Chapter 32

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Jennifer's POV
I felt relief cause it's for the first time I've ever stood against him around the people and to be honest he should know that he cannot force anyone to do something or disrespect them. I think I should have done that before but whatever I'm glad that finally I've did something which should have done a long time ago. I hope from now on I shouldn't have to see his face cause God i hate him with all my guts. I was watching a tv until i got interrupted by my phone ring. It's Alex, why the hell he is calling me now, maybe he wants to talk about whatever happened. I cut his call and went back to watch the tv until again my phone rang. God what's people's problem why they can't let me live peacefully. Groaning i picked up the call and without hearing from his side i started "What's wrong Alex, didn't i told you all that I won't work there anymore so please don't call me again and.." i kept going until he stopped me "Woah woah woah! Calm Jenny, calm down. I didn't call you for work or whatever happened back there" he said through the phone. I scrunched up my eyebrows and asked "Then why did u call me?"
"Actually there's my birthday tomorrow and I'm throwing a big party where i want you to show up" he said
"Whaa... no Alex I can't" i replied
"What? Why not?" He asked
I fiddled with my fingers and replied "Cause I don't think there's anything between us like you know.." i trailed off and he caught me "But Jennifer we are still friends. Aren't we?" He asked
"Of course we are but there are going to be other fellows also and I'm sure now half of the people there hated me" i replied sadly.
"Nope. Look it's between you and Hunter it has nothing to do with me or other workers. I would be so happy if you will come. Please" He pleased desperately.
After thinking about a while I replied
"Umm.. okay. I will come" i said
"Yayyy... thankyou so much my Sweetest Friend" he replied happily.
"Hahahahaha yesss Alright so we will meet tomorrow" i said
"Yup. I will send you the location of where I'm throwing a party okay" he said
"Okay" i replied back
"Aight. Byee" he said
"Bye" i said and then hunged up.
Will Hunter is also going to be there. Gosh how am I supposed to face him after whatever happened. No Jenny, you should be confident like you didn't do anything wrong it was him who should be shameful for whatever he did. Or maybe he don't come there. I think in the back of my bed then got up and eat my dinner and then went to the sleep, hoping everything goes fine tomorrow.
Next day, i woke up with my alarm voice. I fluttered my eyes open then got up lazily. I jumped out from the bed and went straight to my bathroom to do my daily routine. While i was brushing my teeth i heard my phone ring. I quickly got out from the bathroom and picked up my phone from the night stand and it's Vanessa. I picked up the call and replied with "Hello, Vanessa, what made you to call me early in the morning?"
"Uhhh... forget this just be ready in 10 I'm coming to pick you up. We are going to the shopping today for Alex's birthday party" she rushed
"Woah! Whaat? Shopping for what?" I asked confusingly
"God, you forgot" she asked
"No i mean I already have dress to wear it today so you can go" i told her
"Nooo, you're going to wear what we will brought today so be ready I'm not gonna listen to your any excuse" she said
"Gosh Fineee" i replied in defeat.
"Good girl. See you in 10" she said and then hunged up.
I quickly got inside the bathroom and took a shower and then wear a pair of blue ripped jeans with black tank top. Then i dried my hair and left them open. Then i put my converse and applied some mascara and lipgloss until i heard a car honk.
"Damn she's here" I quickly rushed out from my room and then to the downstairs then opened the door and then locked it then went straight to her car. I quickly got inside and greet her "Hey Van"
"Hello beautiful. So you ready?" She asked
"Yup" i replied and then we drove off to the mall. We arrived there then got out from the car and get inside the mall. We brought all the necessary things which we need today and I brought a beautiful frame for Alex as his birthday gift. Vanessa choose a beautiful maroon dress for me and to be honest i liked it then we pay and head out from the mall. I saw the time and it was already 5:30 am.
"God Van, we should hurry" i told her
"Yeaah. Let's go" and we both got inside the car and drove back to my house.
"Alright so i will pick you up at 7" she said
"Sure. Bye" i waved and she waved back and drifted back to her house.
