update either later tonight/tomorrow depending if i fall asleep which is most likely! 

The next chapter will basically be based around the boys POV as its going to be a funny chapter I think anyway!

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thanks Jess xx

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