Faux Heaven

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Chapter 46: Faux Heaven

"Thank you for today."

"No problem." Damien runs his hand through his hair, leaning against the window. "No kiss?"

"My mom is home." I blush, walking around to Sophie's window.

"Bye bye, angel." She yawns.

"Bye, Sophie. I'll see you again, okay?"

"Okay, Tia." Sophie smiles, reaching up to hold my hand.

"Later, Soph."

Moving away from the window, I prepare to walk to my front doorstep, hearing footsteps behind me.

Damien pulls me back, hugging me tightly before kissing my forehead.

"Bye, baby."


"Tia Ava James."

Oh shit, she saw. I'm too young to die, go out the window.

"I'm not sneaking out the window." I mumble, opening the door for my mom. "Yes, mom?"

"I'm not saying I was eavesdropping, I'm just saying I noticed some things. Weren't you out with Damien today?"

"Uh, yeah." I respond, feeling my face heat up.

"You seem happy though. Like you were out with a boyfriend instead?" My mom walks into my room, sitting on the stool.

"No boyfriend, mom. I'm single."

Walking further into the room, I catch a glance of myself in the mirror, my face red.

"But there is a guy though, I just know it! I want to meet him, maybe he could be your plus one to the wedding." Mom cheers, her eyes smiling as well.

Her words make my face flush, going back to its original state, or maybe even paler.

She already met him though. Tea.

"I wonder if it's Logan. He always used to follow you like a puppy." She continues ranting, making me sigh in defeat.

"Logan and I aren't friends anymore, mom." Taking the clip out of my hair, I ruffle it around as I give her a side glance.

Damien would have thought that was hot.

"You aren't? Is it because of the prom dress?"

"Yeah. And he's a bit of a playboy too, so I would never be with him."

"I get it, honey. So then, you don't have a plus one?"

"I'm my own plus one." I joke, making my mom laugh while she stands up.

"That reminds me, do you want takeout tonight? I don't feel like cooking." She asks, grinning.

"Of course."


"I am so glad I came over today."

"I am too. We have a lot to talk about."

Lilian throws more fries in her mouth, raising an eyebrow in the process. "Like what?"


Subtly nodding in my mom's direction, Lilian gasps, nodding in agreement.

"We're out now, mom." Lilian stands up, pulling me outside with her. "Tell me everything that happened today."

We spent an hour talking, from the lady in the park to Sophie making me sing.

Lilian shrieks when I tell her about the Italian lesson, surprised by how I described the kiss.

"That sounds hot. I've heard him speak Italian once during game night and it was crazy sexy so just imagine all that." Lilian rants, zoning out soon after.

"Lilian focus." I call, snapping my fingers in her face.

"I am focusing."

"You're thinking about Damien. I know it." I mutter, rubbing my tongue across my teeth.

"I was thinking about the both of you guys but whatever. What next?"

"He brought me home soon after, Sophie was spying so it probably wasn't best to continue."

Lilian grins weirdly, scoffing. "That little cock-blocker."

"Lilian!" Crying out, I feel my face heat up.

"We were both thinking it. Don't deny."

"I wasn't."


"Bitch!" Lilian yells, running into my room to jump on me.

"Girl, you aren't light."

"Oh shut up. Guess who's downstairs." She rolls over to the other side of the bed, propping herself up on her arms.

"Who?" I face her, hoping it isn't Damien.

"The richies."

The richies are my aunt and her husband from my mom's side. We refer to them as that because they always give the best gifts and have no kids, so they spoil us whenever they're around.

"You're lying?"

"Bitch, I'm not. Come on."

Walking downstairs behind her, I see my aunt and uncle standing in the doorway, suitcases in hand.

"Is that my favorite niece? And my favorite niece's best friend?"

"Yes, it is! Hi aunt Eve, uncle Christopher." I giggle, walking over to hug them.

"Tia. You feel different, is this polyester? Uck, here. Take this." Aunt Eve pulls out a wad of money, pulling three $20 bills from it before putting them back and handing me the whole thing. "Take all of that. For the both of you."

"Hi Ms. Eve, it's been a while." Lilian waves, coming for her hug.

"It's been two years Lilian and you've gotten tall. Damn."

Lili was the same height as her now, the two of them looking each other straight in the eyes.

"Marinette. You do know your wedding is in three weeks right? When is the rehearsal dinner?"

Marinette walks out the kitchen, her fork still in her mouth as she holds a bowl of macaroni, looking up at us.

"Next week Sunday. You guys are here early." Swallowing, Marinette smiles sarcastically.

"The whole family is coming this week. And Marinette, those carbs aren't good for you on three weeks notice." Aunt Eve scans her, shaking her head. "I'm taking you to the gym to work that off."

"The gym?"

"Have you not been to the gym since your engagement?" Uncle Christopher questions, sitting on the couch.

"Maybe once. To watch Damien." My sister laughs in embarrassment, avoiding my aunts gaze.

"That's no good. You can't be on Cloud 9 if you're to heavy for it. Clouds are fragile, Mari dear." Aunt Eve recites her self made quote, one that she uses for my mother whenever she gains weight.

Marinette was already pretty slim, with small curves in her waist area. That macaroni wouldn't do anything to her but give her a stomachache.

"So, gym tomorrow?" Marinette asks, giving her a tight smile.

"Mhmm. Be ready."

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