Chapter 26

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Hunter's POV
It's been 2 days since i went to the office, i told Alex that I'm absolutely fine and is ready to come to the work but he didn't listen to me, he even called my mom and told her everything and now she's here with me at my house for taking care of me. Like come on, I ain't a kid anymore but still she treats me like I'm some 12 years old boy. I tried to convinced her many times that she could go but she didn't listen to me, and now I'm stuck with her, listening to her every single order.
"Mom, I'm full, please" i whined, while she's feeding me up beyond to my limits
"No, you have to eat very well or else you'll again become unconscious and sick" she said
"Seriously?" I asked raising my eyebrows at her
"Yes. Now be a good boy and finish your plate" she said "I shouldn't be here if you'll get married" she taunted while watching me from the corner of her eyes.
"I don't want to get married" i said bluntly.
I don't like whenever she pull up this topic, I've decided a long ago that I won't get married I'm good on my own, i do not need any woman in my life.
"Hunter, i know that you don't like when i pull up this topic, but you see i won't be here with you for 24/7 and I don't even know that when god will going to call me, after that there will be no one is going to be here for taking care of you. I'm worried about you in fact I've been worried about you every single second and you see what happened to you 2 days ago" she said
"But mom, I'm enough to taking care of myself. Please can we stop talking about it" i said getting irritate
"For how long you're gonna run from the reality. Huh?" She asked raising her voice a bit.
"I know how careless you are, especially when it comes to work i know that you don't care about anything but just your work and this is not going to be good for your health. You need someone in your life, to be with you, to understand you, to help you, to love you and to care about you" she said
She looked at me with her glossy eyes and then I realized that I shouldn't have yelled at her, cause she's super emotional.
"Mom" i said taking her hand in my hands "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have yelled at you, but you know that this topic bothered me, plus I'm still not ready for that" i told her calmly
"You're 25 years old Hunter, how much time you still want" she asked
"I - umm i- I don't know" I mumbled.
"I think i have to say goodbye to this world without seeing my daughter-in-law's face" she said
"Gosh, like seriously" i said getting up on my feet.
"Yes, seriously. I don't know anything, you'll get marry and this is final. You're being childish right now but as your mom I can't be like you" she said getting up as well and then stormed out from the living room to her room.
I sighed in defeat and go back to the living room.

Jennifer's POV
"Aye Jennifer, how is work going on" Alex came up and asked
"Ohh good. How about yours?" I asked with a smile
"Well, it's pretty difficult without Hunter" he said
"Ooh" i replied
"Btw, I still have loads of work to do, i will do it by myself if I don't have anything beside this but I really have lots of work left to do" He said
"What are you trying to say?" I ask raising my brows at him
"Umm.. see you're the personal secretary of our company and if it wasn't me and Hunter it would be you who will check things in the company. So here are some files which needs Hunter's signature and as you know he's not coming to the company because of his bad health so i was umm thinking.." he says getting a bit hesitate
"What it is? Tell me" i asked
"Umm, can you please go to his house and take his signature on these files?" He asked politely.
" yeah sure" i said
"Really? Thankyou so much" he said
"Not a problem" i replied with a smile.
"Alright it's already 5 pm you can leave early today" he said
"Really?" I said
"Yes" he replied
"Alright, byeee" i said gathering all my stuffs and the files and headed out from the company.
I'm so happy cause Me and Calum decided to meet today on the dinner. It's just a friend date for me nothing else, he's my really good friend and it's been while we both haven't talk well lately. So after taking signature of Hunter i can go to meet Calum.
I quickly grab a taxi and headed to Hunter's house. I reached there and get out then paid the driver and went straight to his front porch. I stood there for a while gathering myself up cause I don't know why but I've always found myself nervous around him and whatever happened last time between him and i was really unexpected. I've thought that he changed but yesterday he said it by himself that he doesn't. I took a deep breath and ring the house bell. After 10 second a lady in her mid 50's opened a door. She watched me carefully and then smiled at me and i smiled back.
