Blind Side

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Chapter 16: Blind Side

"You have got to be kidding me."

"Nah bro. You said you wanted to come with me, so stop complaining."

"I'm not. You just look good. Where are we going?" Damien opens the passenger door for me and I sit, waiting for him to get in after.

"Uh. A restaurant. Bon Bon. I can put the directions into the GPS for you." I buckle myself in, turning on my phone to get the directions.

"That's not necessary. I think I know where it is." Pulling out of his parking, Damien drives down the street and ten minutes later is on the highway. The ride was awfully quiet and tense, and I'm guess Damien felt it too as he turns on the music, humming along with it.


"Mr. Gray! You never said you were coming in today!" A flustered waitress quickly fixes her outfit once we walk in.

Damien takes a look around the place and scoffs to himself before turning back to her. Placing one hand onto the counter, he puts the other on the small of my back, pulling me up closer.

"I don't think I have to tell anyone when I come into my business. Now do I?" He glares at her and I see her blush, tucking her hair behind her ear.

"N-no sir. Regular seating right?"

"Y-" Damien starts to reply back to her before I tug the edge of his suit, pointing in the direction of my friend. "On second thought. We'll sit in that booth over there."

Without looking back at her again, Damien directs me to the booth, the girl following behind us. She places two menus down before rushing off to go back to her station.

"You own the place?" I gasp, opening the menu. From the side of my eye, I can see Damien giving me a look, raising an eyebrow.

"Actually. I own a whole chain of them. But yes, I do owe the place." He chuckles at my face, looking back down to occupy himself.

Another waiter comes over to us, taking out a notepad.

"What can I get you guys?" He smiles down at me, waiting for one of us to speak.

Before I'm able to speak, Damien orders something for the both of us.

"Do you want wine or a slushee?" Damien looks over at me, asking.

"What kind of slushee?"

"We have raspberry, cola, matcha, or coconut." The waiter states, still looking at me.

"Can I get a matcha slushee?" I direct my question to Damien, watching him nod his head.

"A bottle of white wine and a matcha slushee." Damien tells the waiter. The guy begins to walk away before Damien calls his back to us.

"Have someone else bring the orders. Someone who won't stare her down." Damien states through gritted teeth, waving the guy off.

He nods, quickly walking away and into the kitchen and I turn my attention back to Damien.

"What was that for?"

"He was staring at you." Damien shrugs, tapping the table.

"You didn't have to speak to him like that though." I mumble, pulling the edge of my dress down.

"He's part of my staff. I'm allowed to voice my opinion on unprofessional actions."

"You're acting like a child."

"No I'm not. I just don't want anybody looking at you." He huffs and I roll my eyes at him.

Looking behind him, I see Lilian and William laughing about something. William's eyes meet mine and I see him subtly nod his head in my direction.

"Stop staring at them." Damien grumbles, pushing one of his legs between mine. I puff my cheeks in embarrassment, giving him my attention again.

"I wasn't."


"Here you guys go! Is there anything else I can get you?" A new waiter places our food on the table, laughing at the way my eyes lit up.

"Oh. When I finish can I get an ice cream?" I chirp, clapping slightly. The waiter matches my energy, laughing at me again.

"Of course! What flavor?"

"Vanilla, please."

"Whipped cream on top, right?"

"You have that here?!?!"

"Of course we do! I'm guessing you want it?"

"Yes please."

"Oh god, you are literally so cute. I'll be back when you finish."

"What's your name?" I smile, waiting for him to answer.

"Joshua. And you?"

"It's Tia. Thank you Joshua."

"No problem. Is that all for you as well, sir?" Joshua turns to Damien, making him nod.

"Yes thank you. You may go."

Joshua walks away, writing in his notepad.

Damien and I eat in silence and once I finish, he reaches over the table, wiping the side of my face.

"I'm not a baby."

"I know. But that doesn't mean anything to me." Damien winks at me and I hold my head down, blushing like crazy.

Damien continues to watch my every move and I see Joshua come striding back over to us, a large bowl in his hand.

"Here you guys go," he puts the bowl down along with two spoons. Damien reaches into his suit, pulling out a $100 bill, handing it to Joshua. "Oh. Thank you so much."

"No problem."

Joshua winks at me before walking away, a bounce in his step.

"Oh so you have no problem with him looking at me?" I question, putting a spoonful of ice cream in my mouth.

"He's gay. I trust him." Damien chuckles before dipping his spoon in the ice cream, eating.

The two of us sit there talking for what felt the forever, the bottom of the ice cream starting to melt. Lilian and William soon after walk past us, and I give her a thumbs up while she winks at me.

By the time Damien and I are ready to leave, his staff is gathered at the front desk, waiting for him.

"Good work today everyone. Be sure to tidy up properly before everyone leaves, okay?"

The group nods quickly, everybody walking in a different path. I begin to step outside before I feel a hand on my back again, Damien guiding me back to his car.

When we get in and he starts driving, his phone connects to his stereo and a message from Marinette shows up.

"Fuck." He curses under his breath, turning into the other lane.


"Just Marinette being Marinette. Don't worry." Damien shakes his head, stopping at the red light. "Why the fuck does she think it's okay to cancel on me?"

Damien groans again, press on the gas again.


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