Chapter 14 - it looks like you are...

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Here we go the next chapter! It is a bit short, and rush but I needed to get it out of here! Please let me know what you think guys! It's nice to have feedback from other people :) enjoy xx

Jess POV

We got back to the house and took Stephs dress upstairs so we had an excuse not to see any of the boys. We got into Stephs and James room "alright here" Steph tossed the test at me as she placed the dress on the door. I nodded looking at the test. I slipped out of the door walking as fast as I could. Someone was in the bathroom great as I heard a flush and a minute late the door unlocked it was Barclay. I jumped up and down with the test behind my back "what's up" Barclay asked as I moved so that I did t show the test. "Nothing I'm busting" I said and quickly shutting the door and locking it taking the test.

I finish up and run back to Stephs room and the girls sat on the bed I place the test down 3 minutes we had to wait, lots or things went through my head as I waited. What would Barclay say? I wasn't ready to become a mum,
Looking after Lily was a challenge but having a baby of my own? I would love one but just not yet. I was snapped out of my thoughts when the door opened "no James get out!" Sinead called "why?" He asked "Stephs in her dress" I called. "Alright" he walks back out and closes the door.

"3 minutes are up" Sinead says to me. I nodded and looked at the girls who nodded at me "it'll be fine Jess were here for you no matter what" Steph says. Faye nodded and handed me the upside face of the test. I bit my lip taking a deep breath looking at the test. I let s sigh of relief "negative" I say. Looking at them "I'll go to the doctors today though just to make sure" Jersey says. I nodded. "Tanks guys" I smiled, the girls was my rock since this morning and I was greatful.

Stephs POV

The girls headed downstairs I stopped Jess from leaving "how you feeling?" I asked her. She turns to me and nods "yeah I'm good, better now I know it's negative, I'm just not ready to become a mum yet" she says "are you going to tell Barclay?" I asked she shook her head "he don't need to know, if it comes positive then yes but" she say "he doesn't need this news not now" she finishes "I'll take you to the doctors" I offer she nods before giving me hug "thanks Steph" she whispers before she leaves downstairs.

Jess headed downstairs as James walked in "I need my phone plug" he crouches to get it. "Steph?" I hear him call I looked up to see him holding a pregnancy test "that's not mine" I say looking at it "whose is it?" He asked. I bit my lip and shut the door "it's Jess's but you cannot tell anyone! Okay" I say. He nods "that means..." I nodded at him "yes Barclays now don't say anything to him please James" I say he nods "okay" he kisses me on the cheek heading downstairs

*That afternoon*

still stephs pov

after lunch it was quieter "me and Jess are just heading to fetch something for the wedding won't be long" I say as we headed out the door a few mumbled byes as we left. The car journey was quiet apart from the radio on at a soft volume. Jess was staring out the window looking around I didn't talk to her much she wasn't in the mood to talk "we're here"
I announce to which she looked at me with a scared look on her face.

Jess POV

I looked around the room at the doctors, my heart was beginning to beat faster, I couldn't face the test. I just wanted to make sure it was negative and double check that the home kit was right. I looked around to see other pregnant women there, with their partners. I couldn't bring myself to tell Barclay, he didn't need to know unless I was pregnant.

"Jessica Underwood" I was snapped out of my thoughts hearing my name "yes that's me" I cleared my throat looking at Steph who nodded and followed me in. "So you have come to check to confirm you are pregnant or not is that right?" The doctor must of been early 30s asked I nodded "okay date of birth" I hear him ask "may the 5th 1995" I replied. "Alright, if you could go and take a sample for me and we will test you" the doctor hand me a cup. I nodded and went to take the sample and following the instructions. Walking out of the rest room the doctor told me he would call me back.

I sat back outside with Steph "it's going to be okay you know" Steph whispered in her ear. I nodded and gave a small smile. I was still scared that it was the result I didn't want to hear. "Jessica" the doctor calls me, I nodded as I walked into the room sitting down Steph held my hand "well we have took a test and it looks like you are not pregnant" he tells me. I nodded and let out a small sigh I was holding, looking at Steph who gave me a smile. "thank you" I replied to the doctor. A few minutes later we was out of the doctors, "how do you feel now?" Steph asked me. I looked at her and shook my head. how was I feeling? "Fine I guess" I smile back.

*Hen and Stag dos, 2 days later*

Steph POV

I was so excited for this night out one last time with the girls as a last free night. I walked to the bar and got a round of drinks in passing them around to everyone. Jess looked at me I laughed "your not pregnant you can drink" I say shaking my head. Jess laughed again before taking a sip of her drink. "come on ladies lets go and dance" I shout "no I don't dance" Faye says shaking her head before I pulled her away.

Barclay POV

I was laughing with the boys who was out Charlie and Reece couldn't come out with us but they were able to come for a meal. I must of had a few but James was pretty much out of it "alright James come on" I say catching him from falling flat on his face, James was hilariously funny when drunk "Casey is spewing his guts outside its hilarious" Chris was laughing grabbing some water for Casey.

I shook my head "I'm going to miss this" James slurred looking at me "why?" I chucked as I got him sat on a bar stool. "Well I be married to Steph and your gonna be a dad so we miss this" I laughed "you can still go and" I stopped in my tracks "wait what?" My eyes widen, suddenly I felt sober "Jess's pregnant" he slurred. My arm dropped from holding him up.

Hope you all like it the next chapter will be up in 15-30 minutes xx

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