Chapter 3

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Jennifer's POV

My alarm went off. I got up and went straight to my bathroom. I watched myself in the mirror and saw i have bruises on my lips, cheeks and neck. I pushed my sweater above and saw i have some blue & greenish bruises on my ribs and stomach also. I sigh and headed straight to take a warm shower, maybe it will help to ease my pain from yesterday beating. I took a shower and came back to my room. I picked up a yellow sweater with large sleeves and put it on, coz i don't want anyone to see my bruises, they looks ugly, then i put a white skinny jeans and wore my sneakers and grabbed my bag. I went out from my house and locked my door. I was walking on the road until i heard a car horn. I was walking on the street side then why the hell the person is keep giving me a horn. I kept walking with my head low but the person is seems to not stop. Like what the fuck was his problem. I stopped and turned out to say something until i saw someone whom i wished i would never see, at least not yet, here, Hunter. I stopped in my track with my eyes widened. I saw him smirking through his car mirrors. He opened his car door and went out from his car. He started to take a long strides towards me and me being afraid started to take a back steps. He stopped in the middle of his track and smirked. He noticed that how scared i am just because of his last beating which he gave me yesterday.
"Jenny, do you want a ride to the school?" He asked
I frozed on my spot. Whaaatt?? Did i heard him right? He is asking me for the ride? Wait! No, i can't fall for his stupid jokes.
"N-noo, i-i am fin-ne" i said while stuttering
"Why?" He asked while smirking
"Cause, i don't want" i said
"Really? Well, it's not like we went to the different schools, we went to the same school. So, come on, I'll drop you" he said
What the fuck is his problem. If i said no that means no, but he love to getting on my nerves.
"I sai-id n-no, no t-tha-anks" i said
He again started to take long steps towards me, until my back hit the tree behind me. He put his both arms beside my head and started to lean in. Oh gosh, no please, stop him. I started to lean on my left side because i don't like him being this close to me. It scared me coz i have no idea that in next moment what he will do. He laughed a bit and said
"I loved it when you are being so scared of me. It gives me a kind of satisfaction. The way you shivers under my touch" he whispered in a raspy voice and started to brushing his fingers on my cheeks. Ohh god, please please make him stop right now please. I was pleading in my head. I was shivering at this point. He was dragging his stares on me. It seems like he's gonna eat me anytime. He is watching me like a predator watches his pry. The tears started to build up in my eyes but i hold them back. I don't want to cry in front of him, or else he will take a notice that I'm scared to death right now. He leaned down to my ear and whispered
"Jenny, do you know that i own you?" He asked
Whaaatt??? What the fuck? Who said that he owns me? Like seriously? This what makes my blood boil. I pushed him so hard on his chest, which caused him to fall back. But he balanced himself.
"What the hell? Who told you that you owned me? Huh? You never owned me, nobody owns me. I'm a human not an object" I said with raising my voice a bit.
He stared at me and you can see that he's controlling himself. His fists are clenching and unclenching. His jaw clenched and his eyes were shooting death glare into my way.
He took two long steps and pushed me hard on the same tree and said
"I owned you, I FUCKING OWNED YOU. Nobody has a right to touch you, to see you, to talk with you, to being with you, to laugh with you, to cry with you. NOBODY HAS A SINGLE RIGHT TO BE WITH YOU EXCEPT ME" he growled and yelled the last part which makes me flinch. I'm scared, the way he's fuming right now can make anyone afraid.
"Do not forget that who i am, and what i can do with you. So better not raise your voice in front of me" he was digging his nails on my arms.
"H-h-un-nt-ter, p-p-please" i said while crying.
"What? Am I hurting you?" He asked
I nodded my head.
He pushed his body onto me and said
"This is what i want. I love to hurt you. This is what you deserve" he said which makes my tears ran down to my cheeks.
