Chapter 15

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Jennifer's POV
I went downstairs and see he was already sitting on the couch randomly switching channels on the tv. I walked up there and coughed a bit so he will realize I'm already there. He looked up at me and smile. I didn't smile this time cause still I don't want to be here with him. I want to go home. I miss my brother, i don't know what he's doing right now. Maybe he already reported about me in the police. I was busy in my thoughts until he said
"What are you thinking about? Come and sit" he tapped a space beside him
I looked down and sat there a bit far from him. He furrowed his eyebrows but let me sit there.
"So what do you want to watch?" He asked
"Nothing" i replied. Thinking about my brother and my previous life made me lose all my boredom. Right now i just wanna disappear from this hell hole.
He stayed silent for a bit then went back to watch tv. I kept my eyes on the tv until he stopped on a news channel and went to bring a water for himself. I was watching it until a reporter came on the tv and said
"There is a 18 years old girl, who is missing since yesterday. She have a blue eyes and studied in the WestWood High school. Sources said that she was missing since yesterday when she was coming home from her school. Last time she seen walking out from her school"
My eyes go wide and my mouth hunged open. Coz the picture they showed was me. I'm on the TV, i never wanted to appear on the TV like this. I was watching and listening it carefully suddenly my brother appeared.
"Please, Jenny if you're watching this pls wherever you are pls come back to home. I'm missing you so much. Please baby come, please someone bring my sister to me." I listened every single thing so carefully. He was crying and begging to bring me to him. At this point I couldn't hold myself and started to cry hysterically. I can't see him like this.
"So, th-" i was watching it until someone turned off the TV. I looked up and see him fuming. I give him the pleasing look. He threw the tv remote and grabbed my arm then lift me up.
"P-please, l-l-let me goo. M-y my brother he's crying. He's missing me and I'm missing him so much. P-please Hunter" i begged
He watched me silently with no expression.
"You can see him that he's missing you, then what about me? If i will let you go, i will miss you more than him. I can't let you go, not after this" he said
"Why? Why me? I'm not your type of girl" i told him
"You're everything i want in my life partner. I love you so much Jenny. Why you can't see my love? Why you can't accept me? Am i that bad? I know I've done a lots of mistake which are not forgiven but I'm trying to change myself only for you" he said
I looked up and said
"You're changing yourself. Huh?" I asked, he nodded.
"Kidnapping me. Bring me here against my will. Forcing me to stay here and love you. Is that what changes you bring in you? Huh?? This is all bullshit. Let me tell you one thing. I will never ever love you. Whatever you've done to me in the back i might could forgive you, but what you're doing to me, forcing me to live with you against my will never make me to fall in love with you. It's making me to hate you more and more. All you think is about yourself, you don't even think about me, my happiness, my anything. No matter how much you'll try i will never ever fucking love you" i finished then took a long breath.
I watched him losing his temper. His grip on my arms getting more tighter and tighter. His eyes are now pitch black. It was the first time I saw him this closely coz before I always looked down whenever he got mad.
"Ouch, you're hurting me" i said
He kept his assault on my arms then pushed me on the couch and get on top of me.
My breathing got caught in my throat, i started to feel afraid and regretting of whatever I've said to him.
"You shouldn't have said that, kitten" he growled. I closed my eyes tightly, my lips are quivering coz of at this point im so fucking scared. He bring his face close to my face and brushed my hair from my face. He kept staring at me in my eyes then to my lips.
Ohh god noo!! Pls! Not again. I was keep praying in my head.
"P-please d-don't" i sobbed
"Why not? I've been so nice to you but all you do is disrespecting me again and again. I love you but that doesn't mean that i will let you to disrespect me. Don't forget who is in charge right now. If i want i can do anything to you without letting anyone to know." I looked up at him being all shocked and scared
"But I won't. I won't do anything with you which will hurt you more, cause I can't see you being hurt coz of me. I've already hurt you a lot by physically not anymore" he said softly
His all anger just vanished and now i can see his hazel-brown eyes.
"I don't wanna hurt you more Jenny. So stop it now. I'm not letting you go" he said then get off of me.
I got up as well and snapped
"No matter what, i will see a way to escape from here."
He rolled his eyes at me and said
"You won't. If you will i will find you sooner or later" then smirked
His eyes are fuming and again going to turn pitch black. He clenched his fists and said
"Go to your room. Now!" He commanded
I stand there not listening to him
"Didn't you hear me. I said go to your fucking room like right now." He said with a low voice
"But-" i started but he cut me off
"I SAID NOW" he boomed
I flinched with the power of his voice. It echoed through out the hall.
I quickly run to my room without even giving him a single glance.
I went straight to my room and locked it. I slipped down on the wall and started to cry. Why? Why he can't let me go. I just wanted to be happy. Why he don't understand it that i will never be able to love him. I bring my knees to my chest then started to cry harder than before. I hate him so much, so so so much.