I rushed inside my house and went straight to take a shower. After finishing a shower i got out and wear the dress which I brought today. After that i did my makeup. Then I tied my hair in a ponytail and curled them from the below, then i wore my heels and glance at myself in the mirror.
"Damn you look good Jenny" I complimented myself and giggled.
After ten seconds i heard Vanessa's car honk. I hurriedly grab my phone and purse and rushed down the stairs and then got out from my house. I spotted her car and headed there then get inside. I buckled up my seatbelt and looked at Vanessa who's already looking at me with her wide eyes. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion and then waved my hand in front of her face.
"What's wrong? Am i not looking good?" I asked in a sad tone.
"Noo hell nooo. You look absolutely gorgeous, I've never thought that you could look this much good im sure the boys there are gonna drooled all over you" she smirked.
"No way. Look at yourself you look more beautiful than me" I shrugged off.
"Uhh anyway anyway, let's get GOINGG" she screamed the last part which hurts my ears and we both started to laugh.
We arrived at the warehouse. The house looks so amazing I've never seen a warehouse like that, it's so freaking awesome. We got out from the car and from outside you can hear the music is blasting inside the house. My palms started to sweat cause I've never went to any party like that, except some in school days. Looks like Vanessa noticed then she held my hand and said "It's going to be fun there. I promise" she smiled and i smiled back.
Then we both got inside and there are people dancing like a crazy and some are making-out. Eww! In front of so mant people. We get more inside the house until we spotted Alex, who is dancing with some random girl. Vanessa looks tensed when she saw him. Wait!! Does she like him? I looked at her and she quickly replaced her frown with a smile. We got inside and she screamed in a music "ALEX. Alex, look who is here" Alex diverted his attention on us, then he threw himself upon me and gave me a tighest hug. "Awwh! Thank you Jenny for coming" He said
"It's okay. Oh by the way here's your gift" i handed him his present.
He took it gladly and then told us to follow him. We walked inside a place which looks so private like there's not much people dancing or doing stuffs, everyone looks badass and minding their business. They were drinking and smoking, and some are even taking drugs. Gosh the smell is ridiculous.
I was looking at everywhere until my gaze landed upon someone whom I literally forget about.
He was sitting with some random girl who looks absolutely hot and sexy. She's throwing her arms on his neck and he was smirking and whispering things in her ear which making her giggle in response.
"Aye mate, look we finally got some VIP guests" Alex announced and everyone's eyes snapped at our direction well especially Mine. They all greeted with Venessa which i think they all have known each other's.
"Oh hey shawty" a curly boy said
"Umm hii" i replied awkwardly and sat down beside Vanessa.
"Is she's your new friend Alex" the brunette girl asked who's sitting with Hunter.
Hunter's eyes boring into my soul and he looks like a complete bad boy like he used to when we were in a school. Why he's giving me the same vibe of school days. He kept looking at me from ups to down, like is there something wrong in my dress or my face or my hair. I looked down at my fingers and started to fiddled them. His stares makes me hella nervous like always.
"Well Yess she's my new friend" Alex answered.
"Good to see you umm.." "Jennifer" I completed her sentence.
"Same to you" i replied with a smile but instead of giving me smile back she rolled her eyes and then started to play with Hunter's hair. She's now basically sitting on his lap. Ugh! I don't know why but I'm already hating this girl. But why? It's not she did something wrong with me. I was too into my thoughts until Vanessa shaked my body.
"Uh.. um yea?" I asked chuckling awkwardly.
"Do you drink?" She asked
"Oh umm no I don't" i replied
" Liar" someone's voice echoed and our head snapped at Hunter's direction.
"Pardon" i said with a confused expression written all over my face.
"You do drink" he said bluntly
God! His thick British accent is hot.
Gosh!! No no, Jenny you can't think anything like that for him. What's happening with me all of a sudden.
"Woah! How did you know man" a boy with long blonde hair and have so many piercings on his face asked.
"Cause I've sent her home when she was so drunk" he said and smirked.
That's when my mind hit. God that night i got, wtfff.
"T-that wasn't me" i said and they all raised their eyebrows at my stupid answer. I face palmed myself and corrected myself "I mean, I didn't get drunk on purpose it- I don't know someone mixed something in my drink"
"Oooohhhh" they all said in unison and i took a single glance of him who's smirking widely.