Right now im crying like there's no tomorrow. He scared me so much. I can't face him anymore. I'm so weak, his every action makes me go scared to the no end.
He digged his nails more and hurting me with deliberately.
He comes so close to my face that i can feel his breath on my face.
"Jennifer Williams, i told you that I'm gonna make your life living hell and i swear to god i will" he whispered in a really scary tone.
After that he pushed me against the tree and get in into his car and drove off.
I bend down beside the tree and started to cry. What have i ever done to him? What makes him to hate me that much? Why he wants to make my life miserable? Why? I stopped crying and got up and brushed my clothes and heading back to the school. I reached to the school and went straight to my locker. I picked up my Maths books and heading to my first class. I reached to the door and went straight to my seat. I put my stuffs on my table and waited for the teacher to come. After a while, Hunter entered into the class and searching for a seat until his eyes landed on me. Oh shit! I cursed under my breath. After 5 seconds he remove his gaze from me and went to his seat where his friends were sitting. Jason, Leo, Nick and Chase. They all are his friends. Chase is his best friend, they both act like they're brothers and trust me it really seems like they are.
After sometime, the teacher entered the classroom and sat on his chair.
"Goodmorning students, today I'm gonna give you all a partner project, where you all have to complete the project together in a pair. I will make a two two pair okay" the teacher said.
After hearing this the whole class groaned.
"Alright I'll make you all into two pair and you all better started to work on it from today" Mr. Steve said.
"Alright so, Jason and Lilia, Chase and Hailey, Nick and Leo...." Mr. Steve started to take names and I'm just praying to god that he will give me anyone BUT NO HUNTER. I can't face him after school.
"Chris and Megan, Hunter and Jennifer" WAIT WHATTT??? I screamed
Mr. Steve stopped in between his sentence and watched me with his brows furrowed. Hunter was also giving me an intense glare.
"I-i mean, Mr. Steve i can do this by myself" i said
Mr. Steve furrowed his eyebrows and said
"Sorry, Ms. Williams but all students need to pair up" he said
"But Mr. St-" i started but he cut me off by saying
"No, Ms. Williams, you need to work with Hunter or else i will give you zero in this test" he said which makes me stop right there.
When i looked up and saw Hunter was already watching me with a smug face.
I quickly lowered my eyes and started reading the book.
"Alright class, so you all have to submit your assignment till next Thursday. After that I won't take any, Alright? He asked
"Yes, Mr. Steve" everyone agreed
After that the bell rang and Mr. Steve went out from the class. I quickly gathered my stuffs and headed to exist the class until, the devil himself blocked my way, Hunter.
"Where are you going in a hurry?" He asked
"U-m look Hunter, you don't need to do that, i will do this project by myself and write your name in it as well. I won't tell teacher about this" i said
He furrowed his eyebrows and said
"Whaat?? Noo, i wanted to do this by myself as well" he said with his mischievous famous smirk.
"Huh?" This makes me shocked and I continued "Umm, no it's fine, i will do that" i said
He gave me a death glare and said
"If i said I will do it that means i will. You are no one to questioned me about anything. Got it? He said with a hushed tone.
I just nodded quickly before he will do something which would make me regret afterwards.
"Good. So your place or my place? He asked
"U-mm, wherever you want" i said
"Alright then, your place" he said with the smirked
"Uh- umm okay" i agreed
I was about to go until he grabbed my wrist which makes me stopped right there.
"I don't know where you live" he said
"Huh? O-ohh uh, yeah" i said with a nervous look.
"Here" i gave him a paper where my address was written.
He grabbed the paper and said
"Alright, then see you at 6:00 pm." He said and continued while reaching up to my ear which makes me froze on my spot with my eyes wide opened. "It's gonna be fun, babygirl" he whispered with a smirk. Which makes my heart stop for a while.
After that he disappeared from my sight.
Ohh Jesus Christ, please help me! I prayed. It's gonna be a difficult day for me for sure. What this boy wants from me? Ughh!!

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