Warehouse Report

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Marvin is feeling fine. Better than fine. He looks the same, but he does not smell the same. Morgan and I both have him pegged as a full-on Vampire, and Helen, Jessica, and Skye can tell now as well.

There is no more need for caution. It is all uphill from here. Marvin and Skye went back to their house, and I imagine are celebrating. Our house seems empty in a weird way.

I take Nakoma to school and pick her up now: a new rhythm of our life. Today I leaned against the car waiting as she got out. Three boys followed her out of the school and up the walk to where I parked in my now usual spot, chatting. They did not see where they were going, only who they were with. I remember fourteen. Walking hormones, all three of them.

"Hi Dad." She greeted, smiling at the use of the word. It is something she still thought about actively, not an automatic name or label for me.

"Hey there. School OK today?" I asked.

"Not bad." Nakoma allowed.

The boys stood away from us and studied me, trying to figure me out. I am willing to stay a mystery for the three young and be-legged hormones.

"Hop in, honey. Grandpa went home today, but he and Grandma will be over for dinner, and since he is well, I thought maybe you and I could cook for him? Unless you have too much homework..." I let that trail off.

"Oh. No. Hardly any." Nakoma assured me, happy we have a father / daughter cooking event this evening. I can tell that the 'no homework' thing is true. Not that Nakoma is a liar, but she is a kid. Sometimes they test their boundaries. She could never get away with anything around Morgan growing up, and Morgan was human then. A cop, and a PI though, so no half bent truths stood up to Morgan. Morgan warned her that I am equally difficult to slide things by, but not WHY I am that way.

We got in. I started the car, and since the top is down, Nakoma waved at her posse as we left. Other than being tall, I am not that physically imposing, but the posse maintained a respectful distance anyway. They did not want to meet Nakoma's dad. I interpreted that as them having dishonorable intentions.

"Diana helped me with Mama Helen's breakfast the other day. She will probably want to be in the middle of this too." I mentioned as I waited to make a turn at the school entrance light.

"She is super smart. I am sure she'll be OK." Nakoma told me as if I am the one that needed to be reassured about Diana's capabilities.

"If you are OK with it. It's a 'you and me' thing, so up to you if you want her in there or not. You know how she is. She will want to know how everything works, and pretty quickly you and she will end up doing it all, and I'll be sitting there watching."

"Naw. Diana's awesome. We'll have fun." Nakoma said.

We did.

The three of us cooked Marvin's dinner, and nothing was too badly mangled. Marvin used to eat pretty healthy, for a human. He requested food from his old menu. A Caesar Salad with Chicken. Kicking up the standard-issue Caesar dressing with a Jalapeño twist to it. No Anchovies because Morgan and I have to eat it too. Easy stuff. I showed my girls how to make croutons, and we gave those some extra Garlic.

We made a very non-standard version of the salad as well. I had a feeling Marvin is going to be jonesing for some beef. I remembered coming home from the hospital and stopping for BBQ and killing massive amounts of it. Wanting more than I ate, but stopping so as to not look like a crazy person. Marvin may THINK he wants all his human comfort foods, but I have been a Vampire a lot longer than him and I know he wants iron and red meat too. Vampire programming taking hold.

The girls and I talked about it. I showed them a recipe and explained that in a Chicken Caesar, the key is that the chicken has to be tender and tasty. Not overcooked and absolutely not undercooked. Since we are not going to use fish in the dressing we are already off the reservation as far as traditions and this particular recipe in my recipe book. I only ever view recipes as starting places anyway.

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