Money Making

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Chapter 5: Money Making


"Hey, Mr. Gray! Remember me?" Lilian takes notice of my silence and distracts him. Damien chuckles to himself before walking towards us, holding out his hand for Lilian to shake.

"How could I forget you. Lilian, right?"

"Yup. That's me. You know. We should really talk money before I go poor, dude. I'm not going to be young and pretty forever." She pushes her hair behind her ear and mouths something to him, causing Damien to look in my direction.

"Tia, would you care to join us?" Damien smiles at me and I snap myself out of my trance, nodding to him.

"Oh. These are our friends. Logan and Riley. They're twins." I introduce them to each other, watching how they nod towards one another.

"Hey, Tia. We're going to leave. My mom just called." Whispering in my ear, Logan hugs me before exiting, Riley following suit.

"Oh oh oh. Oh Riley." Lilian and I sing together, causing her to turn around and glare at the both of us.

"Leave me alone."

"Auto parts!" Lilian finishes before Riley get the chance to walk away.

Damien and my sister both shake their heads at us. Marinette goes outside and Damien remains with us.

"Follow me." He walks away from us, heading outside onto the patio. He sits next to Mari, Lilian and I sitting on the swing across from them.

"Key to money. Save it. It's that simple." Damien shrugs making my friend roll her eyes and lean forward towards him.

"Don't play. Tell me how to make the money in order to save the money." She stresses out to him before sitting back again and mumbling under her breath. "Marinette is rubbing off on him."

"I heard that."


Damien places a hand on Marinette's leg and she softens under his touch, I continue watching their interaction as he rubs circles simultaneously. Looking up, him and I make eye contact once again and he smirks at me while continuing his act.

"You get lunch money right? Do you work part time?" He asks, waiting for Lilian's response. The two of us nod and he continues speaking. "Every paycheck you get. Cash it. Save the hundreds use the leftover. Meaning that if you earn $190 a week or $236, you save the one or two hundred and the rest is for your personal leisure."

"Interesting." Lili taps her chin while shaking her head. "I should be taking notes but I don't have time to look away from this guy."

Her words cause Marinette to gasp and Damien to chuckle. I slap my friend on her knee, making her gasp as well before scowling at me.

"Back off, Lilian." Marinette warns Lilian, her defensive nature coming over her.

"I honestly don't get how you like her potato sack self. Like Tia is way prettier." Lilian continues to speak and my sister gasps again.

Damien sits back watching the interaction, sneaking glances at me from time to time. I stay out of Lilian and Marinette's argument, not trying to get myself hurt like last time.

My phone starts buzzing in my pants pocket and I take it out to check.

Damien: Do they always argue like this?

Me: yeah. but they love each other. We're all basically siblings.

Damien: And you sit down and stay quiet?

Me: I almost died last time I got involved.

Damien: That's tough.

Me: yup.

Damien: And does Lilian always make statements like that?

Me: all. the. time. I'm surprised Mari hasn't decked her yet.

Damien: No. I mean calling you prettier than Marinette.

Me: oh. yeah sometimes. when she's in her feelings.

Damien: She's not lying tbh. Marinette is pretty but, I'll leave it at that.

Me: you shouldn't be saying those things, Mr. Gray.

Damien: I can say whatever I want. Is that a problem?

Me: no sir.

"Who are you texting?" Lilian looks over my shoulder and I quickly turn my phone off, hiding it under my legs. "Mhmm. You're lucky your thighs are thick. Or else I would just snatch it."

Damien chuckles under his breath, making me blush.

"Marinette. You want to go get dinner?" Damien stands up holding his hand out for my sister. She laughs while taking his hand, and the two of them leave without saying anything else.

Damien: I'll make sure Marinette brings you guys something. Taco Bell or Panda Express?

Me: panda. and thank you.

Damien: np.

"Lets go inside. I'm parched." My friend stands up and leaves me behind, making a beeline directly into the kitchen.

"Maybe you wouldn't be so thirsty if you stopped arguing so much with Mari." I follow her in, keeping an eye on her as she grabs a cup and heads to the water machine by the fridge.

"She knows I love her. It's just playful. She's not gonna die."

Before I can reply back to her, my parents enter.

"We're going out tonight. With your parents Lia. Both of you, please don't burn my house down. It's expensive and granted, we need it." My mom checks her makeup one last time before holding my dad and making their way outside. 

"Okay, mom."

"Yes, mom."

My parents exit, leaving the two of us alone in the house.

"So, movies?"

"No Lilian, homework." I walk to my bag, pulling out my binder and pencil case.

"Fuck. You're such a buzz kill." She groans before taking her stuff out as well, sitting at the Island with me.

"Thanks, darling."

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