Hunter's POV
This girl literally getting on my nerves. She can't escape I won't let her to escape. She's mine. All fucking mine. I checked all the door and windows of the house to make sure that they're locked. I can't take a more risk. I calmed down myself then decided to cook something, cause I'm hungry and I'm sure she's also hungry. I cooked some pasta with white sauce coz this is her favourite. Yes I know everything about her. Her likes, dislikes every single thing. I smiled to myself then turned off the gas and served it to the plate. Then i picked up the tray and went straight to her room. I reached there and put my ear against the door try to know that is she fine or not. I didn't listen anything. So I knocked it.
"Babygirl, open the door. See I brought you your favourite food" i said through the door
She didn't answer so i tried again. Maybe she's mad at me cause I scolded her.
"Baby, I'm sorry. I know I should have not scolded you like that but you know about my temperament." I said while knocking the door
Still didn't get any answer, so i started to get worried.
I knocked harder this time.
"Jenny, you okay? What's wrong? Please at least answer me love" i said
Still no answer from her side
"Jenny. I'm not in the mood of anything. So fucking open it" i said through my gritted teeth.
Then suddenly a thought comes in my mind.
FUCK! Did.. did she escaped? Noo fucking way.
This time I knocked more harder than before i kept knocking and shouting her name, then suddenly a click heard from the other side of the door and she appeared with her eyes puffy red, her cheeks have dried tears on. She looked like a complete mess.
"Wtff, what's wrong? What take you to answer so late?" I asked
"I-i..i was in the b-bathroom" she mumbled
"Ohhh" i replied
"Anyway I brought you your favourite food so let's eat" i said
She started to walked outside to the room but i held her hand
"No need to go outside. I bring it here" i said
"Oh okay" she mumbled
"Yupp. Come" i leaded her to her bed
I put the tray in front of her and sat there
She stare at the food then at me. I raised my eyebrows then realized she will not eat until i said so.
"Eat, then tell me how is it in taste" i said while smiling at her so that she will feel better
She nodded her head then started to eat. I watched her eating it quitely
"You liked it?" I asked
She nodded then mumbled a "yess"
"Greaat" i replied
Then i started to finish my plate. We both finished it then i picked the tray and put in on the table beside the bed.
I watched her carefully then went a little closer to her. After that i held her hand but she jumped.
"Shhh, don't be scared. I'm not going to hurt you" I assured her.
She blinker her eyelashes then looked up at me. Her eyes shows pain. I hate to see her in this condition. Then i did something that i did not even know I would do. I hugged her. I felt her breathing stopped there for a while. I thought she would push me away but no she didn't do anything like that in fact she hugged me back. My heart started to beat faster. Is all this true? Is all this really happening? Is she really hugging me back. I snuggled more into her and hide my face under her neck then leave a little kiss there. She shivered when i did this. Her breathing becomes heavy. I smiled at her innocence but decided to not go further cause it could scared her. I discarded myself from her then kissed her on the forehead she didn't said anything just stayed silent.
"I love you. And I'm so sorry for whatever happened a while ago" i said
She just nodded her head then hummed.
"Take a rest. Imma be back soon. I have some work to get done. So i will be back in an hour" i told her
"Okay" she mumbled
"But remember do not try to escape cause i will find you so i hope you wouldn't want to see the worst side of me. Yeah?" I asked
She quickly nodded her head
"Good girl. I love you. You can watch tv if you'll feel bored. I will try to come soon" i said then walked out from her room and closed it behind me.
I walked down the stairs then grabbed my car keys and open the main door and locked it behind me. I quickly get in the car then drove off hoping that she won't do anything stupid.

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