Fuck you Hunter! I cursed him under my breathe and then i saw they started to talk with each other's completely ignoring me, and now I'm regretting to coming in the party cause nobody looks interested to talking with me. I got up and told Vanessa that i want to use a washroom. She nodded and I stormed out from that place to somewhere which could make me feel relief. I got outside the hall and saw there's a swimming pool. There are not much people here so i think i can stay here for a while. I sat down at a seat near the bar, and ordered an orange juice. Yeah, I know I'm 23 and i can drink but no I don't like to get drunk i hate it so yea whatever!
I was looking around until someone came and sit next to me on the chair and ordered an orange juice also. He's a boy and he looks like of my age. He has a cute button nose and dark brown hair which are perfectly combed. I didn't know i was watching him out until he cleared his throat. I got back into my senses and diverted my gaze from him.
"I know I'm handsome" he said
"Umm what?" I ask
"You were staring, dont you?" He ask tilting his head to the side.
"Uhh.. nooo" i replied
"Ooh you were" He chuckled
"Look, I didn't and I don't know you so please keep a distance" i said and was about to leave until he stopped me saying "Woah woah! I'm so sorry I didn't mean to sound like a jerk. I'm so sorry" he apologised which makes me stay there and i sat down again on the seat.
"By the way, I'm Daniel" he introduced himself by bringing his hand for the shake.
"I'm Jennifer" i replied and gladly shook it.
"Oh nice name" he praised with a smile. I just realised that he have cute dimples also.
"Same" i replied with a smile.
"You... here? I mean I've never seen you before" he said scratching the back of his neck.
"Oh I'm Alex's new friend. We used to work together in a company" i told him.
"Oh, company? You means in Hunter's company?" He asked
"Um yea.." i said in a doubting tone.
Does he even know Hunter also.
"Ooh so he is your boss" he said and then suddenly said something which caught me off guard "i mean WAS" he said applying pressure more on 'was'
"What do you mean by Was?" I asked now getting curious.
"Oh no nothing nothing" he rushed.
"No tell me. What do you mean that by" I insisted him.
"Oky. I will tell you but don't tell anyone that I've told you this. Promise?" He said
"Oky promise" i replied
"Okay, so actually Hunter's Dad took back everything from him, um i mean he's no longer the part of this company" he said
"What??? But why?" I asked shockingly
"Cause something happened in the company which makes the company lost the most important deal, it was going to be so beneficial for the company but we lost it" he said
"We?" I asked
"Um yea, I'm Hunter's cousin" he exclaimed.
My eyes got wide open. Wtf I've been talking with his own freaking cousin, if he will find out this I'll be dead.
"C-cousin? Really?" I ask in disbelief
"Yes. So that's why his father thinks that he's not capable to handle any shit in the company so he kicked him out from the company and now his father is managing everything by his own like he used to, plus Hunter promised that he will never work with him again which ended up Hunter left the house and now living here in a warehouse" he said
"Ooh" I said.
"Yup" he replied.
"He again go back to the old Hunter he used to. Didn't you noticed his looks?" He ask staring me intensely. 
"Yeah i noticed" i replied
"Daniel" a deep husky voice heard from behind and we saw Hunter standing there.
Daniel and i got up and walked towards him.
"The cake is going to cut, let's go" he told him completely ignoring my existence.
Wth! Why he's actually like I'm not here.
"Alright let's go" Daniel agreed and we got inside the hall where now everyone is gathered. I took a last glance of Hunter who is already watching my every move now. I turned around my head and walked to the Vanessa and stood beside her.
He stared at me for a while and then the same girl who was sitting on his lap there came and stood in front of him with her back facing him. He snaked his arms around her waist and stood there.
What the hell? Why am I feeling so jealous? It's not like i like him, I don't know wtf is going on with me. Why am I getting this strange feeling of jealousy. I shouldn't be.
JENNIFER YOU SHOULD'NT BE. You can't fall for him. Wait? Am I falling for him. No no no. Ugh! I think i need a tight sleep when I'll go back to the home cause I really need it.

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