Drugs and Flushes

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Marvin sat in the examination chair in Jessica's huge medical facility. They spent the morning cleaning and re-cleaning everything, and the door has a positive pressure airlock on it. Vampires know people.

Marvin understands the reasons for it all. He has had the whole procedure explained to him in exhaustive detail because Jessica is not about to do anything of this sort without over-informed consent. She and my mom are about to intentionally try to turn a human into a Vampire. This has been done by accident for many millions of years. Never, as far as we know, has anyone chosen to try to come over.

Knowing the risks to himself, Marvin was more concerned about Morgan and my safety. That led to high emotions as Morgan about put her foot up her beloved Dad's rear end. He had no choice in the matter. She would not hear of a lesser attempt to save him. A plan like this NEEDED contingency. 

Morgan explained: "Dad. I was shot by a shotgun. I lost most of my kidneys. The ones I have now are brand new. Parts of my small intestine were beyond repair and removed. All back in place now. I had shot scattered through my lower back muscles. I was in shock, pain, and bleeding out. Even as a vampire I had no chance. I survived that unsurvivable situation because of this contingency procedure. Well: That and Adrian cauterizing my wounds and refusing to let me die. Adrian jump-started my Vampire body with his. I will survive this as it is NOTHING compared to that and I still want to live every bit as much now as I did then.  More: Now I have daughters and family to live for. This is not going to hurt me. Right now, you are only a human and the question really is not how I will get through the procedure but how YOU will."

The only variable in this is (in her incorrect estimation) my participation, not hers. Despite triple rations of shit from Angel, Jessica, and Helen, not to mention another reminder from Morgan that my participation is optional. Me being here and doing this is not a choice I can make. It just has to be.

"Morgan: What is the goddamn point of being a Vampire if I can't do this for you? Hell: what is the point of trying to get your Dad to turn if that is not the damn cure? I'm supposed to sit back and have you take all the risks? No. Hell no. Fuck no. Not going to happen."

I would never have felt differently about this in any case, so the night in the RV did nothing to add to my determination. It did nothing to help their case either as I thought before it started it was cold and bitchy. Thoughts I never normally have about either of them.

Morgan is regretting ever asking me in the first place. Not asking would not have changed this either, except that she would be in less shit with her wives and I would be in even more. I would be OK with that too. I do not like them blaming Morgan for something I am doing.

Marvin approached me alone about not being part of this.nNot taking the risk he could not talk Morgan out of.

"Adrian: I know you love my daughter more than life itself, but you do not have to take this risk with her. I have tried to talk her out of it, and I feel like I should just refuse this whole procedure knowing I am putting her in any danger. I should not be adding you to that risk pool."

Morgan and I talked about it to warn me. We knew once Jessica was done scaring the shit out of Marvin, it was going to come up.

"Sir: you act like this is a choice I have. It most expressly is not. I am not a risk-taker. I am not a daredevil. I don't laugh in the face of danger. I don't even put quarters into slot machines. I know the chances of you having a good result go up the bigger and more diluted the Vampire blood pool is. I can also be sure that Morgan is not bearing the entire brunt of the process, therefore, decreasing the stress on her if there even IS any. You need me to do this. She needs me to do this, and she knew that before she started having second thoughts. Therefore I do this. It is not a choice I have."

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