"Uhmm uhh i came from Mr.Morgon's company" i told her
"Ooh. I see, come inside" she welcomed me
She again smiled at me and called Hunter. He came downstairs in his sweatpants and shirt and to be honest he looks hella fine without even trying.
"Oh by the way, I forgot to introduce myself to you. Well, I'm Rose Morgon, Hunter's mom" she said
"Oh, I'm Jennifer Williams. Nice to meet you Mrs.Morgon" i said lifting my hand to shake her but she shocked me while hugging me in response. I hugged her back.
"Ahem. If you two finished introduction can i know why you came here?" He asked me in an arrogant tone.
" Alex told me to take your signatures in some files" i told him
"Hunter, come on don't talk to her like that, it's rude" her mother said
"I don't care" he mumbled
Her mom rolled her eyes at him and said
"I'll make some coffee for you okay" She said
"Noo. It's okay Mrs.Morgon" i said
"Nope. I won't let you go until i showed you how tasty and good i make coffee" she said and chuckled in the end.
"Um okay" i said and looked up at Hunter who is now glaring at me. I quickly looked down and she left.
"You could have said no or make any excuse" he whispered yelled at me
"I did as you see but she's so nice to me and i don't wanna sound rude with her" i snapped back.
"Whatever. Give me the files i will signature them" he said and i handed him the files. He sat on the sofa and i sit across him.
He was busy while assembling and reading the files until my phone rang, it was Calum. He looked at me and then goes back to his work. I quickly picked up the call and answered it.
"Hello....yeahhh i will be there at sharp 7 pm....ofc not...yup........okay bubyee" I finished the call and hunged up and see Hunter was already staring at me with his raised eyebrows.
"What?" I asked
"Who it was?" He asked back
"None of your business. It could be anyone and you have no right to ask me that" i snapped at him. Cause seriously I'm so fed up with his weird behaviour, he sometimes act like he's my father or a boyfriend.
He was about to say something until his mom entered in the living room.
"Here you guys, I've cooked some snacks also, hope you like it" she said
"Gosh, Mrs.Morgona you don't have to do that, the coffee would be enough" i said getting a bit embarrassed.
"It's okay honey, now eat it" she said.
I nodded and started to eat it and drinking coffee. I see the time and it is already 6 pm. Damn i have to hurry, I don't wanna be late at our first meeting.
"Umm...Mrs.Morgon i gotta go its getting late and i have to meet one of my friend also" i told her getting up.
"You're going? I was thinking it would be better if you stay till dinner" she said
"Nooo, it's okay actually me and my friend decided to eat dinner together so i have to go there" i told her and see Hunter is not giving a single fuck about anything.
"Oh, who is that friend?" She asked with a bit hesitation.
I raised my eyebrows at her sudden question.
"Umm he is my school friend, Calum" i told her. Hunter's head snapped towards my direction.
"I- uhh i gotta go. Bye" i said and hurried up to the door until i hear his mom's scream. I turned around and saw Hunter's body is laying on the floor while her mom is trying to wake him up. I run back to them and kneeled down beside him.
"Hunter open your eyes. Oh gosh what happened to him" her mom is constantly shaking his body and getting scared.
"It's okay it's okay Mrs.Morgon wait a minute let me bring him a medicine" i said and run back to his room and opened the drawer and pulled out the medicine.
"What the hell! He didn't take his medicine which doctor were prescribed" i mumbled under my breathe and run down to the stairs and see his mom is still trying to wake him up.
"Mrs.Morgon, let me feed him the medicine" i said and she got up from the floor and i kneeled down and put the medicine in his mouth and tried to help him chucked in with the water. He's half unconscious so it was easy to feed him a medicine. We carefully pulled up his body and grabbed his biceps and lead him to his room and lay him down on his bed. I put the duvet carefully on his body then cleaned up his sweat with a tissue. I completely forgot that his mom is also in the room until i looked at her and see she was already smiling at the sight in front of her. I quickly stand tall and make an excuse "I will cook some soup for him. You stay here he can get up anytime" I said and stormed out of the room.

