Chapter 33

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Jennifer's POV
The cake cutting ceremony is finished and now everyone is chitchatting with their friends or with whom they knows but here me standing alone being in a dilemma what should i do next. Should I go back to the house now? Nah! Vanessa won't like this. I started to search for her i went through the crowd, pushing people here or there so i could access where she is. I roamed around my eyes everywhere but she seems to be nowhere. I sighed in defeat then turned around until a girl who walked past me spilled her drink on my dress. Mistakenly I should say.
"Omg, I'm sorry I'm soryy" she quickly apologised.
"No it's okay" i replied
"I really am so sorry" she again apologised
"It's okay. It's not a big deal i will go and clean it" i told her with reassuring smile.
She smiled back and i went upstairs searching for a room so i could clean this mess.
I walked up the stairs and then saw a room's door open. I got inside the room and roamed my eyes around the room. It looks so clean and it has all kinds of musical instruments like guitar, drums, piano. The room is huge. Anyone who lives in this room seems like has interest in music. I shook my head and almost forgot that why i came here. I saw a door of the washroom and get inside. I cleaned my dress then take a quick glance of myself then walked out from the washroom while closing the door in the process. I looked at the guitar then look at my surrounding making sure no one is here. I know it's not a good manner to touch someone else things without their permission but I'm curious since birth. I took the guitar in my hand and watched it carefully until someone's voice disturbed me.
"What are you doing here?" Said a thick british voice.
I slowly turned around and saw him standing at the porch of the door.
I raised my eyebrows at him and he walked in.
"I asked what are you doing here?" He again asked, his voice held authoritative tone.
"Umm i- uhh.. actually.." I was trying to make an excuse but something clicked in my mind. Why the hell is he asking me like this?
"And why are you asking me this?" I asked while crossing my hand across my chest.
He stared at me from up and down then replied "Cause it's my ROOM"
My hand fell from my chest and I'm standing there in a complete shock.
Whatt? His room? What the hell! That means this warehouse is none other than but HIS.
"Your room?" I asked
"Yes" he rasped
" i was just looking at your guitar it looks cool" i said trying to make the situation normal.
"Ooh really?" He asked raising his eyebrows.
"Yes. Plus I didn't know that it was your room" i said
He chuckled and said "You didn't know that it's my warehouse. Ha! I'm not buying this" he said shrugging his shoulder.
"But i swear I didn't know it" I fought back.
"Anyway, but what exactly you're doing in my room Jennifer" he again asked in a raspy voice, and god the way my name escaped from his lips is so hot.
Snap out of it Jennifer. What the hell you are thinking. Just STOP NOW!
"Helloo.. I'm asking you" he said pointing towards me.
"Oh um..actually someone mistakenly poured their drink on me so i only found this door opened so i came here to clean it" i told him.
"Oh... just for that" he asked now getting a little closer to me.
"Umm.. yeah why? Is there could be something else?" I asked with a confusion.
He started to lean over me but this time I don't know why I didn't bend down, or tried to get away. What the hell is happening with me. I swear imma go mad now.
He leaned more until something took away from my hand and it's guitar. I snapped out from my stupid thoughts trance and looked up at him.
"Next time, don't ever touch my things without my permission" he said harshly
Ouch! It hurt! But, Why? It's not like he's behaving like this for the first time. He always talk to me like that then why it's affecting me so much in a very different way.
Tears started to brim in the back of my eyes but i hold them back. He will think I'm stupid for crying on such a small thing.
"Now what are you waiting for? Get out" he said
"Umm..nothing" I murmured then walked past him then out of his room.

