Major Mistakes

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Chapter 22: Major Mistakes

I know how this is about to go. I'm going to wake up, realize I spent the night next to Damien, and feel guilty.

Opening my eyes, I crane my neck to the side, preparing for the guilt to come over me,

But I don't feel guilty at all.

Maybe it's because Damien isn't here, or maybe-

"Nope. That's definitely why."

Pushing myself out of the bed, I quickly fix my clothes before making my way downstairs.

"Oh. Hi." Damien waves at me when I walk into the kitchen. "How did you sleep?"

And here comes the wave of guilt.

"Pretty good. And you?" I mumble, opening a container to take out a cookie.

"Amazing. Should you be eating those so early?"

"Should you be questioning me so early?"

"Well shit. I'm just trying to be nice." Damien smirks at me, causing me to scoff.

Turning my back to him, I exit the room and go back upstairs to shower.


Stepping out the bathroom, there was an outfit already set across the bed with a pair of heels and a beret on the side.

Putting on the white shirt, I zip up the front of the floral dress after, making sure not to mess up my hair.

When I was finished getting dressed and left the room, Damien was already waiting outside the door, crossing his arms.

"Are you ready?"

"Yeah, I guess."

Making our way into the elevator, the tension between us was especially strong, neither of us looking at the other. The driver was already standing outside waiting for us when we left the building, Damien and I stepping into the car soon after.

The driver sits down in the front seat and starts the car, typing in a location in the GPS. He looks at us through the mirror, causing Damien to roll his eyes and lean forward to press a button, creating a barrier.

"You're really not going to talk to me, Tia?"

"I was talking to you earlier." I mumble, puffing my cheeks.

"Barely," He tilts his head to the side to examine my face and I blush unconsciously. "Talk to me."

"About what?"

"The thing that happened last night? Well, this morning."

"I have nothing to say about it." Shrugging, I attempt to turn my back to him but he holds my shoulder, keeping me in place.

"Do you regret it?" Damien asks, nodding his head.

"Well, yeah. You're getting married to my sister."

"Yeah. I am."

"And you said you wanted to be closer friends. Friends don't kiss." I shake my head, explaining myself.

"You were drunk the other time we were in the same house together." He whispers, holding his head down. "I wasn't going to take advantage of that. I figured it would be best to connect with you when you were sober."

"I guess."

"That isn't going to change the fact that you regret it, is it?"

"No, it isn't," I mutter, going quiet for a moment before speaking again. "Wait. If you kissed me, how do you really feel about me? Do you like me?"

"I'd rather not talk about that."

"Yeah, totally."


"Thank you. Last night was fun." Closing the door behind me, I make my way to the front door, slinging my bag over my shoulder.

"No problem. See you later?" Damien leans on the window sill, winking.

"Yeah, sure. Bye."

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