New Addition

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Chapter 56: New Addition

*two years later*

"I'm a bad bitch."

"I'm a good girl."

"She's the bad bish." Lilian chants, pointing at me.

"She's the good girl."

"And we both stay lying." Lilian cackles, pushing more clothes into her suitcase.

"I can't wait to see Damien." I giggle, my eyes squinting.

"I can't wait to get a break from Ethan."

Lilian and Ethan have been together for a year and a half now, basically inseparable.

For the most part.

"You got leave from work right?" Lilian questions, throwing her bag over her shoulder.

I started working part time in a hospital, as a nursery nurse. By the time I graduate and move back home, they'll transfer me to their other hospital in my hometown.

My co-workers love me though, it'll be hard to leave them. But I don't have to worry about that for now.

"Yeah. Two weeks."

"Perfect. My job gave me a month, shocking but they said for me to let lose, be young."

Lili's been working as a teacher's aid for awhile now, and she's sadly rubbing off of the kids. You wouldn't believe the things she's told them.

"Are we ready to leave now?" I ask, pulling up the handle to my suitcase.

"Yup. And you're driving!"

Before I'm able to argue, Lilian's already running out my room and back to her's, getting her bags and running out the house.

"That's what she thinks."


The sound of my phone wakes me from my sleep, leaving me squinting as I open my eyes. Side-glancing at Lilian, I silently applaud her for not killing us as she drives at the speed limit.

"That's what you think. I was going at like 75 just a while ago." She laughs, keeping her eyes on the road. "Answer your phone."

Picking it up, I don't read the caller ID before answering.


"Hey, Tia." My sister draws out my name on the other line, and I imagine her rubbing the back of her neck- sometimish she does when she's embarrassed.

"Oh, hey Mari. What's up?"

"Oh nothing. I was just wonder how far you guys are?" She laughs nervously.

Sitting up properly, I put the phone back to my ear, answering her question. "We just got in the area. What's up?"

"Can you pick me up from the doctor?"


My sister sighs deeply, pausing before speaking again. "I kinda may be, pregnant? Yeah, I am. Five months."

"You're lying."

That's all I could say before gripping my phone tighter, a smile appearing on my face. "Girl or boy?"

"A boy. But there's a tiny problem."

"Which is?"

"I haven't told dad yet. And we both know he's going to kill Brian when he finds out." She winces, clearly thinking about it.

"Dad loves Brian, you'll be fine." I reassure her, pointing to where Lilian should turn.

"Yeah right! Come get me."


"Come here. I missed you!"

"I've missed you more."

"I've missed you the most!" I laugh again, hugging him tighter.

"Can you let go off my girlfriend?" Damien grumbles under his breath, pushing his brother off me. "Me next?"

"Oh my god. Skai, is that you?" I turn my back, completely ignoring him.

"Yes it is. I want my hug!"

I start to walk over to her, attempting to be quick enough so that Damien can't grab me.

But I fail.

He pulls me back and spins me around, holding onto my waist with one hand as his other finds it's way to my face, cupping my cheek.

"So you're really going to ignore me?"

"Yes sir."

"Why?" He pouts, playing with my bottom lip.

Smirking to himself, Damien pulls my lip downwards, letting it slip from his finger as it comes back up.

"Because you never sent the waffles." I mumble, resting my face in his palm.

"That was two years ago, Tia. You're still holding onto that?"

"Yes sir." Laughing, I stand on my tip-toes to peck his lips before coming back down again. "Happy now?"

"No." Damien chuckles breathily, bending down to match my height.

Pulling me even closer to him, I place a hand on his chest before he kisses me, humming against my mouth.

Not caring much, I bite his bottom lip slightly, hearing him groan under his breath.

"You guys forget that we're here?" Skai's voice sounds, causing us to pull away from each other.


Looking up at Damien, his face was turning a shade darker as he rubs his ears, trying to release tension.

"You guys have done way worse around me." He grumbles, looking down at his feet. "If you'll excuse me, I have something to do upstairs."

"Can I come?" I ask, wanting to spend time with him.

"Not right now, Tia. It wouldn't end well." Damien winks before walking away, leaving me behind with the couple.




"Oh lord Jesus." She shakes her head, watching me skip towards her.

"You know you missed me." I joke, swaying side to side. "Where's dad?"

"You're what?!" I hear my father yell, making me flinch.

"Nevermind. I found him."

"Did you know?" My dad walks into the living room, directing his question to my mom.


"Did everyone know?"


My dad grumbles under his breath, looking at Marinette who was holding her stomach.

"Don't kill the child."

"Well shit. Why would I kill my own kid?" Mari scoffs, raising an eyebrow.

"You almost killed Tia. Don't kill this baby."

I gasp, looking over at the two of them. "Kill? Me? Now why would you do that?"

Marinette smiles awkwardly, rubbing the back of her neck.

"Oh no reason."

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