Hunter's POV
I fluttered my eyes open and see my mom is sitting beside me. She saw me stirred on the bed and started to caressing my cheeks.
"Mom, I'm okay" I assured her.
"I know" she said rudely.
I sighed in defeat and hear footsteps coming towards my room until some open the door and walked in. And it was her.
"What are you doing here?" I asked now getting up.
"I cooked a chicken soup for you, it would be better for you if you take light meal in the dinner" she said, sounding like she's my girlfriend and she knows everything about me. My mom cleared her throat and left saying that she has to call Dad and told him that I'm fine now.
Jennifer came and sit across me and started to feed me. I watched raising my eyebrows at her in a pure shock.
"I can eat by myself" i told her
"Yeah sure you can do anything by yourself, this is why you can't take your medicines by your own" she said in a sarcastic tone.
"W-what do you mean?" I asked acting all like a complete stranger about taking the medicine.
"You know what I mean" she said and put the spoon in my mouth.
"You dont have to act like you care about me" i said
"I don't care about you at all i care about that lady who got petrified just to see her son getting unconscious" she snapped
"Ooh" was i called and go back to the eating silently.
I looked up at the clock and it was already 8:15 pm. Does she forget about the dinner she's going to have with Calum today.
"Umm...weren't you have a dinner date with your lover?" I asked her tilting my head to the side a bit.
"What the fuck! Shit I forgot" she said and got up until i grabbed her wrist and make her sit again on my bed.
She looked at me with her confused expression.
I got closer to her ear and can sense her breathing are becoming heavy.
"It was all planned babygirl" I whispered in her ear and get back to my place watching her shocking expression on her face.
"P-planned what?" She asked
"This everything" i said and smirked
"Y-you means you weren't get unconscious" she asked and i nodded
"Why?" She asked
"Cause I don't want you to go to the dinner with him" i said gritted my teeths.
"What the fuck is your problem?" She got up getting angry. I got up as well and towered over her.
"You're sick" she bit back and turned around to leave until i grabbed her waist and pulled her closer to my body.
"Gosh, leave me you psycho" she said fighting back.
"Don't fight back princess, you know you can't win from me" i said smirking at her useless attempts.
"Why did you do that?" She asked
"Cause you denied my mom's dinner proposal" i replied
"Seriously? This is so lame" she said and tries to freeing herself from my grasp.
"Let me go. Please" she requested
"I told you to stay away from Calum, how many times do i have to repeat the same thing again and again. Huh?" I asked getting mad.
"I can stay and can be friends with anyone. You're no one to tell me anything" she spit out.
"I have every single right okay. Don't forget what we used to be" I reminded her
"We used to be nothing, it was you and this time also it is you" she said now getting a bit teary, but still trying to hold back her tears.
"You told me you're over with it, then what is this for" she ask
"Ofc I'm over with it but not with the fact what you had done with me. Since when you entered in my company I decided to make your life living hell. So this is why I've done this so that you won't have any good time with him" i told her thinking about how she left me. I make my grip more tighter on her waist which caused her winced in pain.
"S-stop p-p-pleaseeee" She stuttered
"I haven't forget anything Jenny, and i will make sure to won't let you forget anything either" I whispered getting more close to her face now just inches apart from her quivering lips.
"I hate you" she sobbed
"I hate you too" I whispered back with a smirk and let her go.
"Get out" i commanded
She stormed out from the room while crying.
I see my mom came inside the room with the worry expression on her face.
"What happened to her?" She asked
"I don't know" I shrugged and then go back to the bed and tell mom also to go back to sleep.
"You have to pay for everything Jenny" i smirked thinking about the things I'm going to do with her and then fall asleep.

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