"But Vanessa I can't stay here for a night, i wanna go home" I insisted her.
"But we have to.. come on it's gonna be fun plus this warehouse is huge we could change and get sleep in a room as well" she told me.
"But still.. i.." I was about to say until Alex came.
"C'mon Jenny, just for one night please everyone is staying please please please" He pleased and right now both are showing me their best puppy eyes.
"Ughh! Fine" I groaned in defeat.
"Yayyy" they both cheered in a unison.
I laughed at them then i told Vanessa that i wanna change so she lended me a long ass t-shirt which comes till my knees.
I took it then got inside a shower. I took a relaxing shower and stayed there for 20 minutes after that i got out. I changed into that black t-shirt and then walked down the stairs to the living room. I heard some hooting sound then i spotted Vanessa and Alex both there. Everyone seemed to get changed into their night clothes. I walked down there and then i took a seat beside Vanessa. Daniel looked at me then smiled, i smiled back. Then my gaze shifted to him. He is also wearing a black t-shirt. His tattoos are seen and they looks so hot. He got muscles. Even in night clothes he managed to look super sexy and hot. I didn't know i was staring at him until someone called my name.
"Jennifer.." i came out from my trance and see it was Daniel.
"Umm..uhh yea?" I ask getting embarrassed.
"Are you In in this game or not?" He ask
"Which game?" I ask back
"Truth and Dare" he said
"Oh yeah umm sure" i replied
"Alright then let's begin" a boy with brown curly hair said
"Oh btw I'm Zed" he said to me
"Oh I'm Jennifer" i told him
"I know.. anyway so let's start from Jennifer" he said
My head snapped at his direction waiting for him to ask
"Truth or Dare?" He asked
"Truth" I replied
"Okayyy sooo... how many boys you've fucked yet?" He asked smirking
I taken aback with his question. Everyone seemed to be normal like it's ain't a big deal.
"Umm.. I would like to pass this" I murmured
"Why?" The girl who's sitting with Hunter now asked
"Coz I don't wanna answer it" i snapped at her.
Shit i didn't mean to sound rude.
"Ooooh fiesty" she commented "oh wait a minute have you fucked so many boys that you didn't know how much?" She ask now getting on my nerves.
"Zed, i said I would like to pass this" i told him
"Oky oky... now Stella's turn" Zed said eyeing towards the same girl.
Ohh so her name is Stella.
"Alright so Hunter Truth or Dare?" She asked
"Dare" he replied
"I dare you to make out with Jennifer" she said
My head quickly snapped towards her. What the hell? Is she okay?
"Alright" he said like it's not a big deal. He got up from his place and started to come in my direction.
"H-how could he?" I stuttered "I-i mean he's your boyfriend" I said.
He stopped walking and looking at me like he have seen a ghost.
After 5 seconds of complete silent everyone burst into laughter. What the heck? Did I just crack a joke? No I didn't, then why they all are laughing.
"Wtf, me and her boyfriend?" Hunter ask in between his laughter and it's a first time I guess I've seen him laughing like this. He looks so cute. Gosh! Again? Stop it
They all stopped laughing then Vanessa spoke. "They're like best friends Jenny not a couple lol"
"Oooh" i only said this feeling embarrassed. I looked down then i saw his foot standing right in front of me. I looked up and see him being ready to do his dare.
"I-i won't do it" I said trying to be tough and confident.
"Why not? It's just a dare" he replied while smirking
"Whatever it is I won't do it, plus if you really wanna suck someone's mouth go suck your best friend's cause I ain't here to play these kinds of dirty games" I spoke in a really confident voice.
I stood up and said "And plus I'm done playing this disgusting game" then I stormed out from the living room to the room where me and Vanessa are staying tonight.
I got inside the room then lay down and fall asleep.

Hunter's POV
After she stormed out from the living room, we all stayed there for a while then we all went to our rooms as well. I laid down on my bed and thinking about what had just happened today. I don't know why but I felt like she was getting jealous when Stella being close to me. Wait! What??! She? Or jealous? Uhh..Hunter you've been thinking a lot stupid things nowadays. I shrugged the thought from my mind then closed my eyes and sink into a deep slumber.

Time Skip
I fluttered my eyes open then got up and went straight to the bathroom. After getting done i walked out from my room and headed downstairs. I reached at the dining table and saw everyone were already sitting there. I lazily walked up to front stool of the kitchen counter. Stella came up and hugged me from the side. I got surprised at her sudden behaviour.
"What are you doing?" I asked
"Nothing. What you wanna eat?" She asked
I looked down at her with my scrunched up eyebrows and said "Scrambled eggs"
"Alright imma cook for you" she said and went to cook my breakfast.
I was rubbing my forehead until a sweet voice heard from behind me. I turned around and saw it's Jennifer.
"God, why you in so rush to go to the house?" Asked Alex
"Coz i have to, I stayed there for a night now not anymore. Please let me go" she said
"Oky oky fineee..but after the breakfast okay?" Said Alex
She think about for a second then agreed.
I was looking at her and checking her out until Stella's voice interrupted me.
"Here is you baby" she said
"Thanks" i said then started to fill the food inside my mouth.
Jennifer came and stood beside me, pouring milk in a glass. Everyone is busy eating their breakfast. I looked in her direction and she already had a frown on her face.
"What?" I said rudely.
"Umm..nothing. you wanna drink a milk?" She asked trying to ease the awkwardness between us.
I chuckled and replied "I ain't a kid anymore so I don't drink milk in the breakfast" I purposely said this coz i wanna see her reaction.
She glared at me then said "Fine..don't but at least don't purposely make fun of me. You know what I'm done with your bullshit. Alex I'm going" she said harshly then grabbed her purse and stormed out from the house.
What the hell is the problem of this girl? She has no fucking right to insult me every single time whenever she wants. I also got off from my place and ran outside the to see her. She looks nowhere.
I will see her later and this time imma ask her for sure that what exactly is her problem.
I last time checked my surrounding then went inside the house.

I'm so sorry guys for being so late. Actually I've busy with my some personal stuffs so I couldn't make a time for writing. Sorry for the wait.
Hope you guys enjoy this chapter :)
Love you all ❤️ and thanks for supporting my book🥺💖

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