Chapter 24

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Jennifer's POV
Next day, i woke up with the voice of my alarm ringing. I fluttered my eyes open and got up. I went straight to the bathroom did my daily morning routine and took a shower. After that i got out and put a white skinny jeans and a light blue shirt then curled up my hair then wear my shoes. Before stepping out from my room, i grabbed my purse and phone then went down to the downstairs. I quickly ate an apple and got out from the house. After locking my house door i grab the taxi. After a while i reached to the company i paid the driver then quickly got out. I hurriedly entered in the building and headed to my desk.
"Gosh, I'm already so late" i mumbled and started to check out some files.
"Hey, Jennifer" i looked up and saw it was Vanessa.
"Oh hey, Vanessa" i said
"Wassup" she asked
"Nothing, I'm already so late. It's my second day and I shouldn't be late like that" i replied
"Well, yes you shouldn't be late, cause Hunter doesn't like that" she told me
"Uhh, I know" i mumbled
"What?" She asked
"Ohh, uhh nothing" i said while smiling
"Anyway, you know about our new project" she asked
"Yeah. Why?" I asked raising my eyebrows
"Well, the company who wanted to work with us in the upcoming weeks, they are going to send their main man to talk about it today" she said
"Oooh...soo?" I asked getting confused that why she's telling me all of this
"God, dumbo. You're going to meet him and talk about him for that" she said
"Whaaat?" I raised my voice not believing in my ears.
"Shhh.." she shushed me until i saw everyone is now staring at me.
I got embarrassed and then sat down. She chuckled at my state and i glared at her
"Sorry, sorry" she said
I rolled my eyes at her and said
"But why me? Why i have to deal with that guy" i asked
"Cause, you're the secretary of Hunter. So you have to deal with all the main things regarding the company" she replied
"Hell nooo. I won't, i mean how can i?" I asked getting nervous
"Calm down. It's not a big deal. I know you can do this, plus Hunter is going to be with you there" she said
"Hunter is going to be there with me" i said
"Yess" she said and nodded her head at the same time
"Gosh, Vanessa I'm so nervous and scared. What if i make him disappoint, what if after meeting me they will reject the proposal?" I asked
"Ayee, calm down. Nothing is gonna happen. I know you can do this" she said and put her hand on my shoulder assuring me.
"I hope so" i said
"Yup. I already put these files here related with that, you can go through these okay" she said
"Yeah. Thankyou" i said while smiling
"Not a problem" she said and then left.

*Time Skip*
Right now I'm sitting in the meeting room waiting for that guy with whom i have to make a deal. Hunter is not going to be here cause he got something else to do so he told me that he won't be able to be with me here. So now everything is upon me. I'm feeling nervous as hell. It's going to be my first time that i am dealing with someone.
"Ooof! Calm down Jenny. Everything will go fine" i mumbled to myself and sigh.
After a while i heard a knock on the door. My head snapped towards the door and preparing myself. I got up and looked up to see the guy and I couldn't believe on my eyes of what i saw.
"Y-y-you?" I said getting confused
It was none other than, Calum. What the fuck is he doing here? Doesn't he knows that its Hunter's office and they both used to hate each other. Well I don't know about Calum but Hunter...he hates him so much. Does he knows that with whom he's gonna deal with is Calum. I stood froze on my spot.
"Oh my god! Jenny, You" he said then come to me and hugged me.
I stayed still not daring to hug him back. He discarded himself from me and looking at me while smiling. I smiled back and then told him to sit down.
"What brings you here?" He asked
"Umm..actually I'm the personal secretary of this company" i told him
"Ooh. Great" he said and then added "how you have been?" He asked
"I've been good and you?" I asked back
"Good good" he said
" uhh you're the one whom i have to deal with for the upcoming work" i said
"Yess" He chuckled
"Do you know who is the owner of this company?" I asked
"Ofc yes, Jenny" he said while chuckling
"Ohhh.." i replied
"But I'm the second hand of my company. The Boss of my company trusted me the most so he always gave me the opportunity to deal with everything related with the company" he said
"Ooh greaaat" i said
"So, let's start" he said
"Yeah sure" i replied
And then we both started to talked about the work, hoping I could make this deal done and prove Hunter that I'm capable to work in this company.

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