La Luna

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Chapter 44: La Luna

"Tia baby!"

"Hey, Sophie." I giggle, picking her up.

"Uncle Damien said we're going to the park today. You're coming right?" She asks, holding my face in her hands.

"Of course I am. Why else would I be here?"

"I dunno. You probably just left something." Sophie shrugs, holding onto to me as I walk back to the car.

"Are my girls ready?" Damien questions and I blush, his words registering in my head.

"Yeah. We are."

"You're his favorite, angel." Sophie whispers as I buckle her in.

"No you are."

"Me? Now why would you say that?"

"You know why, Soph." I giggle, closing the door.

Sophie rolls down the window, making a straight face.

"Come back."

"You don't want me to sit in the front?"

"Uncle Damien didn't say he-"

"I want her in the front." Damien's deep voice responds, him standing behind me. "Okay, Sophie?"


Moving away, Damien opens the door for me and I sit down, strapping myself in.

"Ready?" Damien makes eye contact with Sophie from the mirror, nodding to her before look at the road.



"Lalalalala. Lalalalala. Oh, Tia baby?" Sophie hums softly, swinging our hands back and forth.

"Yes, Sophie?"

"Have you seen that episode of Peppa Pig where she hangs up on Suzy? My momma laughs every time she sees it." Sophie explains, giggling to herself.

"Oh yes. I have."

"Good. Can you guys swing me now?" She looks up to Damien who was holding her other hand, waiting for him.

Damien nods and we both pull on her arms, making her swing between us.

"Yay. Again." Sophie cheers, bouncing.

"Not right now, Sophie." Damien silences her, look over at me. "You good?"

"Yeah. I'm fine." I reassure him, smiling.

An older lady walks past us, stopping in her tracks.

"You guys are so cute together. And your wife is so pretty, I can tell why you got her young." She smiles and I gasp, shaking my head.

"Huh? I'm not- We aren't- this-"

"Yeah. I couldn't wait. She's just too beautiful. I just had to see the beautiful product." Damien responds, his eyes filled with mischief.

"Well, I won't hold you guys any longer. Have fun, honeys." The lady waves before leaving and I glare at the man next to me.

"Damien. We aren't a family, why did you tell her that?" I whisper-yell, making sure that he heard me.

"She doesn't know that. Wouldn't make a difference."

"But we do. What does it look like, I had a baby at 13?"

"It's fine, Tia. Stop worrying so much." He shushes me, ending the conversation.

When we finally reach the park, Sophie let's go off Damien and pulls me towards the swings, sitting down.

"Would you like me to push you?"

"No. Swing on the swing next to me."

"Okay, Sophie." I laugh at her cuteness, sitting down and pushing myself back.

"Thank you, angel."


"Uncle Damien, can I get a dollar?"

"What for, hon?"

"I saw a boy selling books. And his mom said it's only one dollar." Sophie chirps, shifting her weigh on each leg.

Damien takes out his wallet and gives her a ten, making Sophie's eyes widen in surprise.

She runs away back to the table, giving the lady the money and waiting for her change. When Sophie comes back, she's holding a book with a moon covering the front.

"Here you go." Sophie hands Damien the change and book but he pushes the money in her pocket.

"This has Italian in it Sophie." He tells her, flipping through the pages.

"I know. I thought you could read it to me." She holds her head down, playing with her fingers.

"Of course, Soph. We'll go eat and then head to my house now, okay?" Damien reasons with her, taking my hand in his.

I pull away awkwardly, standing up to hold Sophie's hand.

"Yay. Tia baby, we're going to learn Italian." Sophie starts skipping as we walk out the playground, looking ahead of her.

I feel a hand hold my free one and I look up, making eye contact with Damien, he was obviously upset.

"What's your problem?"

"I don't know what you're talking about." I mutter, puffing up my cheeks.

"Tia, I've warned you before that I'm not afraid to dominate you. What's your problem?" Damien growls, his accent stronger now.

"Dominate me? What are you going to do? I'm not afraid." I tease, making my way to his car.

"You want to know?"

"Pretty sure that's why I asked?" I stress, buckling Sophie in when he opens the door.

"Babygirl, I wouldn't play those games if I was you." He chuckles, pressing against my back. Releasing my hand, he makes his way down, holding onto my leg. "Drop the attitude. Am I understood?"

"Mhmm." I hum, keeping my eyes on Sophie.

"Words, Tia. Use your words."

"Yes, Damien."

"Good girl." He moves away and walks to the opposite side of the car, sitting down.

"Are you okay, Tia baby?" Sophie asks, touching my cheeks which were burning by now.

"Yes, Sophie. I'm great."

"Good. Because Uncle Damien can be kinda scary sometimes." She laughs nervously, looking in front.

"I know."

Grinning at her, I close the door and go to sit in the front, buckling myself in and waiting for Damien to drive off.

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